I'm Doing This Because I Love You

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A/N: >:D

        Jen began walking towards the gateway when Mewtwo suddenly stopped her. She looked up at him with curiosity and hope in her eyes. “…”
        “Leave your gem.” Mewtwo ordered.
        Jen had almost forgotten about it. She felt the lump it formed in her pocket and grimaced as the hope in her eyes faded. She didn’t want to leave it behind, but…if she kept it, she would only be reminded, and even tempted to return to her home.
        Reluctantly, she slipped her hand into her pocket and fished the gem out. It dangled by the thin string and sparkled in the air. “…”
        “My dear, are you alright? You…you don’t look very happy. Are you not glad that this is finally over with? That Giovanni…er, our Giovanni is gone?” Colress asked as he moved away from his controls.
        “My dear?” Mewtwo repeated with a hint of irritation in his voice.
        Colress looked at Mewtwo with a hint of uneasiness in his eyes. “It’s just a nickname I have for her. Nothing more, nothing less.”
        Mewtwo glowered at Colress, while Jen approached Mewtwo, who was still lying unconsciously on the lab table. He wouldn’t know that she had left until well after the gateway was closed. She placed the gem in Mewtwo’s hand and closed his fingers around it.
        She stroked the fur on top of Mewtwo’s head and planted a light kiss on his forehead. “Goodbye, Mewtwo…I love you.” Jen whispered before standing up and turning towards Mewtwo, who was standing over the gateway’s controls, and the gateway.
        Giovanni and the remaining scouts, with the exception of Black, White, and John, had crossed back over to their world, and were now waiting for them to cross over as well. Though, Giovanni eyed Mewtwo cautiously as he examined Colress’s control panel. “What are you doing?”
        Mewtwo ignored the man’s question as he proceeded to do something to the controls.
        Jen, on the other hand, didn’t bother to check to see what he was doing. She wanted to spend as much time as she could with her Mewtwo before she had to leave for the other world. “I don’t want to leave.
        Mewtwo glanced over at Jen to see her still standing beside his unconscious other. There was a melancholy, but also adoring look in her eyes.
        “Are you ready to leave, Mewtwo?” Blastoise asked.
        “Hmm? In a moment. Jen.”
        The girl slowly turned her gaze towards Mewtwo. She bit her lip and reluctantly walked away from the lab table.
        “My dear, what’s…what are you doing?” Colress asked as Jen stood beside Mewtwo. “You’re not going to be leaving with them…are you?”
        Ash, Red, and N’s heads shot up as Colress voiced his question. The distress in his voice also sent them on edge. The three boys stood from their seats and proceeded towards Colress. Unfortunately, Venusaur and Charizard blocked their way.
        “Jen, stop! Don’t go!”
        Jen’s head snapped over to the lab doors to see White, both of her sisters, and their Pokemon bursting through the door. They didn’t get very far as each one of them slammed into a blue force field. However, the alternate humans and their Pokemon were now missing.
        “White?!” Jen gasped when she noticed that her alternate was missing. “Mewtwo, where’s White and Black?”
        Mewtwo motioned towards the gateway.
        Jen glanced inside to see White, Black, John, and their Pokemon standing amongst the group of scouts. White and Black looked back at the gateway and sprinted for the opening. Their attempts to cross back over were in vain as the gateway was blocked by a blue force field.
        “Let my little sister go!” Libby barked as she pounded her hands against the shield. “Don’t you dare take her away from me! She’s my baby sister!”
        Jen tried to take a step towards Libby and her Pokemon, but was stopped as Mewtwo turned her around to face him. She tried to retain a blank expression, but Mewtwo could see the sorrow in her eyes.
        She may have agreed to leave with him, but she would never truly be happy in his world. He would only be hurting her…And even though she had admitted to loving him, he would never completely have her heart. She loved his alternate more.
        “You love him more.” Mewtwo stated with a heavy sigh.
