Drunken Truths

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Following Jen
        White had led Jen back to the infirmary before she could collapse. Black, Red, and John were not that far behind them. “I know you said that you were ‘fine’ earlier, Jen, but how are you really?” White asked as they entered into the infirmary. “And don’t say fine again. I’ll know you’re lying.”
        “S-Scared.” Jen stuttered in response. The memory of how Mewtwo had left the facility was still fresh in Jen’s mind. The way he had spoken and left the facility made her feel…strange. It almost felt like she was hurting from being left behind by Mewtwo and his clones. “It’s only because he looks like my Mewtwo. Damn it. I don’t want the truce or our deal to be broken because of this. He could destroy the facilities now because I didn’t leave with him. Shit! How could I have been so stupid?!
        White helped her onto one of the empty beds and stood beside her.
        Jen turned onto her side, away from White and her Pokemon. “Please…leave.” She begged quietly.
        White and her Pokemon flinched. “Why?”
        “Please…just go.”
        “Are you sure? Everyone else is going to want to talk to you and make sure you’re alright.” White pointed out. “Especially dad.”
        Jen sighed. “Tell them everything that I have told you. I…I just need a moment to myself.”
        White grimaced and motioned for her friends to follow her out into the hall. Gengar and Ninetails hesitated before slowly training behind White.
        Jen waited until she heard the door close before finally releasing the tears that had been building up in her eyes. She hadn’t even known that she had been holding them back until they had started flowing uncontrollably down her cheeks. “M-Mewtwo, I’m…*hic* so sorry. I’m *hic* sorry.”
        The lights flickered above her, warning her of the potential consequences to her losing control of her emotions this far underground. It wasn’t easy, but she eventually managed to regain control over herself and wiped her tears away.
        Suddenly the intercom overhead buzzed, but Jen tuned the speaker, Giovanni, out as he addressed the civilians. She already knew what he was telling them. She was just surprised that the angry and discordant voices of the civilians couldn’t be heard from this level.
        Actually, no…Jen was too busy picking at the sheets of the bed to care about the heated opinions of the civilians below.
        The door to the infirmary suddenly burst open as John stormed over to Jen’s bed. “Tell me it is not true, Jen.” He hissed. “Tell me you did not make a deal with a god damn clone!”
        Jen stared at her dad with eyes as wide as dinner plates. Her sorrow was completely forgotten and immediately replaced by fear. “I-I did. I made a deal with Mewtwo.”
        John pinched the bride of his nose and sighed heavily. “Is that why it told you to leave with it and the other clones?”
        Jen nodded sheepishly. “He said he’d help us if I stayed with him. Now I don’t know if our deal, or even the truce, still stands. I’m sorry. I should have left with them.”
        John grabbed Jen’s shoulders firmly. “No. It is better that you are here in the facility with us.”
        “But the deal--”
        “Damn the deal!” John roared. “It will not have you!”
        Jen flinched at the rage in his voice.
        John sighed heavily again. “I’m sorry, Jen.”
        “Don’t be, dad.” Jen said as she sat up. “I need to keep my side of the deal though…if it is still standing.”
        “No, you don’t, Jen! Damn it. If the deal is broken, then let it stay broken. We will deal with whatever happens afterwards.”
        “Dad--” Jen began to protest.
        “You will return to your world once this is all over.” John growled.
        Jen’s mouth fell open to object some more, but she could see in her dad’s eyes a warning not to argue. He wasn’t going to put up with any more of her objecting. She laid back down on the infirmary’s bed and directed her eyes towards the white ceiling.
        She head the door open again, but she didn’t look to see if John had left or if someone new was entering.
        “How is she doing?” Giovanni asked as he neared the bed. “Jen, how are you feeling?”
        Jen looked over to see Giovanni and Persian standing beside John. “Fine.”
        “White told us about your deal with Mewtwo.”
        “I don’t want to talk about it anymore.” Jen mumbled.
        “We already discussed it, Giovanni.” John said over his shoulder. “She is going home once this is all over.” It sounded more like he was directing the statement at Jen rather than explaining it to Giovanni.
        “Alright then. I’ll try to avoid the subject. However, I do need to tell you, Jen, that while you, and White were missing, I called upon Lysandre for help. I told him that you were from another world, hoping that may encourage him to help, but he still refused to send out any scouts.”
        “So you told him what I was.” Jen added numbly.
