Worst. Rescue. Ever! (Part 2)

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Following the Jens--Present time
        The group was growing closer and closer to the lab, but the grunts seemed to be growing in numbers. Charizard, Blastoise, and Venusaur were growing tired of plowing through the suspended grunts, but they knew they had to keep going.
        “Why are there so many damn grunts?” N growled.
        “They’re trying to slow us down.” Lacy replied as she glance at White and Jen. “They’re trying to catch you.”
        Both White and Jen looked at each other and nodded in silent agreement before Jen launched both of them, their Pokemon and the levitating grunts backwards. If the grunts were coming after them, then they would do their best to be bait.
        “Jen!” Red cried.
        Both Jens ignored him as they sailed down the hall, dragging a majority of the grunts along with them.
        The grunts eventually landed hard on the floor, while both separated parties of teens grew farther and farther away from one another. They quickly climbed to their feet and looked at both groups. Deciding rapidly, half of the grunts went after the Jens, while the other half went after the others.
        Both Jens glanced over their shoulders at the grunts as Jen slowly let them down. They had to make sure the grunts would continue to chase them, or at least a majority of them.
        “The others will run into Giovanni and the others. They’ll be safe.” Jen said under her breath, hoping to reassure herself and her friends.
        White nodded. “We just need to lose these guys--”
        White was cut off as she and everyone else in the group slammed into a blue force field. They collapsed onto the ground groaning as the grunts quickly caught up to them.
        “Master, are you okay?” Both Haunter and Gengar asked in unison.
        If they had been in a better situation, both Jen would have chuckled at how both Haunter and Gengar referred to White and her as master instead of by name. However, now they were in trouble. Mewtwo and Mew had found them again…and the grunts were right behind them.
        One of the grunts grabbed Jen by the hair and began yanking her to her feet, while another hauled White up over his shoulder.
        “Hehe, nice try, but you’re not getting away that easily. Not while we have Legendries under our cont--” The grunt was instantly silenced as one of the Mews began kinetically strangling him. He wheezed and struggled for air, but the Mews didn’t let him go. Eventually his body went limp and crumpled to the ground.
        The others shrunk back in fear before dropping both Jen and White bailing down the hall. They didn’t want to risk winding up like their fallen colleague.
        Jen and White slowly met terrified gazes before looking up to see Mewtwo standing before them.
        Jen grimaced as she looked into his rage-filled eyes. The last time she had seen him (not counting a few minutes ago), he had been trying to protect her, but something seemed different now. “Mewtwo--” She felt her being rise into the air before being violently slammed into the walls.
        “JEN!” White gasped as she and all five of their Pokemon tried to grab Jen. Unfortunately, a large body of crimson and gray crashed into her, knocking all of the air out of her lungs. She gritted her teeth and looked up from where she had been knocked over to see Latias hovering about five feet from her.
        Ninetails and Gengar leapt in between White and the Eon Legendary and growled. “Stay away from her!”
        “White, your purifying gun!” Ninetails barked. She knew the girl wouldn’t be able to understand her, but she had to at least try.
        Almost as if she did understand, White aimed her gun at Latias. The Legendary hissed at her before vanishing. White and her Pokemon flinched as they scanned the hallway for Latias. “Ninetails, Will-o-wisp. Gengar, dark pulse.”
        A blue fireball flew form Ninetails’ maw, while a string of dark purple circles sailed from Gengar’s hands. The air shifted as Latias dodged their attacks.
        White’s eyes widened as both attacks cruised past their target and shot straight for Jen and her Pokemon. “Shit!!! Jen!!
        Jen came to a dead stop as Mewtwo kinetically held her in the way of the oncoming attacks. Time seemed to slow down as Jen, who was shaking and bruised, looked over at the fire and darkness heading her way. She tried to project a force field, but she couldn’t concentrate hard enough. She began to shut her eyes, but stopped as she watched Vulpix leap up into the air.
        Vulpix cried out in pain as she took on the full force of both attacks. Her tiny being crashed onto the ground and rolled to a stop at Jen’s suspended feet.
        The hall fell silent for what felt like forever. Vulpix lay limp on the floor…unmoving.
        Jen’s eyes widened as she stared at the little fire fox. Shock filled her being as she quickly regained focus. “V-Vulpix?”
        No response.
        Haunter tried to rush to his friend’s side, but was pinned to the ground as Mew nailed in the back with a fainted Rattata. “Gawh! Vulpix, come on. Get up! You’re stronger than this.” He choked as he reached a detached hand out to her.
        He couldn’t reach her.
        A tear rolled down Jen’s cheek, one of sorrow for Vulpix, but before it could fall onto her Mewtwo wiped it away.
        “Mewtwo, no!” Jen screamed as she broke from his hold and grabbed his hand.
        Mewtwo lunged for her arm and sunk his teeth deep into her skin. Jen screamed loudly and instinctively tried to back away from him, but the pressure of his bite only increased. Warm, crimson blood began dripping from Mewtwo’s mouth. “M-Mewtwo, please let go! It hurts!” She tried to push the command into his mind, but he only growled at her pleas.
        Gengar leapt at Mewtwo and body slammed him into the wall.
