Go Go Go

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Outside on the surface
Multiple emotions were rushing through Jen's being as Mewtwo carried her out of the facility. She was overjoyed by the fact that there were only a few more hours left until she could see her friends again. In fact, she could barely contain her excitement. She wanted to scream with excitement, but...the thought of potentially seeing her friends again for the last time kind of killed her joy.
Her heart slowly sank as she looked up at Mewtwo. He had his attention focused ahead of them as he flew them farther away from the facility. "How am I going to tell him? Would it be smart just to blurt out, 'My world's Mewtwo is my mate' or would it be better to tell him slowly? He still seems pretty mad." "Um...Mewtwo?"
The grey Legendary didn't respond as he landed among the trees. He placed Jen down on the grass, but he didn't let her go. Jen looked up to see that his jaw was locked in anger, probably from arguing with Giovanni.
"He looks like he might destroy something." She thought as she continued to study his expression. "Mewtwo?"
Mewtwo looked down at her with a dark glare. His pupils were slit and his teeth were slightly bared.
Jen flinched at the frightening sight, but made sure to recover before Mewtwo could notice. She still didn't want him to know how much he scared her, but this time, she had an added reason. She was concerned about how he would feel if he saw her shy away.
He noticed.
His features relaxed, but his pupils didn't change. He looked into her eyes before gradually loosening his embrace on her.
Jen frowned and looked down at his arms. "Mewtwo, is something wrong?" She asked softly as she let her eyes meet with his again.
He didn't reply to her question right away. Instead, he completely let her go and took a step back. "What am I to you, Jen?" He asked with a hiss in his voice.
"What are you? You're a Legendary Pokemon."
"What else am I to you?"
Jen blinked, confused. "Where is this going?" "Um...the ruler of this world?"
Mewtwo continued to look at her with a dark scowl.
"Is there a certain answer that you are looking for?" Jen asked softly. The thought of telling him about her Mewtwo was temporarily put on hold as she took a step towards him. "Are you bothered by something that Giovanni said to you?"
Mewtwo remained silent as he kept a two foot in between the two of them.
"What did he say to you?" Jen repeated.
"Doesn't matter what he said, Jen. I don't give a damn as to what that human thinks or says." Mewtwo replied. He still sounded mad. Was he mad at her? Jen hoped not. Telling him the truth would be harder if he was mad with her.
"But he said something that bothered you, didn't he? What did he say?" Jen asked gently as she instinctively wrapped her arms around him. She rested her head on his chest and looked up at him with concerned eyes. "Please tell me."
Mewtwo's facial expression seemed to soften slightly, but only slightly as Jen hugged him. "Am I hurting you or using you, Jen?"
"No. No, you've been very kind to me. You've given me more than I could have asked for, and you are helping us rescue my friends."
"But you're not happy, are you?"
"Right now, no, I'm not. I'm worried about you...plus I need to tell you something, but I'm not too eager to see your reaction..." Jen muttered the last part as she looked down at his chest.
"You're worried? Why?" He asked in a much calmer tone.
"Because..." Jen trailed off as she traced random shapes into his fur with her fingers. The truth was on the tip of her tongue, but she didn't know how to say it. Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest. "TELL HIM!"
"Because?" Mewtwo pressed. His voice was growing cold again. "Do not give me such a childish response, Jen. Are you worried because you pity me?"
Jen looked up at him and shook her head. "It's not pity. I don't pity you, Mewtwo. I lo..." She trailed off before she could let the words slip from her mouth. She had been denying this truth for days and had been trying to bury it deep within her heart, though it did kind of slip out earlier. However, it was now fighting with a vengeance to be heard.
Mewtwo raised a brow at her. "You can't even say it, can you? You're still attached to that human boy."
"No. That's not—No, I--"
"Do you take me for a fool, Jen?" There was no kindness in his voice anymore. All Jen could hear was anger and hurt.
"No, Mewtwo, I don't. To me, you are a Legendary. You are powerful, smart, and kind...when you want to be. But most of all, you are a ruler who is loved and respected by all of his friends."
"But not by you." Mewtwo hissed as he unwrapped her arms from around him.
