Old Faces

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Morty finally got everyone out of the city, and was about to follow the stragglers out when he heard the voice of a little boy. He turned in the kid’s direction and watched as the mother ran with the screaming child in her arms. Morty would have passed the child’s screams off as fear of the current situation, but it was what he was crying that caused Morty’s blood to run cold.

        “Mikey! We have to go back, Mommy! She’s still trapped.”

        He glanced in the direction that the boy was pointing towards and sprinted for the house. “Would it kill you listen to me at least one time, Mikey? One time!

        The ground suddenly began to rumble under Morty’s feet. He summoned his Pokemon and turned to face the Legendary Beast that was rapidly approaching him. “Shadow ball! Now!”

        His Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, and Misdreavus all launched a shadow ball at the charging Entei. The Legendary dodged the attacks and retaliated with a fire blast.

        “Get out of the way guys!” Morty cried.

        His Pokemon obeyed, but they didn’t make it completely clear of Entei’s attack. They all stumbled, but they continued to stand their ground against the Legendry.

        Entei roared at Morty and his Pokemon, and charged the gym leader. Morty’s Pokemon leapt in its way, but they were all mowed over as Entei slammed into Morty. Its teeth sunk into his jacket as it lifted Morty off of his feet, and carried him quickly to the edge of the city. His Pokemon followed close behind, not quite understanding what Entei was trying to do. Entei dropped Morty and returned back to the city where the other two were.

        “They’re getting people out of the city.” Morty stated aloud in disbelief. His Pokemon drifted over to his side as they too looked at Entei in disbelief. “We still need to get Mikey!” He cried after snapping out of his stunned state.

        He tried to run back into the city, but Officer Jenny, who was setting up a perimeter, stopped him before he could go any farther. “What are you doing? It’s too dangerous to go back into the city!”

        “But Mikey is still trapped! Someone has to go back for her!”

        Officer Jenny looked out over the city and grimaced. “I’ll send in some of my men, but you must stay behind the perimeter.”

        Morty nodded solemnly as Officer Jenny and a few of her men marched into the city to look for Mikey.

        Mikey stood next to the window, trying very hard to keep breathing in fresh air. It had been about ten minutes since she had watched Jamie and his mom flee the city. The flames had all, but completely consumed the room with in that time.

        Mikey had thought of and attempted many things to escape, but none seemed like they would help her get out. She had thought of jumping out the window, but if she broke anything, her chances of escaping the city without running into the Legendary Beasts would be slim. She had no idea what they would do to her if they caught her.

        Now, she was just biding her time until the flames completely engulfed the room. She was scared of dying, but she tried to ignore the thought. “Morty might be looking for me. Or maybe Amy or Sayo. Hehe…I’m going to get one hell of a lecture later about running off, but…we can all laugh it off later.

        Mikey glanced back out the window, but saw no one coming for her. They probably didn’t even know she was trapped.

        Her bottom lip began to quiver with fear and hopelessness. There was no avoiding the inevitable now. She would have to either jump now and face the Legendries, or stay in the house and die within the fires.

Catch Me. Save Me. (Seq. to What Am I?)Where stories live. Discover now