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        “It. Is. Not. Possible. It’s just a stupid gem! I’m working on a useless rock!” Lovrina whined as she laid her head down on the lab table.
She had been examining and running tests on the gem that Giovanni had given her earlier. She had also made a couple grunts bring her Celebi and Meloetta to see if the gem would react to them, but nothing happened. No matter what she did, the gem remained, well, a gem. Nothing more, nothing less.
        “What the Hell did Giovanni see? This is so stupid! I’m wasting my time!” Lovrina groaned. She glared at the gem that was resting at an arm’s length reach away from her. “Do something, you pathetic little thing!
        Nothing. Not even mentally willing—begging—could make it work.
        Celebi winced in her comatose state, causing Lovrina to rapidly back away from the table. Lovrina had put both Legendries under while she ran experiments on the gem and them for her own safety, but they would wince and growl every so often in their sleep.
        “Not cool.”
        The Fairy Legendary growled softly in her sleep, but did nothing else, much to Lovrina’s relief.
        “Why am I doing this? I’m being forced to play around with a stupid rock!” Lovrina cried as she hurtled the gem across the lab. She turned and glowered at one of the cameras in the room. “I am sick and tired of doing this! What is the purpose of experimenting on a stupid rock that doesn’t do anything?!”
        The camera remained as it was; silent and unmoving.
        “Answer me, Giovanni!” Lovrina screamed.
        No reply.
        “Even now I am wasting my time.” Lovrina muttered as her gaze landed on the gem. “Giovanni is just toying with me now. For all I know, Nap and Greevil are dead. This is soso…Why is Giovanni doing this? He has gone completely loco, and he’s driving me mad too.
The pink-haired woman trudged over to the gem and picked the small trinket up. She stared numbly at the glimmering rock and shook. “I don’t want to do this anymore…but I don’t want to die…”
        Her lower lip quivered as she slowly slid to the ground. “I don’t want to do this anymore…I want to live, but not in this Hellhole.” She sobbed as she buried her face in her hands.
        Little did the weeping woman know, three teens were watching her from the small crack in the open door.

Following Jen
        It wasn’t easy, but after a while, Jen was able to slip out of Mewtwo’s embrace without waking him. Now she was trying to think of a way to get him out of the office without anyone seeing him, especially John and White. God forbid either of them caught her with Mewtwo.
        John almost caught them, but Jen had kinetically locked the door and waited in silence as her dad tried to get into the office. Luckily, he gave up and left without waking Mewtwo. That, unfortunately, didn’t mean that John wouldn’t go looking for her. If and or when he realized that she was still in the office, he would definitely return to try to get in again.
        “I don’t know how hard it may be getting Mewtwo to leave the facility. Hopefully he’ll be sober sooner rather than later…I wonder if a Full Heal will do anything for him?” Jen thought to herself as she watched Mewtwo resting on the couch. “Also wonder how much he’ll remember from earlier. It’s been about…two hours. Wow, didn’t think it has been that long.
        She walked over to Giovanni’s desk. There wasn’t a whole lot on the surface; mostly regular office supplies. “Does he have a Full Heal in his desk that I could use? But that would be considered stealing, wouldn’t it?
        Jen sighed and began walking back over to the couch when she suddenly noticed a small, yellow handled canister buried in Giovanni’s trashcan. She knelt down and pushed away the crushed pieces or paper to find a Full Heal. She quickly shook it to hear that it still had some spray left in it.
        “What are the odds?” She thought with a chuckle.
        Jen moved to Mewtwo’s side and held the canister up to him. “I just hope this works…I’m going to laugh if it does.” She sprayed the remaining Full Heal onto the slumbering Legendary, hoping it was enough to sober him up.
        Once the canister was emptied, Jen tossed it back into the trashcan (with the help of her telekinesis) and stood up. “It may be a little while longer before he wakes up. I should probably check to see how many people are returning to the upper levels.
        Jen walked over to the door and pressed her ear and hands up against it. She could hear people walking around outside. Some of them sounded like they were talking about the truce. A few of them sounded bitter about the whole situation, while others sounded rather happy about it.
        “I guess Giovanni convinced a lot of them that the truce is good, and that the clones can be trusted?” She thought hopefully as she pulled away from the door, but something glimmering caught her eye. Her gaze was locked onto the green gem that was still tied securely around her wrist. “Mew and Mewtwo said that they could see us from the other world with their gems, but I haven’t seen anyone from my world…do I even want to?
        Hesitantly, Jen lifted the gem up to eye level and stared at it curiously. She wanted to be able to see her friends and know if they were alright, but what would happen if she saw that they were in pain? Mewtwo may not allow her to cross over and help them. Not yet at least.
