Jumping Into the Flames

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“I can’t teach you if you don’t have a Pokemon to begin with, Mikey.” Amy pointed out.

        “I’ll get one. I just talk to the Professor in New Bark Town and make an appointment.” Mikey said meekly. “Heck, I can do that right now.”

        “Why do you want to become a Pokemon trainer? You seemed rather content not being one a while ago.” Mewtwo asked.

        “How do you know how I felt about being a Pokemon trainer? I’ve actually been thinking about it for quite some time.”

        “The Professor’s number is on the fridge--” Sayo said.

        “I’ll look at that later.” Mikey said quickly.

        “Why not right now? The sooner we get you a Pokemon, the sooner I can start training you, and the sooner you can start teaching me sign.” Amy said as she began walking back towards the house.

        “W-Wait, Amy!” Mikey cried.

        “What?” She asked. Her hand was wrapped around the doorknob.

        “I-I’ll call him later.”

        Sayo looked at her curiously. “Why so hesitant?”

        Mikey quickly tried to think of an excuse, but the only think that came to mind was, “I’m just nervous.”

        “Don’t be! It’s really exciting. Trust me, and no matter who you choose, I’m more than sure you both will be the best of friends.” Sayo said reassuringly.

        “Or she could try catching one on her own.” Red signed teasingly to Amy.

        “Sorry, Red. Can you repeat that? I didn’t catch that.” Amy said.

        “I think that’s a great idea.” Mikey said quickly before Red could resign to Amy. She stood up and began walking away from the house. “I’ll be back later!”

        Red flinched. “Wait, Mikey! You’re not really thinking of catching a Pokemon on your own, are you? It’s dangerous!” He signed hurriedly. He knew she wouldn’t see what he had signed, but he hoped that Amy would understand and stop her.

        “You’re doing what?!” Amy cried after watching Red sign frantically. “Mikey, let me get one for you. Think of it as my first payment for my sign language lesson!”

        Mikey, without turning around, shook her head and waved to her friends. “Nah thanks! I want to find and choose my starter on my own. And don’t worry. I can take care of myself.”

        “Wait…you’re doing what?! Mikey, be reasonable, please! You would be better off getting a Pokemon from Professor Elm, than going off on your own to get one.” Sayo cried as she tried to chase after Mikey, but due to her kimono limiting how fast she could move, she couldn’t catch up to Mikey. “Have you learned nothing from your books, or school? That’s pretty much the first rule as a Pokemon trainer! Don’t go after wild Pokemon without a Pokemon to protect you!”

        “I’ll be okay!” Mikey giggled as she walked towards town.

        “W-Where are you going?” Amy asked as she too tried to stop Mikey.

        “To the PokeMart. I need Pokeballs.” She replied as she shook her friends off of her.

        “Well, at least she’s not a complete idiot.” Amy muttered to Sayo.

Catch Me. Save Me. (Seq. to What Am I?)Where stories live. Discover now