        Jen flinched at the sudden statement while the clones and everyone watched on curiously. “H-Huh?”
        “Huh?” Everyone else repeated.
        “I told you before, Jen. I want you to be happy, and if that means I must let you go, then so be it.”
        The lab was silent as Mewtwo’s words sunk in. He was letting Jen stay. Joy filled the girl’s heart as she hugged the tall Legendary.
        Mewtwo slowly enclosed her in an embrace and held her for a long time. He wanted to take her and make her his, but her happiness mattered more to him. He pressed his lips to her forehead one last time before releasing her.
        He turned towards the gateway and was met with multiple wide eyes. Even Giovanni looked stunned by the sudden turn of events. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Instead he gave the Legendary a grateful nod.
        Before anyone else could make a comment Mewtwo waved a hand at the controls, switching the location of the gateway.
        New Island.
        Jen stared at the island through the gateway. Another smile crossed her face as the knowledge of her being able to stay crossed her mind. However, it slowly dwindled to a small frown as Mewtwo and his clones wordlessly crossed through the gateway. Only Emi seemed to glance back at her, but it was only for a brief peek. Jen couldn’t help feeling a little remorseful for Mewtwo, but at the same time very grateful. “Thank you, Mewtwo.
        Neither he nor any of his clones responded or looked back at her as the gateway closed behind them and shut down. Everyone in the lab remained silent and unmoving for a moment as their minds slowly register the fact that the mission was over and they were, for once in a very long time, free from Team Rocket.
        Although, as soon as Libby and everyone else snapped back to their senses, they all pounced on Jen due to the fact that Mewtwo’s force field vanished as soon as the gateway closed. Mew was the first to nail her with a surprise hug.
        “Never do that again, Jen.” The little Legendary whined.
        “Whatever Mew just said, I second it you big jerk!” Libby wailed as she nearly suffocated Jen in a bear hug. “You were gonna leave me again with a cruddy goodbye! Mind you, you didn’t even really say goodbye this time. Jerk!”
        Jen didn’t know how to respond other than hugging her older sister back.
        “No more making deals, Jen. Got it?” Haunter said firmly as he, Vulpix, and Rattata joined in on the hug. “No joke. No more deals.”
        “Alright. I promise.” Jen replied softly as she embraced her Pokemon.
        “So…where to now?” Colress asked. The others could hear the want in his tone of voice to leave the Rocket base. To be honest, they all wanted to return to the surface and leave the dreaded place behind them.
        Jen glanced over at Mewtwo, who was still conked out on the lab table. Freeing herself from her friends, she walked quietly over to him and knelt down so she was at eye-level with him. Who knew how much longer he would be out like this.
        “We can carry him, ya know.” Mew teased. “It may be easier.”
        “I agree, Mew. Colress, can you use your gateway one more time and get us onto the surface?” N requested. “We’ll carry Mewtwo through.”
        “I can do that. Any preferences on where I should have our destination?” Colress asked as his fingers hovered eagerly over the controls.
The group exchanged glances.
        “That kind of depends.” Latias said, finally breaking the silence. “I’d like to return to Altomare just in case Miss Bianca and her grandfather have returned. If not, then Pallet Town.”
        “Err…how about no to Pallet Town.” Haunter and Vulpix grimaced. “Our former master is still there…hopefully.”
        “But what if Ash and Red want to see their mom? Red hasn’t seen her in years, and I’m sure she would love to see him again.” Pikachu -Red’s Pikachu- stated. “Colress can open a gateway for us to Pallet Town so the boys can see their mom. We can meet up with you guys later if you want.”
        “We could do that, but--”
        “Red needs something to cheer him up.” Espeon said as she looked up at her trainer.
        Jen and the others followed her gaze towards Red. He looked back at them with a puzzled expression, but Jen could see the sorrow that he was trying to conceal within his eyes. He still missed Amy.
        “Red…” Jen looked around the lab for Amy, but neither she nor her Pokemon could be seen. The organization that Libby worked with must have taken them while they were arresting all of the Teams. She turned her attention back towards Libby and spoke softly as to not alert Red. “Lib, uh…Amy?”
        “Who’s Amy?” Libby asked in an equally hushed tone.
        “Red’s girlfriend. She was brought in here earlier with her Pokemon, but…um…she--”
        “Long, black hair, very pale, Pokemon surrounding her all teary-eyed?” Libby asked. “Yeah. I saw her. Agent Phil took…WAIT?! RED HAS A GIRLFRIEND?! Why am I always the last one to be told stuff like this?! Jeez, guys, what else haven’t you all told me?”
        “Libby, shut up!” Jen hissed as she tried to hush her sister, who had switched over to using her physical voice to speak.
        “Aww! Come here, Red, you little womanizer you!” Libby chirped as she reached out to yank her mute cousin into a tight embrace.
        Red looked over his shoulder with wide eyes as Libby approached him with her arms outstretched.  There was amusement and a hint of horror in his expression. He took a few steps back from Libby, while his Pokemon and the others couldn’t help, but chuckle a little at the scene going on before them.
        Jen grabbed her sister and pulled her back before she could tackle their smirking cousin. “Not helping, Libby!
        “So, have we all decided on where to go?” Colress pressed. He was losing his patience.
        “Anywhere outside would do. Viridian Forest.” Jen said, naming the first place she could think of at the moment. She didn’t really care where they wound up, just as long as they left the base.
        Colress nodded and let his fingers fly over the controls. The gateway whirled to life and opened, revealing a cluster of vibrant, green trees and tall grass as far as the eye could see. The sound of Pokemon scurrying about the forest and the air blowing through the leaves of the tree filled the room.
        “Ooh! Let’s go! Let’s go!” Mew squealed. She spun in the air, grabbed Vulpix, and dove through the gateway. “FFrrrreeee!!!”
        Rattata, Haunter, and Latias tailed behind the hyper Legendary. Ash nudged Red in the side and gestured towards the gateway, silently asking if he was ready to leave. Red nodded and motioned for his Pokemon to follow them to the surface.
        None of them hesitated as they all crossed over to the surface, leaving N, Colress, the sisters, and Mewtwo in the lab.
        N looked over at Jen and Libby. “Ladies first?”
        “Ooh, what a gentleman. Come on, Jen. Grab your mon and let’s go.” Libby snickered.
        Jen rolled her eyes humoredly at her sister. “My mon? Funny, Lib.”
        N walked up beside her and motioned towards Mewtwo. “Would you like some help? I can carry him too.”
        “Sure. Colress, you coming?” Jen asked as she and N carefully lifted Mewtwo off of the lab table.
        “I’ll cross over after you all. I want to render this machine unusable just in case someone stumbles upon this base. It would be a shame if some Team grunt or scientist would stumble upon my work and use it.” Colress stated as his fingers flew over the controls. “Go. I’m tired of being in this place.”
        Neither Jen nor N hesitated as they carried Mewtwo through the archway. “Help me lay him down by one of the trees.”
        N nodded, but didn’t move when Jen tried to walk with Mewtwo over to a nearby tree. “I don’t think that’ll be necessary.” He let go of Mewtwo and took a step back.
        Jen slowly looked up at Mewtwo to see him looking down at her with relief in his eyes. The corners of Jen’s mouth curled up into a broad smile. “Hello, Mewt--”
        Mewtwo wrapped both of his arms around Jen and cradled her close to his chest. He didn’t hesitate to crush her lips with his. Jen lifted a hand to caress his cheek as Mewtwo slowly broke the kiss and placed a hand over her’s, holding her hand closer to him. “He let you stay. I thought I may have lost you again.”
        Jen shook her head and leaned into him. “Never again, love. I am yours and yours alone. I love you, Mewtwo.”
        “And I you, Jen.”

Catch Me. Save Me. (Seq. to What Am I?)Where stories live. Discover now