        John turned on Giovanni with anger in his eyes. “You did what?!”
        “I do not mean to make any pathetic excuses, but your secret slipped. I should have been more careful with my words. I am sorry.”
        Jen snickered. “Sorry…the Giovanni is sorry.” A humored smile cracked across Jen’s face. “I don’t think I will ever get used to you being the good guy. I like it. Don’t change.”
        “But you told him!” John hissed.
        “Dad, it’s my secret, and I say the little slip up is alright.”
        “I understand that, hun, but Lysandre?! Why not Cyrus or Archie or someone who is more trustworthy? That man was going to leave us to die during the storm. What made you think he had changed at all?”
        Jen grimaced at John. “Really, dad? Giovanni is walking proof that anyone can change with some time.”
        Both John and Giovanni shook their heads. “I changed very quickly. In fact, many of the Leaders dropped everything and did everything they could to shelter survivors within their regions. Since Kanto was so devastated by the storm, we had to travel to a different region that could hold our survivors, and the only place large enough and safe enough to disappear within was Kalos. Lysandre…he took a lot of convincing before he allowed us to build a facility for Kanto and Kalos survivors.”
        Jen frowned. “And Kalos? Was he not going to build a facility?”
        Giovanni scowled as he recalled Lysandre’s plan for the people of Kalos. “He had one built, but only for those who were a part of Team Flare. He believed that this storm would help him achieve his main goal. We had to build the facility you see today for both Kanto and the remaining civilians of Kalos. Together, the surviving citizens of Kanto and Kalos became one region.”
        Jen stared at Giovanni and her dad as the information sunk into her mind. “S-So let me get this straight…Lysandre, Leader of Team Flare, was going to let everyone perish during the storm because he believed it would allow his to accomplish Team Flare’s main purpose? Their goal is to end all of life?”
        “All of life that isn’t Team Flare.” Giovanni muttered.
        “Which is another reason why you shouldn’t stay in this world.” John grumbled as he rubbed the bridge of his nose in between his index finger and thumb. “It’s bad enough that you made a deal to stay with the clones…”
        “My office is open if you need a drink, friend.” Giovanni offered.
        John nodded before standing up and looking towards Jen one last time. “You understand that I care about you and see you as my daughter as well. I want to protect you and know that you will be safe.”
        “I’ll be alright, dad. I’ll go and find White later and stay with her and the others. Don’t worry.”
        John gave her an uneasy look.
        “Persian and I will be with her for a little while longer before I join you. If that is fine with you, Jen.”
        “Sure.” Jen replied with a nonchalant shrug.
        Giovanni took John’s chair as John left the infirmary, but waited until he had left before questioning Jen. “What exactly happened during your time at Mewtwo’s island? That is, if you don’t mind my asking.”
        Jen shook her head and shrugged again. “Nothing much. Why?”
        “Because Mewtwo was acting differently. Throughout his whole entire time here he seemed…well, different. I know it has been years since we have last seen each other, but he has definitely changed.”
        “It could have been time that changed him. It changed you.” Jen pointed out.
        “Fear and realizing my mistakes changed me.” Giovanni stated in disagreement. “I don’t think you are telling me everything, Jen. Time couldn’t have affected him in a way that would have made him act so protectively.”
        “He wants to make sure that his friends are safe. That’s all. Emi got separated and he was worried.”
        “That’s not it. He was built as an unfeeling weapon. Nothing more, nothing less, but when I saw him when the clones returned with Gardevoir and you--”
        “Emi.” Jen corrected.
        “-Emi and you, his expression—attitude—flipped. Yes, I could tell that he was trying to hide it—rather well I may add—but not completely. So I’ll ask you again, what happened? What did you do?”
        “Nothing.” Jen replied bluntly.
        “Then why does he want you to stay?”
        “Maybe because I’m a Mew…or part Mew?” For all Jen knew, that could have been part of the reason why Mewtwo wanted her to stay.
        Giovanni, however, wasn’t buying it. Fortunately, he didn’t press her any farther. “How well are you feeling?”
        Jen blinked. “Um…better? How come?”
        “Walk with us.” The former Leader replied as he stood and made his way to the door. It didn’t really seem like he was giving Jen much of a choice, so she slide off of the bed and followed him and Persian out into the empty hallway.
        “Why do you want to go for a walk?”