She looked through the gem’s green, transparent form and saw Mewtwo still sleeping on the couch. “What do I need to do in order to see my friends?
        Jen leapt at the shrill cry of Giovanni’s phone. “SSSHHHHUUUUSSSSHHHH!!!” She squealed as she spun on her heels and dove for his desk, ripping the phone off of its cradle before it could wake Mewtwo.
        “Giovanni? Bon jour. It’s Lysandre.”
        Jen’s eyes widened. “Lysandre? The same Lysandre that Dad and Giovanni were talking about?
        “Still not talking, I see? Compréhensible (Understandable).” The Frenchman sighed. “I wanted to call to apologize for my behavior the other day. Forgive me, my friend.”
        “You must know that I was faced with a serious decision when you asked me to send a group of scouts out to the surface. I didn’t want to risk their lives. Though, I did hear that the two girls returned safely. How are they?”
        Jen bit her lip to keep from speaking her mind. She wanted to scream at the man, but she knew to hold her tongue.
        “Let’s not have any hard feelings between us, ami (friend). I’ll make it up to you.”
        “You are not saying anything, Giovanni.” Lysandre muttered. “Can I still meet the Mew girl?”
        Jen’s hand constricted around the handle of the phone. She wanted to hang up, but she couldn’t make her hand lower the phone onto its cradle.
        “I can hear you, Giovanni. You’re just being rude now.” Lysandre scolded.
        A thin, blue light shot up from the phone’s cradle and formed the upper half of Lysandre. Jen flinched at the sight of the hologram.
        The holographic man stared at Giovanni’s empty chair and frowned in confusion. His image flickered as Lysandre’s view of Giovanni’s office switched from facing his chair towards Jen. “Oh, je suis désolé (I am sorry). I thought I was speaking to Giovanni. Where is he?”
        Jen shrugged. “He won’t be back for a while. You can leave him a message through me is you wish.”
        “Thank you, but I--” Lysandre’s image froze as his eyes locked onto something behind Jen. “Is that…”
        Jen didn’t have to look over her shoulder to know who the Team Leader was referring to. Though, she was surprised that she hadn’t heard him get up from the couch and approach her.
        Now, Mewtwo was standing over her, staring blankly at Lysandre. “What do you want?”
        Lysandre blinked in awe and fear as he gazed upon Mewtwo before eventually finding his voice. “I wanted to speak with Giovanni…about the girl from—What are you doing in Giovanni’s office? How did you get into the facility?”
        “That’s none of your business, human.” Mewtwo hissed.
        “Then may I ask why you are with this girl? Where is Giovanni? Is he dead?”
        Jen could have sworn she heard hope in his voice. She scowled at the holographic image. “Are you hoping that he is dead?”
        “Dear child, no, not at all.” The man replied simply. “I’m just…concerned. Why are you, Mewtwo, King of the clones, inside the same facility that Giovanni is in? Where is he? And what reason have you for being with this girl?”
        “I have my reasons.” Mewtwo growled. “Hang up, Mi.”
        Jen reached forward to place the phone back on its cradle when Lysandre suddenly exclaimed. “You’re the Mew girl, aren’t you? That is why you are with Mewtwo.”
        Jen frozen and looked over at Lysandre.
        “My, my, you are a beautiful creature.”
        Mewtwo grabbed the phone from Jen and slammed it down onto its cradle. The call ended instantly, but Mewtwo didn’t want to risk Lysandre calling back. The whole entire phone broke as Mewtwo kinetically smashed it.
        Jen slowly looked from the shattered remains of Giovanni’s phone to Mewtwo. “You could have just unplugged it, ya know.”
        “I do not want him speaking to you.” Mewtwo growled.
        Jen snickered. “Well now we owe Giovanni a new phone for his desk.”
        “We owe him nothing!” Mewtwo spit as he looked down at Jen. His expression immediately softened to one that reflected guilt. “Why didn’t you tell me about your cousin?”
        Jen’s shoulders slumped. Why did he have to look so sad? “We’ve already talked about this last night, Mewtwo. Don’t you remember?”
        “It’s slowly coming back to me.” Mewtwo groaned as he rubbed his head. “The drink your sister gave me was vile.”
        “I guess the Full Heal kind of worked.” “Then why did you accept her challenge? You know that there is no shame in denying a challenge like that, especially from Libby.” Jen said lightly as she reached up to massage his temples.
        Mewtwo grabbed both of her wrists before she could touch him. He held her hands gently for a moment, silently gathering his thoughts. “Did you mean everything you said?”
        “What do you remember?”
        He didn’t respond right away. “You said that you didn’t see me as a monster, and that…you loved me. Did you mean it?”
