Catching A Legendary

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Amy and the boy were walking hand in hand down the street together. They had just left the café and were aimlessly walking through town together.

        “Let’s go this way. I want to go by the Bell Tower and see if Sayo and the others are there dancing. I forgot when she said that they were to dance at the Tower.” Amy said as she pulled him along.

        He rolled his eyes and willingly followed her down the shaded trail. They came upon the Tower rather quickly, but no one was there.

        Amy pursed her lips. “Bummer. I was really hoping to see them dancing at the Tower.” She looked at him and smiled slyly. “Do you want to go inside and look around for a bit? It’ll be fuuunn!”

        The boy looked up at the Bell Tower. The Tower stood proud and strong in the morning light, a symbol of pride and harmony to the people of the town. Unfortunately, for him, it reminded him of the Pokemon Tower back in Kanto, and his past experiences with it. He sighed and nodded at Amy with a smile. “Let’s go.” He signed.

        “You really need to teach me some more sign language if we’re going to communicate, Red.” She giggled as she led him towards the entrance of the Tower.

        He squeezed her hand and walked inside with her.

        Unlike the Pokemon Tower, the Bell Tower had nothing, but wooden stairs on the inside leading up to the top.

        Amy let go of his hand and began running up the stairs. “Race you!”

        Red ran after her, but he didn’t last very long. Amy had a ton of stamina that helped carry her up to the top. She stopped somewhere above him and looked down at him. “Hurry ya slowpoke!”

        “I’m coming!” He signed as he continued to climb the stairs.

        It took them both a while to reach the top, but the sight was worth the climb. They walked out onto the roof and looked out onto the city. Red reached out and held Amy’s hand as they stared at the stunning view.

        “It’s beautiful, huh?” She grinned.

        Red nodded.

        “The Legendary that this Tower was built for is said to be just as magnificent. I’d say we could try and summon it to catch it, but we kind of need a few things before we can even begin to hope that it will come.” Amy pouted.

        “And what Legendary is this Tower for?” Red signed.

        Amy watched his hand motions as she tried to interpret what he had said. “You said something about the Legendary, right? Where is the Legendary?”

        Red shook his head and repeated himself.

        “What is the Legendary?”

        Red nodded and gave her a thumbs up.

        “It is Ho-Oh.” Amy replied. Red perked up at the sound of the Legendry’s name. “Did you know that Ho-Oh is believed to have the power to bring back the dead?”

        Red didn’t answer. His mind was racing. “If I can convince Ho-Oh to fly over the Seafoam Islands, then maybe Jen will be revived…but that also means that any and all of the Rocket grunts who died as well might come back to life as well. Then again just convincing it may be the biggest challenge. The last time Jen and Ho-Oh were together they just about got into a fight.

Catch Me. Save Me. (Seq. to What Am I?)Where stories live. Discover now