His words stung Jen. She looked at him numbly as she opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.
"You've only accepted my kindness because I asked you to do so." Mewtwo growled. "Have you, even for a moment, felt any sort of affection towards me? Or was that kiss just an impulsive--"
"You want the truth?" Jen was shaking as she spoke. "These past few days have been...I have been struggling to keep my feelings separated. It has been a pain."
Mewtwo frowned and narrowed his eyes at her. "A pain? So you lied to me when you said that I wasn't hurting you. I have been causing you--"
"Mewtwo, listen!" Jen screamed as she grabbed his shoulders and pulled him down to her level. His eyes were wide and full of shock. "I love you, Mewtwo! You got that? I love you, and I have for a while, but--"
"Prove it." He growled as his expression grew hard again.
Jen blinked. The sudden and harsh command caught her off guard. "How?"
Mewtwo leaned forward so his face was only a few inches away from hers.
He didn't have to tell Jen what to do for her to know what he wanted. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pressed her lips against his. At first, the kiss was gentle, but as her lips began to fit more with his; the deeper and more fervent the kisses grew. She moved one of her hands to the back of his head, pulling him closer as she ran her fingers through his fur.
Eventually, she could feel Mewtwo smiling as she kissed him. He wrapped his arms around her waist, and kissed her back as he held her close to his chest.
Jen had finally told him the truth.
No, not the truth about her Mewtwo being Kenji, like Jen and White wanted, but the truth about her feelings for this world's Mewtwo. She had told White back in the facility not even ten minutes ago that she could no longer separate her feelings between her Mewtwo and this world's Mewtwo. Yes, she had tried to have a different and more empty relationship with this Mewtwo in the beginning, but by being at his side and accepting his 'acts of kindness', it was hard to retain such a relationship. And even though they were alternates, he looked exactly like, and acted (mostly) like her Mewtwo did.
Her feelings of affection might have well started the night they first met.
Actually, no. Her affection for him might as well have begun the moment she fell in love with her Mewtwo, whether she wanted to admit it or not. "...Mmmmrr..." She mentally whimpered.
"For how long?" Mewtwo asked as he pulled her from her thoughts.
Jen looked back up into his eyes, which had returned to normal. "Before you knew you loved me."
Mewtwo chuckled and nuzzled her forehead with his. "You little liar."
"I'm not lying." Jen admitted softly. "Let me show you."
Mewtwo watched out of amusement as Jen's memories of the past few days played out in his mind. The first memory was of when White and Jen were brought to New Island by the clones.
Mewtwo could sense a nagging fear within Jen as she tried to fight her way of the Pokeball that she was trapped inside of. Of course, she wasn't fearing for her own safety, but for her alternate's safety.
He watched through her eyes as she caught sight of his past self through the Pokeball. Worry and concern flooded Jen's being as he looked down at her alternate, but there was one other emotion inside of her that Mewtwo could just barely make out.
It had sparked ever so slightly in her chest when she saw him.
The humored smirk slowly fell from Mewtwo's face as the memory seemed to jump to a few minutes later. The glee of seeing him was now replaced with a new emotion. One that made Mewtwo grimace and hold her being tighter.
She was furious with him for turning White into a puppet. Jen glowered at Mewtwo as she hurtled a shadow ball at him, but Mewtwo deflected the attack.
Mewtwo didn't have to see her face to remember how much fury there was in her eyes as she tried to land an attack on him. However...she was holding back. He could sense her want to knock him out of the air, but...at the same time, she didn't want to hurt him. Something was holding her back.
A feeling that she was trying to suppress.
Before Mewtwo could determine what it was, the memory switched to the next day. Both he and Jen were down in the main hall standing before the table of food. Jen was looking down at her hand, which was still being held by his hand.
The feeling that she had been trying to suppress the night before was trying to free itself, but Jen's will was stronger. However, there was one emotion that Mewtwo was able to sense from her.
He had made her happy just by holding her hand. Mewtwo chuckled to himself. "It was that easy? It was really that easy to make her happy? So what happened?"