        Jen looked at her hands that were still being held by Mewtwo’s. “You are not a monster, Mewtwo.”
        “But you still don’t love me, do you?”
        “I have Kenji, Mewtwo.” Jen stated as she looked at the green gem that hung from her wrist.
        “So will you continue to be like this after your friends are rescued, and we have returned?” He asked bitterly when he noticed what she was staring at.
        Jen was silent. That was one of the many things that she had been trying to keep herself from thinking about for the past couple of days. “I don’t know.”
        Mewtwo grabbed the gem and held it up to Jen, who was trying really hard to keep it wrapped around her wrist. “Remember our deal, Jen. After your friends are saved and your world’s Giovanni is dealt with, you will not see them again.”
        “I know.” Jen mumbled sorrowfully. “Please be careful with the gem.”
        “Why? Is it a gift from the human boy?” He sounded irritated.
        “It’s what’s keeping me in this world. If I remove it, I will be sent back to my world.”
        Mewtwo studied the gem. “How?”
        Jen shrugged. She didn’t know what Arceus did. “It just does. Arceus gave all of the Legendries one in order to help them hide from Team Rocket. He said they would send us to a world where we…” Jen trailed off. If she told Mewtwo the truth, he would never let her…who was she kidding anymore? This world was her new home now.
        “Where we what?” Mewtwo pressed.
        Jen met his gaze. “Where we belong.”
        “And the gem sent you here?”
        Jen nodded.
        Mewtwo hid the grin that was tugging at the edge of his mouth. “So you belong in my world. Did you know about this earlier?”
        “I did, but…I didn’t want to accept it. I didn’t give much thought to it either until recently.”
        “And what about now?”
        Jen shrugged. “I don’t know.”
        Mewtwo released the gem and pulled her close. “I want you to be happy, my Jen. I want you to love living in this world.”
        “I already love this world. It’s beautiful.”
        “But do you love living in it?” Mewtwo asked as he rested his forehead on her’s.
        “…I do.”
        He caressed her cheek and smiled. “I will make you happy, my Jen. I promise.”
        Jen nodded slowly.
        “You’re still upset.”
        “No, I’m not. I’m just tired.” Jen stated. It wasn’t a lie, at least not completely. She hadn’t slept in a while due to not wanting to wake up screaming again. “Let’s get you to the surface. Everyone must be waiting for you.”
        “They are waiting for their queen to return as well.”
        Jen flinched. “Qu-Qu—What?!”
        Mewtwo chuckled at her reaction. “That is what you are; my mate and queen. A human can’t grant you that, can he?’
        Both Jen and Mewtwo looked over at Giovanni’s computer. Someone had sent him a message. Jen peered over at the screen to see that it was from Dr. Krane.
        We are ready, but we need to talk first. Have Jen attend please.
        Jen couldn’t contain her excitement. Orre was finally ready! Her friends could finally be rescued, but what did Krane and Lovrina want to talk about, and why did they request her by name? Jen didn’t let that faze her joy as she turned to Mewtwo with a wide grin. “Orre is ready!”
        “Shall we go tell—Where are you going?” Mewtwo chuckled as he watched Jen eagerly bolt for the door.
        “They want to talk first. We need to get to the projector room and see what they want.” Jen said as she threw open the door. “Come on!”
        “Are you not worried about anyone seeing me anymore?” Mewtwo teased as he glided over to her side.
        “…” She had forgotten about that during her excitement. Jen checked both ways down the hall for anyone. Fortunately, the hallway had cleared out quite a bit since last time she had listened. “The coast is clear. Umm…you may need to make yourself look like--”
        Mewtwo scooped her up bridal style before she could finish speaking and walked out of the office. “Third floor, my Jen?”
        Jen nodded.
        Mewtwo took off down the hall towards the nearest stairwell. He was moving rather quickly, passing multiple civilians as they walked the halls. Fortunately, he was moving fast enough to be only a blur in their eyes.
        Jen held on tightly to Mewtwo as she watched the faces of people zip by her vision. No one noticed them, though Jen did hear a few gasps behind them as the civilians were hit by the rough gust created by Mewtwo as he darted past them. Other than that, everything seem fi—Wait.
Jen looked over Mewtwo shoulder as they flew past a trio of teens. Two were green-haired, while the third looked an awful like Red. “Guys?” Jen asked aloud as she watched they run farther away. They looked almost like specters with a slight transparency to their beings.
        “Hmm?” Mewtwo asked. He hadn’t heard Jen very well due to the fast moving air blowing past his ears.
        “I saw my friends…but they’re still in my world.” She glanced at the gem and smiled. “It worked.

Catch Me. Save Me. (Seq. to What Am I?)Where stories live. Discover now