        Giovanni shrugged carelessly. “It helps me clear my thoughts.”
        “Plus, it’s good exercise.” Persian added.
        Jen remained silent as the two of them led her throughout the facility floor. She waited patiently for either one of them to start speaking again or to pry farther into the details of her time on New Island.
        Neither of them spoke.
        They just aimlessly walked throughout the hallways for about thirty minutes before Jen finally lost her patience.
        “Is there a real reason why we’re just walking?” Jen asked.
        “No.” Giovanni replied simply “I just wanted to with Persian and you.”
        Jen narrowed her eyes at him. She knew he was bluffing, but she wasn’t going to call him out on it just in case he continued pressing her about the past few days. “He may be good, but there are some things that I rather he not know about.
        “If you would like to talk or ask me anything, you may do so. I promise I will stop asking you about the past few days for you.” Giovanni said politely.
        Jen nodded slowly, slightly taken aback by his kindness. She was still trying to get used to him being a good guy. “You said that Mewtwo was created to be a weapon. A weapon for what? World domination? That seems to be what my world’s Giovanni is using him for.”
        Persian looked up at her and grimaced before looking up at Giovanni.
        The former Leader didn’t reply right away. “Originally…no, but he was to be a weapon nonetheless.”
        “Originally?” Jen repeated, puzzled.
        “You have learned about the Kanto or Final War, correct? Or do you call it something different in your world?” Giovanni asked slowly.
        Jen nodded. She and everyone world-wide knew about the Great War, however her memory of it was pretty hazy due to the fact that she was only two when it had come to an end.
        Everything she had learned about the Final War came from textbooks she had read in school. There were some recorded accounts saying that those who went into the war thinking normal Pokemon battles were brutal to begin with, wrote back to loved ones or were heard declaring to friends that they had never before felt so wrong. The ‘battles’ they had witnessed during their time out on the field were more gruesome and merciless than any Pokemon battle they had seen before. Pokemon were forced to tear into each other and enemy soldiers, while their trainers, or human allies, gunned down the opposing Pokemon and soldiers. It had been devastating, leaving many families broken. Both Pokemon and people were left dead on the battlefields.
        “Red and Ash’s dad and Gary’s parents were sent to fight. We never saw or heard from either one of them after the war ended.”
        “Condolences.” Giovanni said remorsefully before continuing. “My brother and I were drafted sometime towards the end of the war, but we didn’t know when it would end or if we would even make it out alive. We were both too scared to fight and tried to pay our way out of being drafted.”
        “But that didn’t last very long.” Persian added.
        “We were left with only a few choices; join the war or run.”
        “What did you and your brother do?” Jen asked intently.
        “My brother fled to another region, while I stayed. I used what I had left; money and Team Rocket, which I had fortunately inherited from my mother. That will have to be a story for later. Mad and desperate, I had my scientists create the ultimate weapon for me.”
        Giovanni nodded. “I wanted a weapon that would keep me alive for the remaining years of the war…but as the years went and the war came to an end…Mewtwo’s original purpose for being changed. Even at a young age, Mewtwo demonstrated how powerful and dangerous he could be, hehe, and this was years before he first woke up.”
        “What?” Jen wasn’t following.
        “Mewtwo wasn’t the only clone created. I wanted an army of super clones to fight for me, but only he survived. I don’t know what happened, but from Dr. Fuji’s accounts, Mewtwo demonstrated how great his psychic abilities were not soon after the other clones died. In fact, if I’m not mistaken, it was only moments after they passed that he--”
        “Tried to reach out for them?” Jen asked. “Do you think he had somehow made a connection to them while they were all ‘asleep’, and when they died…”
        Giovanni shrugged. “We don’t know. Maybe.”
        “Well, ask him! He may remember that.” Jen cried. “If I was young and had friends via telepathy, who all suddenly vanished because they died, I would do anything to find them. That’s also probably why he--”
        “He wouldn’t remember them, nor would he remember their deaths.” Persian replied glumly, cutting her off.
        “Why not? That’s not something anyone could easily forget.”
        “The scientists had to calm him down and make him forget. If they didn’t, he would have ripped apart the lab and possibly ended his own life in the process.” Persian answered.
        “He doesn’t…is there any way for him to regain those memories? I can help him.”
        Giovanni shook his head. “The serum given to him was one that completely destroys memory. Mewtwo was given a full dose before he was quelled. He…He will never remember them.”
        Jen was speechless. She tried to open her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She wanted to scream at Giovanni and Persian for what they did to Mewtwo and demand to see this Dr. Fuji, but she couldn’t find her voice. Did Dr. Fuji even survive Mewtwo’s storm? She had to know and speak to him.
        Almost as if Giovanni read her mind, he sighed and looked at her remorsefully. “You will not find any of the scientists who were a part of Mewtwo’s creation. They all died when Mewtwo woke. He…”
        Jen’s expression fell. “He killed them?”
        “He was still getting used to his abilities and there were a lot of dangerous and explosive equipment within the lab, so…” Giovanni trailed off when he noticed Jen’s stern expression. She wanted the honest truth from him. “Yes…he killed them, but I don’t blame him. Although, it would have been better if he ended me instead. All I was thinking about at the time was how to control him.”
        “For his new purpose…to serve you?” Jen asked slowly. “You didn’t once stop to think about all of the scientists that he had killed? And how did you get Mewtwo to--”
        “He trusted me.” Giovanni replied bluntly. “I still saw him as a weapon instead of a being that deserved equality and my respect. I had the most powerful Pokemon willingly allow me to use him…but only because he thought we were partners.”
        “Why didn’t you treat him like your partner? Things would have turned out so much better. Plus, you said that he was willingly going along with everything that you told him to do. Why didn’t you just treat him like an equal?”
        Giovanni stopped in front of his office door and turned to look at Jen dead in the eye. “Give a man power to change the world; anything can happen. But give a coward that same power and he will undoubtedly become a monster. I was a coward who thought only of himself, and who let himself turn into a monster.”
        Jen was silent as she let his words sink into her mind. “But you’re not a monster. Not anymore.”
        The former Rocket Boss took hold of the handle to his office. “You say that, Jen, but each time I speak to you, all I see in your eyes is a hidden hatred for me. I know it is meant for your world’s Giovanni, but I can’t help feeling that some of it should be for me. I’m sorry.
        “You’re not wearing your band, Giovanni.” Jen said as he opened the door to his office. “I can hear you.”
        Neither Giovanni nor Persian responded to her as they both entered into the office. “Hello, John. Black. Kenjiro. I see you have enjoyed some of the whiskey already.”
        “Wee’re all in a mood.” Black groaned.
        Jen peered in through the doorway at her alternate sister. “You drink?”
        “Sssshhhoooossshhh!! Dun’t tell daddy.” Black cried as she put a finger to her lips. “I get a bit…loopsy.”
        “She becomes a completely different person when she drinks too much.” John noted as he watched his eldest jumping up and down on the couch. “Black, get down.”
        “Whoo is this Black of which yoo are speaking to?” Black giggled.
        “You, Black. He is speaking to you.” Giovanni replied with a small chuckle.
        “I is not Black! I am…Libby.” Black declared as she jumped from the couch.
        “Libby?” Jen asked. “She becomes Libby whenever she gets drunk?”
        John nodded.
        Jen watched Black as she giddily bounced around the room with a comical grin on her face. “So she becomes Libby when she’s drunk, and Black when she is sober…does that mean that my Libby would become Black if she’s drunk, or is she constantly drunk and I just don’t know it?
        “DOOODE!” Black cried as she bolted towards Jen. She leapt and tackled Jen before she could escape the drunk girl’s arms. “Yoo should tots go to the Elit Foor and…and challenge them to a battle. Be like…’I’m a battle yoo guys’, and when they soomon der Pokemans, you be like ‘ha ha, I’m a Pokemans too. Take that!’ And ten…yoo da champ.”
        Jen was doing everything in her power to keep from bursting out laughing. “Okay, Black. I’ll consider that.”
        “NO!” Black screamed. “No, no, nope! Noope! Noops!”
        Jen looked to John, Giovanni, and Kenjiro, who was laying on the couch staring intently at them, for help.
        “Libby, let go of your sister.” John barked as he tried to pry Black off of Jen.
        “Noot until mah sissy says mah name!” Black giggled.
        “YEEUS!” Black cheered, releasing Jen from her embrace. “I. AM. LIBBY!!”
        John and Giovanni looked over at Kenjiro, who was still lying on the couch staring at the two girls. His eyes had a slight glaze over them, a tell-tale sign that he had had a little too much to drink. “Yes, Kenjiro?”
