Dream Come True?

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Ho-Oh flapped its wing up as it began to fly away with Red clutched in its talons. His Pokemon began running towards the edge of the Tower.

        “Stay here! I’ll get him.” Amy said as she summoned her Pidgeot. She jumped onto its back and flew after Ho-Oh.

        “Screw that!” Mikey growled as she ran up to Charizard and leapt on its back. “Let’s go! We’ve got to get Red back.”

        Charizard eagerly bolted from the top of the Tower and chased after Ho-Oh. It only had to pound its wings a couple times before it finally caught up with Ho-Oh and Amy.

        Amy looked over her shoulder at Charizard and Mikey. “What are you doing? You’re going to get yourself hurt!”

        Mikey didn’t reply. She was too focused on how high off the ground they were. “I really should have thought this out a little better.” She mentally whimpered as her grip on Charizard tightened.

        The Pokemon flew faster as they grew closer to Red.  Charizard reached a claw out to Red, but Ho-Oh swooped downward just before Charizard could grab his mute friend. Charizard roared in anger as it pounded its wings faster and faster. Mikey could feel its heartbeat race as it pushed itself to catch up to the Legendry.

        “Mikey!” Amy cried.

        Mikey ignored her out of fear.

        “Mikey, grab Red!!” Amy cried.

        Mikey couldn’t let go of Charizard’s neck. She was too scared. It was taking every ounce of her will power not to fall victim to her quickly growing panic attack. “Land. Land. I want to land. Please, please, just land.

        Charizard tried to reach out towards Red again, but Ho-Oh swiped at them with one of its wings. Charizard fell out of the sky a couple dozen feet, but quickly recovered. It began flying back towards Ho-Oh, but froze when it noticed something off. It felt slightly lighter. Charizard looked over its shoulder and saw…no, it didn’t see Mikey.

        “Shit! Where is she?” Charizard thought worriedly as it spun in the air searching for her. It took him a while before he spotted her clinging desperately to the underside of Ho-Oh’s wing. “Oh no.

        Mikey’s eyes were wide with complete and utter fear. All she could see was bright rainbow feathers and the ground hundreds of miles below and growing farther away. “I’m gonna die. Don’t let go…” She thought horrified.

        She shut her eyes and buried her face in Ho-Oh’s wing.

        Ho-Oh turned its head down to look at her when it felt her moving. It cawed loudly at her, causing her grip on its wing to loosen. Mikey gasped loudly as she tried to regain her grip on Ho-Oh’s wing.

        Mikey could hear whistling, but she first dismissed it as the air, but it soon came in patterns and songs. She cautiously looked down in the direction the whistles were coming from and spotted Red looking at her. He began signing at her, but she didn’t know what he was saying.

        “W-What?!” She could see Red shut his eyes. “What is he doing?” She felt something grab her around the waist, but her grip tightened on Ho-Oh’s wing. “NO! NO! NO!” She shrieked as she squeezed her eyes shut.

        Ho-Oh pounded its wings roughly against the air as it tried to get Mikey off and push the other being away. Mikey’s grip slipped and she went plummeting to the ground. Her stomach tightened and she quickly forgot how to breathe. The shock of seeing the ground quickly approaching caused her vision to tunnel and she immediately blacked out.

Catch Me. Save Me. (Seq. to What Am I?)Where stories live. Discover now