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        Mewtwo and Jen landed a few minutes later. A handful of clones were standing within the shadows of the trees around the facility waiting for them.
        “He is still outside.” One of the clones stated as they slowly edged closer to where Giovanni, his Persian and Sabrina were standing. “We have been keeping a close eye on them just in case the humans decided to create a trap for you.”
        Mewtwo nodded a silent thanks as he turned his attention towards Giovanni. He was only yards away from the man, and yet, the gray Legendary remained concealed from Giovanni’s sight. And after so many long years, Mewtwo was going speak with the human whom had caused him so much resentment towards the species.
        “Trying to think of what you are going to say to him?” Jen asked quietly so her voice wouldn’t carry over to either Sabrina or Giovanni. “Need some help or are you just going to wing it?”
        Mewtwo shook his head and began moving towards the duo.
        “Wait, Mewtwo! The alarms!” One of the clones yelped, hoping to warn Mewtwo via telepathy.
        Mewtwo didn’t care about the alarms. He was going to speak to Giovanni, that was unless he didn’t kill the former Rocket Leader first.
        Much to everyone’s surprise though, there were no alarms as Mewtwo neared the two humans and the facility. However, both Giovanni, Persian and Sabrina jumped at the loud bang of the facility door slamming and locking shut…with them still outside with the clones.
        “Is this what always happens when a clone gets too close to a facility, right? Or is this specifically designed to happen if and when Mewtwo is nearby?” Jen wondered to herself. “Sabrina and Giovanni looked scared…I probably should walk with Mewtwo so Giovanni and Sabrina can see that we just want to talk.
        Jen ran over to Mewtwo’s side, but he nudged her back with his tail. “Stay back with the others, my Jen.”
        “Why? I thought you said you wanted me with you when you spoke to Giovanni. They may even be a little more at ease if they see me with you.” Jen protested, still quietly though.
        “Keep her back.” Mewtwo ordered.
        Two pairs of clawed hands grabbed Jen and pulled her back within the group. “Hey! Liar!”
        “I never agreed, Jen.
        “Don’t worry, Halfling. Just stay with us.” A Skarmory ordered as he and a Gardevoir stood beside her.
        “If anything happens, you know Mewtwo will want her to be taken somewhere else, right? Be prepared.” Flygon growled as he eyed the facility doors, ready to lung into a battle if scouts came pouring out of the facility.
        Jen frowned and looked back at the Skarmory and the Gardevoir flanking her. “Why would you do that?” “A couple days ago, these guys wouldn’t have given a damn as to what happened to me. In fact, they may have been glad to have had a hand at killing me because I am an abomination...umm…I’m a hybrid. Now…they must really, and I mean really, respect Mewtwo if they are willing to keep an eye on me like this.
        “Because it is what Mewtwo would want, and we do not want to see you get hurt.” Skarmory explained.
        “And you saved my little brother, Max, and his friends not too long ago.” Gardevoir added. “I am in your debt, Halfling.”
        Jen blinked. She hadn’t been expecting that. “Oh…your welcome, umm…what’s your name?”
        “Emi.” Gardevoir responded.
        “You’re welcome, Emi.” “I guess Mewtwo unburying my suppressed memory of the explosion really did turn out to be of some good. Thank you, Mewtwo, and my pyrophobia.
        Emi nodded.
        Not knowing what else to say, Jen looked back at the facility to see Giovanni, Persian and Sabrina now staring anxiously at Mewtwo, who was now standing before the two humans. There was a long moment of dead silence between Mewtwo and Giovanni as the two just stared at one another; Mewtwo with hate-filled eyes, while Giovanni’s held fear and remorse.
        The clones and Jen watched on from the shadows as Giovanni finally cleared his throat and began speaking. “I…uh—this is long overdue, but…I know it’s going to be hard to accept, especially from me…and I understand that you undoubtedly still furious with me, but…I am truly sorry, Mewtwo. I am sorry for everything I have done to you…for using, betraying and lying to you.”
        Mewtwo stared at him with hate still in his eyes. He still didn’t trust the man, but he’d be lying if he said that he wasn’t a little bit stunned by the apology. That was if the apology was sincere. “Could this just be an act?
        Giovanni stared back awkwardly. His apologetic expression didn’t change as he took a deep breath and gathered his thoughts. “I-I understand if you don’t trust me…but, um…as an act of trust…” He trailed off as he slowly reached up for the silver band that rested on his brow.
        Everyone’s eyes widened as they watched him slip the band that protected his mind from Mewtwo off of his forehead and drop it into the grass. This action even shocked Mewtwo into silence.
        “Giovanni?” Persian gasped quietly.
        “My mind is open to you, Mewtwo.” Giovanni said as calmly as he could, but there was an obvious hint of fear in his voice. He didn’t know what the Legendary would do to him while inside his mind, but he deserved to face every torturous and agonizing plan that Mewtwo had in store for him.
        The wooded area remained in dead silence. The only thing anyone could hear was their own breathing.
        Jen looked from Giovanni to Mewtwo, and then back to Giovanni. “Are they talking to one another or are they just having a stare down?” She narrowed her eyes at Giovanni and concentrated on slipping into his mind without being detected by either Mewtwo or him. What she heard caught her off guard.
        No matter where Jen looked within Giovanni’s mind, she could not find a trace of malice or deceit. There were only remorse and kind thoughts.
        “He is definitely reformed. I just hope this will convince Mewtwo.” Jen grimaced as she tried to look at Mewtwo’s expression. She hadn’t sensed him in Giovanni’s mind, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t have been listening as well.
        “T-Thank you for returning the children.” Giovanni said, finally breaking the silence. “We all greatly appreciate it, but…White’s alternate, Jen--”
        “She is with me.” Mewtwo growled.
        “Here with you, or--?”
        “That is none of your concern.”
        Giovanni frowned. “But she is a child, and one from another world. Why wouldn’t I be concerned about her whereabouts? She must be taken care of while she is in this world. Treated like a guest.”
        Jen tried moving forward to get a better view of Mewtwo, but was stopped by Emi and Skarmory. “Stay behind us, Halfling.”
        “Is that the only reason why you are concerned about her?” Mewtwo’s tone was still dark.
        “What other reason is—oh.” Realization dawned across Giovanni’s face. He lowered his voice to a hush loud enough only for Mewtwo and anyone close enough to hear. “I know what she is, but that doesn’t change anything. She is a guest in our world and we must treat her with the respect and courtesy that she deserves.”
        “Hmm.” Mewtwo replied curtly.
        “I’ve been meaning to tell her something. Is she here?” Giovanni asked without looking away from Mewtwo.
        “You want to tell her that the facility in Orre is almost finished with their devices? We already know that thanks to the psychic.” Mewtwo asked. His tone didn’t change.
        “Oh…well, that’s actually not it. I want…need to tell her something else, but I guess it can wait for now…you’re still going to help us—her, right?” Giovanni asked hopefully.
        “I have already agreed to help Jen rescue her friends from her world’s Giovanni.” Mewtwo hissed. “But I am not doing this for free.”
        “Understandable.” Giovanni nodded solemnly. “What is your…price? If I may ask? I’ll try…to give you whatever you ask for.”
        Mewtwo shot a quick and secretive glance back at Jen. He already had what he wanted, but if Giovanni was offering…
        The door to the facility slowly grinded open, drawing everyone’s attention towards it. Silver and what seemed like everyone in his squad ran to Giovanni and Sabrina’s side. All of their Pokemon were summoned from their Pokeballs and ready to battle the clones.
        “Silver, what are you doing? All of you get back inside the facility.” Giovanni ordered as he tried to conceal Silver from Mewtwo’s view.
        “Dad, shut up. I should be asking you the same question.” Silver snapped in a harsh, but hushed tone to his father. Unfortunately, Mewtwo heard him.
        “Dad?!” Mewtwo scoffed in surprise. “You have a son? When did this happen?”
        Jen could see Giovanni shifting uneasily on his feet. He was worried—no—he was scared for his son’s safety, for Silver’s life. For all Giovanni knew, Mewtwo could kill Silver out of revenge.
        “Silver, take your squad back into the facility. I will be inside in a moment.”
        “How the Hell can you promise that? Da--”
        “I will not tell you again.” Giovanni growled. “Please, go back inside. I don’t want a fight to start. That’s actually the last thing we need right now.”
        Jen tried once more to move to Mewtwo’s side, this time, fortunately, she was successful. All of the clones and scouts were focused more on one another, ready to fight if one happened to break out between them.
        “I never thought of you as someone who could show care to another being, especially one that is of your own kin.” Mewtwo jeered.
        “Giovanni has changed over the years. He is a better man and father now.” Persian hissed in defense of his master and friend.
        “You’re not being very nice, Mewtwo.” Jen scolded.
        Mewtwo flinched and looked over to see Jen standing right beside him. “I thought I told you to stay back.” He shot a scowl at Emi and Skarmory, who both winced knowing full well that they should have kept a better eye on Jen.
        “Be nicer to them, Mewtwo. Weren’t you listening to Giovanni’s apology? I bet he has been waiting years to tell you that.”
        “You need to stay behind me, Jen.” Mewtwo ordered.
        “Why?” She asked as she looked over at Giovanni and Silver. The former Rocket Boss was still trying to get his son and the scouts back into the facility. Fortunately, some of the scouts were leaving, but a handful of them remained. “Haha! You’re not going to like this, but you and Giovanni both--
        “Don’t compare me to that human!” Mewtwo growled.
        “It’s not a bad comparison this time. I promise…unless you see me more as a possession. Then you are more like my world’s Giovanni.
        “You are not a possession, Jen. Never will I ever consider you to be a possession. You are my precious Jen.” He said in a more soothing tone. He wanted to hug her and kiss her to prove that he meant every word, but not while they were in front of the humans and Giovanni.
        “Oh, Jen. You’re here.” Giovanni sighed with relief. He turned to Silver, while still addressing Jen. “Silver and his squad all have something to say to you. Silver?”
        Silver scowled at Mewtwo. “Not in front of the clones.”
        “Just sign to me.” Jen signed. “Red taught you, right?”
        Silver lifted a fist over his chest and rotated it clockwise, signing out “I’m sorry.” The rest of his squad that remained outside followed suit.
        Jen slowly nodded as she accepted the squad’s apology for throwing both White and her out onto the surface. In all honesty, she had forgiven them a long time ago.
        “What are they saying?” Mewtwo asked.
        “Nothing you need to worry about, Mewtwo. Just—You should be more concerned about making up with Giovanni…or him making up with you. He already told you that he was sorry for what he did to you.”
        “Well, what are you going to do about it? And why are you speaking to me via telepathy?” Jen pressed.
        Mewtwo glared at Giovanni.
        “Sabrina already told you that Unova is ready and that Orre will be ready sometime later this week, correct?” Giovanni asked.
        Mewtwo didn’t respond.
        “We got the message.” Jen beamed.
        “You’re being a jerk. It wouldn’t hurt to answer him.” Jen snapped. “So how long did you say Orre would be again?”
        “A few days. Maybe three to four.” Giovanni responded a little more easily.
        “Three to four days…cool.” Jen tried to sound happy, but her voice cracked slightly. Yeah, it was better than the month that Lovrina and Krane originally predicted, but her friends were waiting in the other world, and Jen had already wasted too much time. She needed the devices ready now!
        “We can speak to Orre about finishing the purifying devices sooner, but they’re already working overtime.” Silver pointed out. He glanced over at Mewtwo. “Of course you probably don’t even give a damn as to when this mission begins, or even how it turns out, do you?”
        Mewtwo shrugged nonchalantly.
        “Gee, thanks.” Jen muttered.
        “You and your clones are still going to help us, right?” Giovanni asked cautiously.
        Everyone flinched.
        “Beg?” Giovanni repeated questioningly.
        Mewtwo nodded.
        “Mewtwo!” Jen growled. “Giovanni, you don’t have to do that.”
        Giovanni held up a hand to her before directing his gaze back to the Legendary. He bent his knees, knelt on the grass, and lowered his head in a submissive manner. “Mewtwo, will you and your clones please--”
        Giovanni blinked and stared up at Mewtwo in bewilderment. “But I didn’t finish.”
        “Good enough for me.”
        Jen looked from Mewtwo to Giovanni. She too was astonished by what had just occurred. “What the Hell, Mewtwo? How much more are you going to make Giovanni go through before you forgive the guy?
        Giovanni gave Mewtwo a solemn grin as he began to stand up, but before he could climb to his feet, he was met with a gray hand extended out to him. He slowly looked up to see Mewtwo holding out a hand to help him up.
        Once again the wooded area was silent as Giovanni took hold of Mewtwo’s hand and stood up.
        “Can I trust you and all of the others who will be aiding us to not harm my clones?” Mewtwo asked in a stern tone.
        Giovanni nodded. “You can. I will personally instruct them and the leaders to work alongside rather than fight your clones.”
        A small hint of a smile cracked at the corner of Mewtwo’s mouth. “Then I assume we have a truce now.”
        “Indeed we do.” Giovanni said in astonished glee.

Catch Me. Save Me. (Seq. to What Am I?)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang