Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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        Jen’s hands clenched into tight fists as she watched Giovanni and Silver conversing with each other. The Rocket Boss seemed so…human and fatherly as he spoke to the boy. It was a strange thing listening to Giovanni and feeling comfortable and safe around him.
        “This is not possible. They still have me under some sort of drug or illusion. I have to wake up from this.” Jen mentally growled.
        Giovanni’s gaze moved towards Jen and smiled a genuine and paternal smile. “Hello. I don’t believe we have met yet. Our doctors told me that one of our surface scouts found you passed out in one of the hallways when they were coming back down. John also said that you have amnesia?”
        Jen narrowed her eyes at him. “Now or never.” She quickly lifted her fist and nailed Giovanni in the stomach.
        He doubled over, but he quickly recovered before she could knee him in the face. Silver’s Feraligatr grabbed Jen and lifted her up off of her feet before she could attempt another attack.
        “What the Hell are you doing?” Silver growled as he stood protectively in front of Giovanni.
        “Are you insane, girl?” Feraligatr hissed as Jen tried to struggle out of his grip.
        “Maybe she is under its control?” Persian said suggested.
        Giovanni straightened and stared at Jen with what seemed like remorse. “You poor child. I am very sorry.”
        Jen glared at him and tried to escape Feraligatr’s hold on her once more. “I will not be fooled by his act. This is not real.
        “Silver, Feraligatr, bring her.” Giovanni said as he and his Persian walked down the dim hall. “Cover her eyes.”
        Feraligatr obeyed and placed a large clawed hand over Jen’s eyes. Jen tried to move his hand, but he only held her tighter.
        “Let me go!” She growled, but Feraligatr’s mind was being blocked by a silver band that hung on his brow. In fact, all of their minds were being blocked from her with the help of the bands. “Even the Pokemon here have those damn bands on.
        She heard the sound of doors opening, followed by the sound of echoing footsteps reverberating against the stairwell walls. She felt them walking down a couple floors before another door was opened.
        “Where are you taking me?” She asked icily.
        No one answered her. Instead, she was answered by the sound of another door opening and closing, but the moment it shut, she swore she heard it seal shut.
        “Oh, shit…
        Feraligatr laid her down on a metallic table and held her still as Silver strapped her limbs down. Feraligatr pulled his hand away from her face, letting her examine the whole entire lab. It was huge compared to the last few Rocket labs she had seen.
        Her gaze moved towards Giovanni, who had his back turned towards her. He was sorting through something on one of the desks.
        Jen watched him intently as he picked something up and walked back over to her. “What is he going to do to me?
        “This will not hurt. I promise. We mean you no harm.” Giovanni said calmly as he lifted the silver band from behind his back. He quickly placed it around her head and stood back.
        Jen stared at him confused. “What the heck?
        “Are you feeling better? Can you remember anything?” He asked concerned.
        Jen looked up at the band, even though she could only feel it, and chuckled. “I don’t need this.”
        “Of course you do.” Silver snapped. “You were attacking my dad.”
        “Dad!? You have a son?” Jen cried as she looked at Giovanni.
        Giovanni looked on her with caution. “What has it done to you?”
        “It? You mean the drugs that you guys gave me?” Jen spit.
        Both Silver and Giovanni frowned and looked at each other puzzled.
        “Oh drop it already! I’m done with your damn games, Giovanni.” Jen hissed. “Where are my friends and my cousins? What have you done to them?”
        “Nothing. I’m afraid I do not know who they are or where they may be.” Giovanni replied apologetically. “We can try to help you find them. Do you recall where you saw them last? Which region?”
        “Here! In Kalos! You should know, and so should Clara and Lacy.”
        “I’m confused.” Silver said bluntly.
        Jen ignored him as her glare deepened at Giovanni.
        “Give her a moment, Silver. Its hold on her will break eventually.” Giovanni said calmly. He was staring Jen dead in the eye. Actually, it seemed like he was trying to look through her to someone else.
        “I still hate you.” Jen growled after a long moment of silence.
        Giovanni sighed sadly. “Please, just release the girl. Do not use her as a puppet.”
        Jen blinked. “What? You’re the one who has caused me so much grief!”
        Giovanni slowly cocked his head to the side. “Me?”
        “Who else? It’s because of you that my dad and sister are dead, and that my friends are being held prisoners.”
        Giovanni’s expression softened greatly. “I am so very sorry for your loss, child.”
        Jen was about to spout something crude back at him, but was stopped by the sound of a buzzer going off on Silver’s wrist. He held it up and checked the device. “We have a few ‘visitors’ that set off a perimeter alarm.”
        “Visitors?” Jen wondered.
        Silver quickly turned on Jen. “How did you find this place?”
        “Silver, she might not know--”
        “That’s what worries me, dad. She could have been followed to this facility. They could have used her as a decoy to find you.” Silver said quickly. “Or she could be one of them.”
        “Or it could just be coincidence. This is not the first time they have come close to finding this place.” Giovanni said as he tried to calm his son down. “She has the band on now. Her mind is protected.”
        Jen frowned and looked from Giovanni to Silver, then back to Giovanni. “Protected from--”
        “Even if this is all just a coincidence, I would feel safer if her mind was quiet. At least until they leave.” Silver said as he summoned his Tangrowth.
        “What are you doing? What do you mean you want my mind to be quiet?” Jen asked quickly. She pulled at the restraints, but they remained firm.
        “Relax.” Giovanni said evenly. “Shut your eyes and calm your mind. The walls are lined with material that is protecting us, but for my son’s sake and sanity, we need you to do as we say.”
        “Excuse you?” Jen hissed.
        “Calm down.” Tangrowth said soothingly.
        Jen looked over at her (Tangrowth). Tangrowth waved a hand over Jen as sleep powder drifted down onto her face. Jen’s eyelids instantly felt heavy. “No…no…I can’t…fallasleep…

Catch Me. Save Me. (Seq. to What Am I?)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz