Shadows in the Heart

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Jen, Libby, Ash, N, and Colress were all dressed in the stolen grunt uniforms. Jen had tied her hair up in a bun again and hidden it under her cap, while N somehow managed to stuff all of his hair into his cap without making it bulge. Colress, on the other hand, was a bit reluctant to hide his blue swirl, which was still perfect after sleeping in the cave. The group eventually convinced him to tuck it under the black cap.
"Are we all ready?" Mew asked.
"I think so." Jen replied. She grimaced down at the uniform.
"We will try to follow you for as far as we can." Mewtwo said gently as he hugged her.
The Mews and Latias had explained to the group, while they were getting changed that the Pokeball factory was built in the same place as a rock quarry, which enabled them to travel a few floors below the surface. Unfortunately, there were still floors even farther below that they would not be able to reach.
They had searched all the levels for Red and the others, but they weren't on any of the floors that the Mews or Latias could reach. Or so they figured.
"You said that there was a surveillance room a floor below the surface, right?" Ash asked.
Both Mews nodded. "Use it to your advantage."
"We will. I've got my phone and Ash has his." Libby beamed. She glanced over at Jen's Pokemon and pointed towards them. "Sis, shouldn't you put your Pokemon back in their Pokeballs? You know, just in case?"
Jen's Pokemon snickered, while Jen groaned. "Their Pokeballs were destroyed a while back."
Libby stared at Jen sinisterly with a look that muttered, 'are you kidding me?' "Only you could manage to have your Pokeballs destroyed!"
"We can hide in your bag." Rattata suggested.
Jen nodded and bent down to let Vulpix, Rattata, and Haunter crawl into her bag. They curled up as tightly as they could so it looked like Jen's bag was only holding items.
N used Red's and Amy's Pokeballs to summon their Pokemon back into their Pokeballs and placed them around his belt. He stared at them oddly before shaking his head. He looked up at the group and addressed them boldly as he started towards the factory. "Let's go."
"We'll be watching from the other side." Mewtwo said to Jen as Mew, Latias, and Ho-Oh vanished to the other world.
"I know you will be. See you guys soon." Jen smiled as she gave Mewtwo a quick kiss on the lips.
Mewtwo smiled before letting his gem take him to the other world.
Jen walked quickly, but carefully to catch up with the others. They were almost to the entrance of the factory when they spotted two grunts keeping guard out front. One was a Dim Sun, while the other was a Magma grunt, but the logos on their uniforms were replaced with a red 'R'.
The two grunts stared as the group approached, but neither one of them spoke or made a move to stop them. Instead, they turned their gazes forward, no longer interested in any of them. N quickly and casually led the group into the factory.
"Well that was absurdly easy." Libby muttered under her breath.
"We're not done yet, Libby. We need to find a way into the lower levels of the base. Sabrina, Red, Amy and their Pokemon are somewhere below us." Jen explained telepathically to her friends.
"Ah! Telepathy! Imagine what we could have done with this if we found out you were a Pokemon when we were younger." Libby giggled.
Jen smiled at her sister.
"Split up?" N asked.
"It would help us draw less attention to ourselves and we may find my brother and the others faster." Ash agreed as he scanned the walls for stairs or an elevator.
"What are you all doing up here?" A voice growled from above them. It was an older grunt, but no one could tell what Team he was from. "You're all supposed to be downstairs."
"Sorry, but we're new to this base, so if you don't mind, gramps, a little help would be appreciated." Libby snapped at the grunt.
The grunt glared at them for a moment before pointing towards a wall behind an empty conveyor belt. "The code is 5491...then hit star."
"Now was that so hard?" Libby asked mockingly.
The grunt scowled and walked away, but not before murmuring something along the lines of, 'stupid, cocky bitch.'
The group walked in the direction that the grunt had pointed them towards and found a keypad next to what looked to be an elevator door.
Libby put the code in and the door opened to reveal a small elevator. The group grimaced at the sight. It looked like only three, if they squeezed, could fit in the small space at a time.
"First ones down go to the surveillance room?" Colress said as he walked in first. "Anyone want to join me?"
"I'll go." N said as he walked into the elevator. "We are the last two members of Team Plasma, though I admit my relation to Team Plasma reluctantly. It would only make sense that we stick together."
"Jen, you go with them. Ash and I will find the others, okay?" Libby said as she tried to push Jen into the elevator with Colress.
"Nice try, Lib. You guys are going to need my help if you run into trouble down in the lower levels." Jen muttered. "Plus, Ash is the only other person in our group other than you, who has a phone."
Ash narrowed his eyes at her with and gawked at her. "Really, Jen?"
"Elevator. Now." Jen commanded.
"Not cool, Jen." Pikachu muttered as Ash reluctantly walked into the elevator with Colress and N.
"Then maybe I should--" N began as he proceeded to walk out of the elevator.
"Bye, boys!" Jen waved as the doors shut on them.
The girls heard the elevator move down to the lower levels as the gears rumbled on the other side of the wall. Libby counted silently to ten before punching the code in again. The gears of the elevator grinded again as the elevator returned to them.
They both walked into the small space and looked at the three buttons on the elevator's panel.
"What floor are you feeling like?" Libby asked.
"Let's start with the bottom. We'll work our way upward."
Libby nodded and hit the button for the lowest floor. The elevator shook as it took them down.
"How you reacted with the grunt was pretty cool, Libby. I've never seen you act like that." Jen said.
"I learned a bit from Gary when we were younger...and from a few douchebag trainers that I ran into during my travels." Libby smirked as the elevator opened for them.
Jen took a deep breath and looked out. "Here we go."
Both sisters stepped out of the small box and looked around. It was just a hallway.
"Should we check each room?" Libby asked.
Jen shook her head as she slowly walked down the hallway. Something didn't feel right. There should have been some grunts walking through the hallway, and where were the Legendries? The area was too small to hold them.
Libby was starting to get the same idea as her younger sister. "Jen, shouldn't we be running into grunts or hearing some Legendries like Zapdos and Moltres?"
Jen nodded silently.
Libby's phone suddenly vibrated in her pocket. She took it out and read the message aloud. "It's from Ash. He says they found the surveillance room. They knocked the grunts out and tied them up. They see us on camera and the doors to the lower floors are down the hall a bit and over on our left."
Jen ran to the doors and threw them open. Sure enough, there were stairs going down. She looked back into the nearest camera and smiled. "Thanks guys!"
"Ash said they'll keep us posted on what they see via the cameras." Libby said as she pushed Jen down the stairs. "Come on. We don't have a lot of time to waste."
They descended as quickly as they could with Jen holding her bag with her Pokemon inside as gently as she could. A loud, spine-tingling roar reverberated up the stairwell, causing both girls to freeze in horror.
Jen could feel her Pokemon tense up within her bag. She didn't blame them. They were completely blind to what was going on around them. "Don't worry, guys. We're not near whoever that was."
"Jen?" Libby squeaked.
"We need to hurry, Libby." Jen said as unfazed as she could.
They continued down the stairs before Libby regained full control of her voice. "Did it say something? Did it sound hurt at all?"
"No. It just sounded...mad."
Libby went silent again as they opened the door to the lowest floor. Jen pulled on the door and stepped out onto a metal walkway.
"Woah..." Libby gasped.
Below the walkway, both sisters could see multiple grunts from different Teams running about. None of them noticed Jen or Libby staring down at them.
"Ask Ash, N, and Colress if they have found Red and the others." Jen instructed as she walked along the metal catwalk. There were some stairs that led to the bottom floor, which Jen quickly took.
Libby trailed after her with her head pointed down at her phone screen. "They found Sabrina. She is in a separate room from Red and Amy. They are both in the same room together, but they don't know where exactly yet."
Jen nodded. "Keep your phone hidden and your voice low if you're not going to speak telepathically, Lib."
Libby quickly hid her phone up her sleeve.
Jen slowly and inconspicuously as possible opened her bag and peeked inside at her Pokemon. "How are you guys doing? Want out?" She asked.
"We're comfortable." They replied. None of them bothered to move from the bag.
Jen nodded and smiled at them before partially closing her bag.
"Out of the way, grunts." An Aqua elite ordered as he and some of his men shoved past Jen and Libby.
"Hey! Watch where you're going, punk!" Libby hissed.
The grunts and elite turned on her. "Excuse you?"
"You walked into us, dumb ass!" Libby hissed as she shoved the elite backwards.
"Are you guys sure you don't want out of the bag to see this?" Jen mentally asked her Pokemon. She felt them poke their heads out of her bag.
"I'm not afraid to pummel a Rocket bitch like you into the ground." The elite growled.
"Come at me bro!" Libby taunted.
The elite swung at her, but Libby ducked under his fist. The elite stumbled forward from missing, but Jen made sure she didn't. As he staggered towards her, she cracked him as hard as she could. Her fist collided with his jaw.
"Gawh! You gonna pa fo tat!" The elite spit as he held his injured jaw. "Ge'em!"
The Aqua grunts rushed Libby and Jen, but before they could get to close to the two sister a couple Rocket grunts came to their rescue. Fists were quickly thrown as more grunts from different Teams joined the brawl. Soon enough, everyone was fighting one another.
Jen quickly pried Libby off the back of a Cipher peon that she was slapping in the back of the head and 'led' her through all the battling grunts. It wasn't an easy feat to complete, but after a lot of pushing, shoving, and punching, both girls were able to free themselves from the horde of grunts.
"Libby, that was crazy, but brilliant!" Jen panted.
"Thanks. Now let's go find Red and the others." Libby huffed. She glanced at her phone and grinned. "Ash says that Sabrina should be in the west wing of the base. Come on!"
They raced off, leaving the mob of fighting grunts behind.

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