A sharp, stinging pain shot through Jen's being as the memory changed again. Mewtwo grimaced as he too felt his beloved's pain.
Jen was standing before Mewtwo as he sat in his chair. Her fists were shaking as the words he had just spoken repeated in her mind. "Then why else would he hold any interest in you?"
The suppressed feeling seemed easier to hold back in this memory. How could it not be? Jen was mad at him for insulting her.
"Idiot!" Mewtwo growled to himself. "Jen--"
"I don't want to be anywhere near you!" Jen hissed as the memory shifted again. They were hovering above the stadium now.
Hearing those words again, with new feelings for the girl in his arms, caused Mewtwo to wince. It felt like he had been punched in the stomach.
She was hurting too. In fact, she felt sick voicing those words.
Mewtwo continued to reluctantly watch the rest of the memory as the mood of their conversation changed. Their shared words were calmer, but Mewtwo couldn't help grimacing when his past self teased Jen about which Giovanni she was talking about.
Jen, however, smirked in response. "Very funny, Mewtwo. You know one I'm talking about." She had enjoyed the remark.
Mewtwo's memory self chuckled.
Mewtwo felt a vicious tugging within Jen's chest as she listened to him laugh. The suppressed feeling was growing even more difficult to keep buried now, but, fortunately for Mewtwo, it was easier to sense what it was she was trying to contain. "...Love?" He looked down at Jen, who had her eyes shut and her head resting against his chest. "You loved me...but you were trying to keep yourself from doing so. You had the human. You were trying to stay loyal to him."
The memory skipped again to when Jen was being surrounded by the children. They were all grinning and giggling mischievously to one another.
Concern and confusion.
"What are you guys whispering about?" Jen asked curiously.
The children turned to her, beaming wildly. "Since you and Mewtwo are both Mews, does that mean you two will have little Mews of you own together?"
"Little Mews..." A grin pulled at the corner of Mewtwo's mouth. He remembered when the children had first asked the question, but he had simply dismissed it as some joke. Now, the idea of having a child with Jen...starting a family pleased him. "But what do you want, Jen?"
He let his attention refocus on the memory and Jen's emotions.
Want? Was that right? The feeling was fleeting as Jen quickly dismissed it, but Mewtwo swore that was the emotion he sensed from her memory.
She wanted a child. His child. A little Mew.
Mewtwo looked down at Jen, his heart swelling with happiness. She still had her eyes shut and her breathing was starting to even out. "Little Mew..." He smiled softly down at her and kissed her forehead, making sure not to wake her. "After all of this is over, and when you are ready, my Jen, I wish to have a child with you."
Jen remained in her slumbering state as her memories continued to play out within Mewtwo's mind, but he wasn't paying attention to them or any of the emotions that followed. Besides, as Jen fell further and further into the dream world, the more the memories began to fade.
Mewtwo nuzzled Jen's hair with his nose before lifting her up into his arms. He didn't want to risk her collapsing onto the ground and waking up hurt. She was exhausted, and she would need to regain her strength and energy before later that night.
Also, it would also help time go by faster for her.
Jen groaned in her sleep as she curled up in his arms. There was a look of discomfort and uneasiness in her expression.
Curious, Mewtwo decided to watch the barely visible memory that was currently playing. It wasn't as clear as the others were, nor were any of the spoken words as understandable as they were in the other memories, but Mewtwo instantly recognized what was going on.
A dark yellow figure stood before Jen as it swung something back and forth in front of her. It suddenly lunged at Jen, but she threw out a hand and sent him flying backwards. This only seemed to aggravate the figure as it threw something at her head.
Jen faltered as the object hit her.
The figure lunged for her again, this time grabbing her neck.
Mewtwo let out a possessive and threatening growl as the horrific emotion ripped through Jen's being. He felt helpless as he watched his mate's dream self suffer at the hands of Hypno.
It made him sick.
He hated every second of it. If only he had been alerted sooner, then maybe she wouldn't have gotten hurt.
Hypno's hands were now around Jen's neck, squeezing tighter and tighter as he cut off her oxygen. Jen choked and tried throwing the evil Pokemon off of her, but to no avail.
"M-Mewt-two..." Jen cried through her struggled breathes.
Another growl erupted from Mewtwo, but this time, it was much darker and menacing. He bared his teeth at the memory, wanting to do something to protect Jen from the Hypno, but that time had passed.
Hypno was dead and 'buried' under a rock, curtesy of Mewtwo himself, and Jen was with him. Safe and living now as his mate in this world.
He had just wished he'd done more to make the Hypno suffer.
Mewtwo waited for another memory to start, and ease the rage that was burning in his chest, but nothing happened. That was the last memory Jen could show him before she completely conked out and lost focus on the memories.
He looked down at the sleeping girl and felt his anger drain away. "She loved me...all this time. So why did she keep saying that she had the human boy, and why did she try to suppress it? Is it because I look like her teacher?"
Jen began squirming and flinching in his arms. She was having her nightmare again.
Mewtwo held her as securely as he could and spoke softly to her. "Shh. It's alright, Jen. You're safe. There are no flames here. I will protect you."
Almost immediately, Jen relaxed and leaned against his shoulder.
Mewtwo watched Jen quietly with curiosity in his eyes. "How interesting. Did my alternate have to calm her like this before the memory was suppressed, or did the boy do so?"
He slowly sat down at the base of one of the trees and continued to ponder over the curious matter. "Perhaps it is because he is her teacher and the one who blocked it in the first place. But...the first time we met, she kissed me. She couldn't have had any affections for me then. Could she—No." Mewtwo shook his head, but there was still doubt in his mind. "It's because my alternate is her teacher that she didn't attack me all those years ago. She kissed me...not something a pupil would do to one's teacher. Impulsive?"
"Hey, Mewtwo, you're ba—oops." Charizard hushed up when he noticed Jen resting in Mewtwo's arms. "Should we come back later?" He wondered as he gestured to Venusaur and Blastoise.
Mewtwo shook his head. "You all can stay."
The three Kanto clones quietly walked over to Mewtwo and sat down in front of him. "So did you talk to the humans again, or were you only inside for Halfling?"
"I wanted to speak with Jen, but ended up...getting sidetracked. The humans said that they will be ready sometime later tonight."
The trio nodded and waited to see if Mewtwo was going to say anything else. The grey Legendary remained silent as his gaze moved back towards Jen.
"What's on your mind, Mewtwo? Is Halfling alright?" Venusaur asked.
"She is just tired." He replied as he brushed a few loose strands of Jen's hair behind her ear. "I think she has some feelings of affection towards her teacher, my alternate."
"What?!" Blastoise snorted. "What would make you think that?"
"She has—She had the human boy from her old world...they were traveling with Mew and my alternate. Both he and Mew taught her how to use and control her abilities."
"And you think overtime, Halfling began having some interest in your alternate? All the while she was with a human?" Venusaur asked, while hoping to clarify the situation.
"I think you're being paranoid, Mewtwo. Yeah, she may have been traveling and learning with him, but there is no way she could have any sort of feelings towards him." Blastoise stated bluntly.
"Perhaps they shared a teacher-student relationship, but nothing more." Venusaur suggested.
Mewtwo wasn't completely convinced. There were too many things that just didn't make sense to him, especially after watching some of Jen's memories.
"Maybe she began having an interest in your alternate sometime after she kissed you?" Charizard teased as he reached a clawed hand out to wake her. "Shall we wake her up and ask her?"
Mewtwo shook his head and pulled her closer to him so Charizard wouldn't accidentally disturb her. "Let her sleep. I'll wake her when the facilities are ready to move."
The three Kanto clones chuckled. "Alright. Want us to leave you two alone?"
"Stay or go, I do not mind. I will eventually need to alert the others throughout the regions for tonight."
The trio stood and began to turn, but Venusaur stopped and looked over at Mewtwo. "How many do you think we'll need to send over to Halfling's old world?" He asked.
"That depends on how many humans will be crossing over with us. All of the regions claimed that they would help, but I doubt many of them will follow through with their promises." Mewtwo stated harshly.
"You don't trust them? Or did you hear their thoughts?" Blastoise asked.
"They have tried to keep me from seeing into their minds, but neither their bands nor the distance can hide their thoughts from me."
"Are they scared?" Charizard asked. "They do know that we are going to be helping them, right?"
"They still don't trust us."
"Heh! Humans. What spine-less cowards." Blastoise scoffed. "Did you tell Giovanni?"
Mewtwo scowled at the sound of the man's name. He was still bitter about their last run-in.
"MMewtwo? What'swrong?"
Mewtwo looked down at Jen. Her eyes were barely open, which meant she was half asleep. "Did we wake you?"
"Nu. Hot." She mumbled as she tugged sluggishly at the sleeves of her jacket. She only managed to get the sleeve off of her right arm before giving up and laying back down against Mewtwo. "You said...we?"
"Hello, Halfling." Venusaur grinned.
Jen's head slowly rolled over to face the Kanto clones. "...Hi."
Charizard leaned forward as Jen rubbed her eyes, and, with a smug grin, he asked. "Do you love your senpai?"
Jen stopped mid-rub and frowned at Charizard, confused by his question. "Huh? My wha—HAHAHA!"
Jen burst out laughing as Mewtwo tickled her exposed neck with his nose. He smiled as she squirmed in his arms. "Sorry, my Jen." He smirked apologetically as he kissed her neck.
"Mmm jerk." Jen moaned tiredly as she shut her eyes and curled up close to him.
The trio of Kanto clones snickered at the jab. "So you're a jerk to Halfling. What is the Mewtwo from your old world to you, Halfling? Is he a jerk too?" They joked.
"Mmm? Mewtwo?" Jen groaned sluggishly. She was rapidly losing consciousness again. "Mmeean..."
"Mean? Your world's Mewtwo—I mean, Mewtwo from your old world was mean to you?" Blastoise pressed. The playful mood of the conversation was replaced by concern.
"My alternate was mean to her? How so? She told me they were friends. Was that before he became her teacher?" His jaw locked as his thoughts were drawn towards how his alternate could have mistreated Jen. "Did he ever hurt you, Jen?"
Jen shook her head lazily before sighing and going limp in Mewtwo's arms.
"Was that a no?" Venusaur asked.
"Perhaps she's teasing? She called you a jerk, so maybe that is what she says to your alternate whenever he teases her?" Charizard suggested.
A wave of jealousy rippled through Mewtwo's being as he imagined his alternate teasing and being playful with Jen. His Jen. His alternate was just a friend and teacher to her. Nothing more...right?
"I think she's a little too far gone to understand what we're asking her." Blastoise muttered. To him, it looked like Jen had just shifted into a more comfortable position in Mewtwo's arms. "What do you want us to do when we run into your alternate?"
Mewtwo thought for a moment. "She said that they are friends." He sighed heavily before looking up at his waiting friends. "For now, nothing. If I change my mind, I will let you three know."
"Alright. We'll be waiting." Blastoise nodded.
"We'll leave you and Halfling now so she can rest." Venusaur said as he and the other two proceeded to leave.
Mewtwo nodded a silent thank you to them as they disappeared into the trees. His gaze drifted back to Jen. She never mentioned his alternate harming her in any way, shape, or form. "Perhaps it was only bantering that she was saying. I still don't like it."
He looked at her jacket, which hung halfway off of her. She had said that she was hot, and had given up halfway through taking it off, but did she want—
Mewtwo narrowed his eyes when he noticed the three white lines peeking out from under her sleeve. He slowly ran his fingers over the scars that ran down her arm. "Claw marks. But from what or who?" He looked at his hand. "My alternate couldn't have done this to her, but that doesn't mean he couldn't have kept it from happening to her. Where was the human boy when she received these scars?"
He found himself tracing his fingers over the scars again. Jen smiled in her sleep as she felt his touch on her arm.
"Do you have some sort of fondness for your teacher, my Jen?"
Jen didn't respond.
"I promised you that I would not hurt the human boy, but if you do have any feelings of affection towards my alternate, then you had better hope he does not feel the same way. He and I may share many things in common, but you will not be one of them."

Catch Me. Save Me. (Seq. to What Am I?)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora