Past Memories

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A/N DISCLAIMER!!!: All credit goes to the creators of Pokemon and Pokemon the first movie. I used some quotes from the movie in order to recreate it as a dream/vision in this chapter. And I'm sorry for the longer wait. Enjoy!!!

Jen woke up on a cool, stone ground. She quickly sat up, scared by the thought of being caught by Team Rocket again, and took in her surroundings. Much to her relief, she was in a large hall filled with six Pokemon trainers and their Pokemon. She sighed happily and climbed to her feet.

The three of the trainers sat at a large table that was set in the center of the hall, and began introducing their Pokemon to the three trainers standing at the head of the table. Jen studied the trainers and their Pokemon, but froze when she recognized two of the standing trainers.

"Ash? Misty?" She said softly to herself.

Ash and Misty looked much younger than they did when Jen had last seen them. In fact, Ash looked the exactly same age when he first left Pallet Town to begin his training with Pikachu. They hadn't seemed to notice her yet, which gave her some time to change into Mikey, but, for some reason, her mind projection wasn't working.

"Maybe this is just a dream." She looked at Ash and his friends and pondered to herself. "Would they be able to see me if I tried to interact with them? Only one way to find out for sure."

Jen began walking up to the trio, but slowed to a stop when the lights suddenly began to dim. All of the trainers and Jen looked over at a woman wearing a maroon dress. She stood stiffly in front of a spiral stairway that disappeared into the high ceiling, and stared at them with hollow eyes.

"Is that Nurse Joy?" Jen wondered.

A beam suddenly appeared within the stairway, and Nurse Joy began to speak in a very monotone voice. "You are about to meet my master. Your time has come to encounter the greatest Pokemon master on Earth."

Some of the Pokemon began to react strangely to Nurse Joy's statement, but Jen ignored their comments and watched as a figure descended through the light. All of the trainers watched as the figure stopped at their level and stared out at them with pride and disgust in his eyes.

Jen stared at him, not quite knowing how to react. "Mewtwo? I didn't know he was once a Pokemon master. Wait...he did say something about having Pokemon when he was Kenji. Why is he here? Why is he revealing himself to all of these trainers? What's wrong with Joy?"

Nurse Joy continued speaking in her monotone voice. "Yes, the world's greatest Pokemon master is also the most powerful Pokemon on Earth. This is the ruler of New Island and soon the whole world. Mewtwo."

"What?!" Jen asked, stunned by Joy's words.

Ash and his friends turned towards her. "When did you get here?" Ash asked, surprised that he had not noticed her earlier.

Jen stiffened. "Shit."

"A Pokemon can't be a Pokemon master! No way!" One of the trainers from the table screamed as he shot up from his chair.

Jen shot him a look. "Who came up with that rule, jackass?"

"Quiet, human." Both Joy and Mewtwo said in unison. "From now on I am the one who makes the rules."

"What?!" Jen cried again.

"How is it talking?" Misty asked. She too was stunned, but for a completely different reason than Jen.

"It's psychic." The older boy, Brock, exclaimed.

Mewtwo held out one of his hands to the boy at the table. The boy stiffened as a blue aura enveloped him and lifted him into the air. The boy gritted his teeth in pain as he rose higher and higher into the air. Mewtwo smirked and threw the boy into the nearby fountain with his Pokemon.

Catch Me. Save Me. (Seq. to What Am I?)Where stories live. Discover now