Secrets and Memories

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        “Forgive me, Giovanni, but I cannot risk the lives of any of my surface scouts for two girls. If it was a missing group, then by all means, I would not hesitate to help you. Do you understand?” Lysander stated apologetically.
        Both Giovanni and Lysander had been talking and arguing with one another for a good couple of hours about whether or not to send out a rescue team to look for Jen and White.
        “I do understand, but hear me out. These two girls--”
        “My friend, there is nothing more to discuss. If you wish to send your surface scouts out to find them, then that is your decision, but they have families too. What if they are found and killed?” The orange-haired man asked sternly. “Are you willing to sacrifice the lives of dozens of men and women for two girls?”
        Giovanni sighed. “I would rather keep everyone alive, but during times like these, we cannot always get what we ask for, Lysander.”
        “So why does it sound like you still want to send out surface scouts for two female civilians? I do not mean to sound like an âne (ass), but it would make more sense to leave them.”
        “Each and every man and woman who is trained as a scout knows how to traverse the surface without being spotted by any clones. And even if they are found, they will fight to their very last breaths to get away.”
        Lysander shook his head. “I will not help you, Giovanni. Je suis désolé (I am sorry).”
        “Lysander--” Giovanni growled.
        “Adieu, Giovanni, and bonne chance (best of luck).”
        “One of them is not from this world!”
        Lysander froze on the screen and stared at Giovanni. “Pardon?”
        Giovanni growled to himself. “I really shouldn’t be resorting to this.” “They are both the same girl, but one of them is from another world. If we do not send out at least a half a dozen scouts out to find them, each, then we will be abandoning a civilian from another world. What do you believe they would think of us if they were to ever find out?”
        Lysander’s lips formed a thin line as he thought this over. “This would be very cruel of you if you were tricking me into helping you.”
        “Trust me, Lysander. I am not. I give you my word.” Giovanni said sincerely. “You can even meet them if you so desire and ask her about her world.”
        Lysander shifted on his feet as he continued to ponder over his decision. “Why is she here? Why did she come to this world? Humans and non-clone Pokemon are being hunted by clones.”
        “You can ask her that once both girls are found.”
        “I am still not fully convinced.”
        “How?” Giovanni hissed.
        “If we manage to rescue the two missing girls, what will happen? Will the girl from the other world return to her world and leave us none the wiser, or will her world’s people come and save us from the Hell that we are in?”
        Giovanni shrugged. “We will just have to see.”
        Lysander shut his eyes and drummed the side of his leg in thought. “But what if they are already dead? What if the clones have already--”
        “They are not dead. I can promise you that.”
        Lysander opened his eyes with a quizzically gleam in them. “Do not make promises that you cannot keep, mon ami (my friend).”
        “Will you help me?” Giovanni asked starkly.
        The former Team Leader slowly began looking away. “I don’t know if--”
        “Don’t you dare turn your back on these girls!” Giovanni roared.
        Lysander lifted his hand to signal cutting the connection with their conversation, but what Giovanni blurted next caught him in mid-gesture.
        “The alternate girl is part Mew.”
        “Qu’est-ce? (What?)”
        Giovanni rubbed his eyes, furious with his impulsiveness. “Did I really just let that slip? Careless imbecile!
        “I will send scouts out to search from them.”
        Giovanni’s eyes flew open as his gaze moved up to face the former Team Leader. “Are you kidding me? That’s what changed your mind? That’s your reason for helping?!”
        “You said that she is part Mew. Perhaps she could help us fight against the clones, no?”
        “We’re done here, Lysander.” Giovanni growled bitterly. “My scouts will find them on their own. Forget that I even asked for your help.”
        The screen cut off to black, leaving Giovanni alone in the empty room with his thoughts. “God damn it!

Catch Me. Save Me. (Seq. to What Am I?)Where stories live. Discover now