I Choose You

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        Jen was still shell-shocked after Mewtwo finally released her from his embrace. “…”
        She was even too shocked to notice that Mewtwo was now standing over Kenjiro. He kinetically flipped the scout over so he could see the boy’s face. “Do you know him, Mi?”
        Jen’s gaze slowly moved towards Kenjiro in an almost trance like motion. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.
        “Mi?” Mewtwo turned back towards her with a concerned expression on his face. “Mi?”
        Jen blinked and took a step back from Mewtwo. “I-I…t-that’s Kenjiro…he said his name is Kenjiro.”
        “Kenjiro?” Mewtwo looked back down at the boy and frowned. “Kenjiro sounds a lot like Kenji, Mi. Is this Kenji?
        Jen hesitated before responding. “Kind of? He looks like my world’s Kenji and goes by Kenji sometimes, but he isn’t Kenji. I know my Kenji and that boy isn’t him. He’s just Kenjiro.”
        Mewtwo was quiet.
        “Why did you kiss me?” Jen asked abruptly in a shaky voice. “I thought you hated that.”
        “I only hated it because you caught me off guard both times that you kissed me, but I never said I didn’t enjoy it.” Mewtwo replied with a smirk.
        Jen’s stomach twisted into a knot. “B-But why did you kiss me?” She asked, trying very hard to keep her voice steady.
        Mewtwo stepped closer to her and caressed the side of her face. “Because I wanted to, Mi.”
        Jen felt her face heat up as her cheeks turned bright red. She looked down, allowing a good handful of her hair cover her face. “This can’t be happening. He—No, he’s just messing with me. Please?
        “Mi, you said that this boy is not like your world’s Kenji. Does that mean he is Kenji’s alternate or someone completely different?” Mewtwo asked. He had turned his attention back to Kenjiro.
        Jen peeked at Kenjiro through her hair. “We came here because you were looking for Kenji’s alternate, right? Why? I’m not in love with his alternate. I’m sorry, but I only love Kenji from my world…but to answer your question, Kenjiro isn’t Kenji’s alternate.”
        Mewtwo glanced at her from the corner of his eye. Thankfully Jen wasn’t looking at Mewtwo or else she would have seen the jealously and anger for Kenji in his eyes. He raised a hand to the unconscious boy and enveloped him in a blue aura. Kenjiro gritted his teeth as he began squirming in pain.
        “Mewtwo, stop! What are you doing?!” Jen cried as she grabbed his arm.
        He looked at Jen with a calmer, but still menacing glare. “He is a human, Jen. I will not spare him.”
        “Mewtwo, please!” Jen begged. “What will it take for you to show humans some kindness? If you spare him and bring him back to one of the facilities, even if he’s still unconscious, then everyone--”
        “No, Jen.” Mewtwo hissed as he kinetically pushed her back.
        Jen concentrated hard on Kenjiro and shielded him from the torment Mewtwo was inflicting him. “Stop it, Mewtwo!”
        “Your abilities never cease to amaze me, Jen.” Mewtwo remarked dryly as he lowered his arm. “Why do you want this human spared so badly? What is he to you?”
        “He’s no one to me, but that doesn’t give you any right to kill him. Yeah, he’s a bit of an idiot for not listening to me in the first place, but he doesn’t have to die because of that. Killing him, or anyone because they are human or non-clone is wrong. If you keep murdering them, then--”
        “He kidnapped you. He took you from m--” Mewtwo stopped and sighed heavily when he saw the distress and anger in Jen’s expression. “Fine. What would you have me do with the human scout?”
        Jen perked up. “Just…uh, drop him off at one of the facilities. Easy. We don’t even have to wake him up.”
        Mewtwo shook his head in disagreement. “I can’t get too close to any of the facilities. If I do--”
        “The people within the facilities will come and get him, and probably see that you are the one returning him. They will think differently of you and your friends. In fact, they may be more…I don’t, forgiving and kind to you all. Unless you want me to drop him off on my own.” Jen suggested.
        “No!” Mewtwo snapped before regaining his composer. “Which facility would you want him to be dropped off at?”
        “The nearest one? And thank you, Mewtwo.”
        “You owe me for th--” Mewtwo was cut short as Jen hugged him. He slowly lifted his arms to hug her back, but Jen broke the embrace and walked over to the scout.
        “Lead the way.” She said as she kinetically lifted Kenjiro into the air.
        Mewtwo led her out of the cave and into the sky. They soared over the region for a little while before coming back down near the volcano. “Hurry and leave him.”
        Jen obeyed and left Kenjiro against one of the nearby trees. Before she could return to the sky with Mewtwo, a hand lashed out and grabbed her wrist.
        “Don’t…leave.” Kenjiro groaned. He was just now coming to.
        “Dude, let go.” Jen barked as quietly as she could. She didn’t want Mewtwo to notice him waking up.
        “Please. You’ll be safer with us.” The scout begged as his grip tightened. He tried to climb to his feet, but Jen shoved him back down against the tree.
        “Shut up and let go, stupid!” Jen growled.
        “I--” Kenjiro suddenly released her hand and drew out a gun. “Run, girl.” He sounded scared.
        Jen looked over her shoulder and saw Mewtwo. Without hesitation, she stepped in front of the barrel of Kenjiro’s gun.
        “What are you doing you monster? Leave her alone!” Kenjiro roared as he jumped to his feet. “She’s not a puppet or a shield for you to use. Let her go!”
        “Funny how you’re now the one screaming for her to be ‘let go’.” Mewtwo snickered.
        “I’m protecting him because I want to protect him. I’m doing this according to my own free will. Now put down the gun!” Jen hissed.
        “Put down your gun and leave.” Jen ordered as she pointed towards the facility’s disguised, metal door.
        Kenjiro looked over her shoulder at Mewtwo. He slowly edged closer to Jen and spoke to her in a hushed voice. “Come with me, please. You’ll be safer.”
        “Says the boy pointing a gun at me.”
        Kenjiro lowered his firearm and looked at both Jen and Mewtwo wearily. “…”
        “Thank you. Now go back to your facility.”
        Kenjiro opened his mouth to speak, but stopped when he heard the door to the facility open. Out ran an Arcanine, Banette, and a Koffing with their trainers right behind them.
        “Back off, clone!” Koffing hissed as he vomited a smokescreen. Both Mewtwo and Jen were instantly surrounded by thick smoke.
        “Ugh!” Jen groaned. She couldn’t see a single thing around her, but she could still hear the trainers and their Pokemon.
        “Banette, use will-o-wisp!”
        “Arcanine, use flamethrower!”
        Jen could feel the heat of the flames surround her as the smoke took on a deep orange and dark blue glow. Her heartbeat began to quicken as her breaths grew shallow. It was slowly starting to turn into her nightmare, but this time there was no waking up.
        A large tongue of flames erupted from the colored smoke, forcing Jen to let out an involuntary scream. She tumbled backwards and curled into a fetal position, waiting in fear for the flames to consume her.

Catch Me. Save Me. (Seq. to What Am I?)Where stories live. Discover now