What Do We Do Now?

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A/N Sorry if my chapters are coming later and later. I'm pretty busy with classes, but thank you for being patient with me! I hope you guys like this chapter.

"So...uh, what are we going to do now?" Ho-Oh asked.

"I don't know. Where should we start looking for them?" Latias asked once she finally found her voice.

"We can try to find them with our telepathy." Mew suggested.

"Would that work? Didn't Team Rocket have something that cancelled out your abilities when you tried to use them on any grunt?" Rattata asked. He was talking about the silver headbands that kept the Mews from entering into anyone's mind.

The group grimaced. If Team Rocket put the headbands on their friends or put them in a base that hid them from the Mews' telepathic reach, they would never be able to find again.

"Damn...so what do we do?" Vulpix asked. "Or what can we do?"

Jen sneezed and shivered a little. "Excuse me." She said softly.

"Your clothes are still saturated." Mew said.

"Do you have a change of clothes?" Haunter asked.

Jen checked her bag, even though she already knew the answer. "I don't."

"We'll need to find you some dry clothes or dry those before you get sick." Mewtwo said. "Take your jacket off."

Jen obeyed and tried to kinetically wring the water out of her jacket, but it remained damp. "Vulpix, can you help me please?"

Vulpix nodded and tried to dry Jen's jacket with a flamethrower.

"You might as well take off the rest of your clothes." Ho-Oh stated. "I'll dry them for you."

Jen's eyes widened at Ho-Oh's statement. She looked down at her feet as she tried to hide her blush.

"Ho-Oh!" Latias cried. "That was...both rude and...nice?"

"How? I'm trying to be 'friendly'."

"Well, she's part human and humans need clothes." Mew pointed out. "But it was nice of you to suggest drying them for her."

"Why?" Ho-Oh asked dryly.

"Because they don't have fur or feathers or scales on their bodies to keep them warm and protected like us. Right, Jen?" Vulpix asked.


"Well they should tough it out then." Ho-Oh turned on Jen. "You should be fine since you're only part human."

"It's not that I wouldn't be able to handle it...it's just a modesty thing...that I've developed over eighteen years." Jen said slowly.

"That's stupid." Ho-Oh blinked. "Look at us! We are not wearing anything and we're not bothered by modesty."


"I'm serious! Besides, what does she have to hide?"

Jen flinched and looked at her chest. "I'm not that flat..." She looked back up to see everyone staring at her.

"I think you insulted her." Rattata said.


Mewtwo looked over at Jen, who had taken her still damp jacket from Vulpix and slipped it over her shoulders. She tried to flip her hood over her head, but he pulled it back down.

Catch Me. Save Me. (Seq. to What Am I?)Where stories live. Discover now