        Jen let out an even louder shriek as she cradled her left arm. When Gengar had tackled Mewtwo back, he had failed to realize that Mewtwo didn’t let up enough on his hold of Jen. In other words, Jen had thin, bleeding lines running off of her forearm from where Mewtwo’s teeth had been forcefully dragged through her skin.
        “Jen?” Her Pokemon gasped.
        “I’m…fine.” She hissed through clenched teeth, but that was an obvious lie. “Vulpix?”
        “I’ve got her. She’s still breathing.” White replied. “The gun still isn’t working on the Mews. We’ve got to go.”
        A hoarse cackle caught both Jens’ and their Pokemons’ attention. They all looked over to see Giovanni grinning demonically down at them. “It’s so good to see you again, Mewthree. And Mewthree? How did this happen?”
        The hall was silent once again as the Jens and their Pokemon took in his horrendous appearance.
        “Like my new face? I have you to thank for it.” The horrific looking man sneered as he gestured to his screwed up face.
        Both girls screamed as loudly as they could.
        Giovanni, Mew, Mewtwo and all of their Pokemon covered their ears as best they could and grimaced as the girls’ screams grew louder and louder. Actually, it was really just Jen’s (supersonic) scream that had them all paralyzed.
        Using this distraction, White grabbed Rattata and Jen’s uninjured arm and ran from the Rocket Leader. Ninetails, Gengar, and Haunter followed close behind them.
        Giovanni rubbed his ringin ears and scowled at the fleeing girls. He let a scoff slip from his torn lips. “Mewthree and its other will not disappear again.” He looked at Mew, Mewtwo, and Latias, who had reappeared. “Go get them. Kill anyone in your way. In fact, kill the other Mewthree. I just want the original.”
        The Jens and their Pokemon were still screaming as they bolted down the hallway. They didn’t care about running into any grunts, especially the grunts who were chasing them earlier. All they cared about was getting as far from Giovanni’s face as possible.
        “HIS FACE!” White cried.
        “I KNOW!”
        “I KNOW!”
        “I DON’T KNOW!”
        “YOUR ARM!”
        “SHUT UP!” Jen growled.
        “But Mewtwo—Umph! Jen!” White screamed as she was kinetically dragged backwards. “HELP!”
        Jen and their Pokemon spun on their heels and raced after White. She threw a hand out to her alternate and projected a white force field wall behind White. The girl stopped as soon as she hit the wall, but remained pinned.
        “They’re still trying to pull me back. It hurts, Jen.” White cried. “I feel like I’m being crushed!”
        “Stay calm, White.” Jen urged as she tried to block the Mews’ abilities.
        No use. Both Mews were using their psychic powers together. Plus…Jen was getting kind of woozy. The loss of blood, plus the running, plus the fading adrenaline rush was now starting to hit her.
        “Damn it. Guys, start pulling. I’ll try to--” She stopped when she saw Mewtwo standing on the other side of her force field. He scowled and growled at her.
        Jen’s heart ached as she looked at Mewtwo. There was no recognition of her in his eyes. “What did that monster do to you, Mewtwo?” Jen whispered as she cradled her bloody arm.
        Mew, without Jen noticing right away, rammed herself into the force field while inside one of her own, causing Jen’s to shatter. White fell backwards, but she didn’t slide back like she had been earlier.
        “White, run!” Jen barked as she kinetically lifted and shoved White out of the Mews’ way. Unfortunately, Mewtwo grabbed her injured arm and squeezed. “AAHHH! Mewtwo!”
        White lifted her gun and aimed it at Mewtwo. She pulled back the trigger and held it down, letting the energy fire out multiple times. Still, nothing happened.
        “Why won’t this thing work?” White wondered angrily. Her thoughts turned panicked as she listened to her alternate scream. “I’m sorry, Jen.”
        She ran towards Jen and Mewtwo and tried to push him away, but Mew, who had been battling their Pokemon again along with Latias, snatched her up into a kinetic grip and squeezed.
        It felt like her whole entire being was being crushed by multiple unseen hands. White bit her lip and clenched her fists as she tried hard to keep from screaming.
        “Let them go!” Gengar and Haunter roared as they charged Mew and Mewtwo.
        No use. They were both thrown backwards as Latias attacked them with dark and fiery claws…shadow claw.
        “M-Mew…w-why?” Vulpix cried softly. She had woken up when White had been yanked back by the Mews. “Why?”
        Mew narrowed her eyes at the small Pokemon and threw a pink orb of energy at her. Vulpix leapt out of the way, but just barely evading the attack.
        “Mew, please don’t do this. I don’t want to do this anymore. I’m done playing this game! I-I want to go home!”
        The little Legendary froze, but only for a moment. A spark of recognization had appeared within her fury-filled eyes, but only for a moment.
        “Mew!” Vulpix cried as she felt herself being lifted into the air. “Mew, it’s me! Vulpix! Please! Jen, help!”
        Jen wanted to help, but her mind was not with her body. Instead, Mewtwo had pulled her into his mind when she had once again attempted to push a command into his subconsciousness.

Catch Me. Save Me. (Seq. to What Am I?)Where stories live. Discover now