        The scout narrowed his eyes at the two girls, but he didn’t speak. It looked like he was trying to collect his thoughts, but was having a hard time doing so.
        “How exactly did he get drunk?” Jen whispered to Black.
        “Huh? Ooh! I treeked him. Hee thought I waz given hem jooce. Poor idiot drank too mooch.” Black giggled. “He noticed after like…haf wayz through the second drink that it wazn’t jooce. So…I challenged him. Said only a cool kid who could beat me at drink’n could date mah sissy. And so…we drank.”
        “And dad let you?”
        “Noop! Daddy didn’t come til the last drink.” Black leaned into Jen with a drunken grin. “The dood can drink. Or…he reeeaally likes ya. I think he waz look’n for yoo originally…and just followed me to da office.”
        “You mean White?”
        “Yous and White. White and yoo. You twos are da same.”
        Jen sighed and let her gaze move towards Kenjiro, who was now seated straight up. His eyes were locked onto her as he spoke. “Sir…John, you have…a very pretty daughter.”
        John beamed at the scout. “Thank you, son, but I’m afraid you may be mixing White and Jen up for one another. That is Jen. White is probably with the others on the lower levels.”
        “Which is where I should be going now. The children should not be speaking to them on my behalf. I need to speak with the civilians about the truce and face whatever hatred and doubt they may possess. I can only imagine the chaos that is raging on down there.” Giovanni grumbled as he downed a quick glass of whiskey.
        “Are you sure you want to do that now?” John asked. “You will be walking into a madhouse. I can just call White and the others and tell them to return to the common room.”
        “John, I spoke to Mewtwo earlier today and made it through the conversation alive. A region of angry civilians isn’t going to faze me.” Giovanni grinned as he stood from his chair. “Get some rest, friend. I’ll see you all later.”
        And with that, both he and Persian left the office.
        “S-Sir?” Kenjiro stuttered.
        “Yes, boy?” John asked.
        The scout slowly crawled to his feet and made his way over to Jen, not once taking his eyes off of her. “I…love her. May…I have her…as mine?”
        Jen’s face went absolutely scarlet. “Dude, one, I’m Jen. Two, don’t propose when you’re drunk. Three, don’t propose when you’re drunk to the wrong girl.”
        Black tackled Jen into a hug, cackling maniacally. “I CALL BEING MAID OF HONOR! DIBS! I CALLED! NOBODY ELSA!”
        John, on the other hand, had to turn his head away to keep from laughing. “Son, you can ask again once you are sober, then we can talk about you receiving my blessing.”
        “Wait…you’re okay with White being engaged? Isn’t this your first time meeting Kenjiro?” Jen asked her dad.
        “I’ve met the boy before during a few of White’s chats with him. He is a respectable boy, but I believe he will be better off asking her when he is sober, and after he waits a few years into the future.” John said, clarifying the situation.
        “Awww…but I wanted to help with da dress!” Black whined. “Please?!”
        “I think you will have a different opinion after a good night’s rest, Libby. Come on, I’ll walk you back to the barracks.” John said calmly as he began ushering Black out of the room. “Jen, are you coming?”
        “I’ll help Kenjiro to the common room. Or do you think he will be fine in here?” She asked. “I don’t want to leave him alone.”
        John studied the scout for a moment, debating with himself as to whether or not he should escort the scout back or Black. “Black is more of a hassle to control, while drunk.” He mumbled to himself. “Just stay here with him until I return. I’ll only be a minute. If he tries anything, Jen, and I mean anything, knock him out.”
        “Aye, aye, sir.” Jen nodded as John led Black out of the office. She turned back to Kenjiro, who had not moved, and pointed to the couch. “Let’s go sit down.”
        “I-I need…to *hic* tell you something.” He said, still not moving.
        “Okay, but can you tell me while heading over to the couch?”
        The scout nodded sluggishly as he walked clumsily over to the leather couch. “I-I’m…sorry…for everything. I didn’t…I didn’t know. *Hic!*”
        “Didn’t know I was part Pokemon?” Jen asked as she helped him sit down. “Don’t be. It’s not something you should worry about.”
        Kenjiro shook his head. “That’s not it. *Hic!* I…I didn’t know. Why?”
        “Kenjiro, you’re not making any sense.” Jen said slowly.
        The boy looked at her with pain in his eyes. “Jen…am I…a monster?”
        Jen’s brows knitted together in confusion. “A monster? No. No, why would you be a monster? What have you done that makes you think that you were anything close to being one?”
        “Because…I killed them. All of *hic* them.” He groaned. “And you…you knew, but…you didn’t tell me. *Hic* You agreed to stay…even though you knew. Why? Why did you *hic* agree?”
        Jen’s blood ran cold. “Mewtwo?”
        The scout nodded drunkenly.
        Jen’s jaw dropped. “How the Hell did you get in here? How did you manage to use your mind projection on everyone while they were wearing their bands? How the heck are you still able to hold it?”
        Kenji—Mewtwo gave her a smug grin. “I’m that *hic* good.”
        “You’re drunk!”
        “Your sister…she…I need to know, Jen…am I a *hic* monster?”
        “No, Mewtwo, no. You’re not a monster. Yeah, you’re a jerk some times and an asshole the other times, but no. I don’t see you as a monster.” Jen replied quickly.
        “Why didn’t you tell me?”
        “Tell you what? That you killed my cousin and friends?”
        Mewtwo nodded remorsefully. There was that guilty look on his face that Jen feared she would have to face if the truth ever came to light.
        “Damn it.” “Because I didn’t want to see…*sigh* I didn’t want to see you sad.”
        She could see the surprise ripple across his expression as she spoke. “Why?”
        “Because I just didn’t want to.” Jen replied quickly. “I don’t want you to be sad. I love you, Mewtwo, and I…I want you to be happy.”
        Mewtwo’s eyes widened as the mind projection broke. “What?”
        “Did you…just say…”
        “You should probably make yourself look like Kenjiro again just in case my dad comes back in—wait a sec! Earlier, did you try to get my dad’s blessing and propose to me?!” Jen screamed.
        Mewtwo didn’t respond. A giddy smile stretched across his face as he stared at her.
        “Mewtwo?” Jen snapped. She still hadn’t realized her slip up.
        “Do you mean it?”
        “Even after everything horrible that I have done? Do you mean it?”
        Jen frowned. “Eh…yeah?” She still hadn’t caught her slip up. “I do want you to be happy and--!”
        Before she could finish her sentence, Mewtwo pulled her onto his lap with his tail and hugged her tightly. He buried his face into her neck, kissing her lovingly.
        “Mewtwo?” Jen squeaked. “What are you--”
        “I love you too, Jen.” He whispered into her ear before showering her with more kisses.
        “Too? I didn’t say…Oh. Shit.” “Mewtwo, stop.”
        The Legendary paused with his lips pressed against the bridge of her nose. “Hmm? What is it, my love?”
        “We shouldn’t do this. I don’t want to lead you on nor do I ever want to hurt you, but--”
        “You’re right. We shouldn’t do this.” Mewtwo said with a grin. “Your father will be returning soon…let’s go somewhere.”
        “That’s not exactly what I meant.” Jen muttered. “Yes, we should probably get you out of here before dad comes back, but when I said that I loved you…I meant it for my Mewtwo.”
        “Hmm?” He didn’t sound like he was paying a whole lot of attention to what she was saying. In fact, it almost sounded like he was falling asleep.
        Jen swallowed her fear and gathered her courage to finally tell Mewtwo the truth. “It slipped. I…Kenji doesn’t exactly exist in my world. He is my Mewtwo’s mind projection. He had created Kenji months ago when Red and I were at Rota’s Hero of the Year ball, and used him to save me from dancing with Sal. And ever since then, he had been using Kenji to get closer to me, and eventually, I fell in love with him.” Jen said with a blush.
        Mewtwo didn’t respond. He did stop kissing her, and now had his head resting on her shoulder.
        “Of course, I eventually learned the truth about him being Mewtwo, but…I didn’t stop loving him. In fact, I liked it better that he was no longer disguising himself.”
        Mewtwo still didn’t say anything.
        “So now you know the truth, Mewtwo. I’m…sorry if you feel--”
Mewtwo pulled her closer and laid down with her on the couch. He nuzzled her hair with his nose and breathed slowly. He had fallen asleep while she had been confessing the truth to him.
        Jen glared at the ceiling and addressed the unseen, yet ever annoyingly cruel controller of the universe. “…Screw. You.”

Catch Me. Save Me. (Seq. to What Am I?)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora