Who Are You Fooling?

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Jen woke up who knows how many hours later to someone dragging her through a dimly lit hallway. She groaned pitifully as the grunt towed her down the hall, but she quickly shut her eyes and passed out again.
When she opened them again, she found herself on an examination table. A bright overhead light shone in her eyes as two female scientists stood over her.
"Clean the bite wounds. I'll get the gauzes." One of them said.
Jen blinked droopily at them. They had obviously drugged her with something. "Yoo...damn beesterds. Wheere...is--"
"Shh. We know it hurts, but we'll do our best to patch you back up as best we can." One of the scientists said as soothingly as he could. "Just relax."
"Noo...wheere ishee? Wathaveyoodontohim?" Jen growled lazily.
The scientists ignored her question as they wiped her shoulder and neck down with an alcohol soaked pad. Jen cried out loudly and struggled against the straps on the table as the pad touched her injured shoulder. She hadn't noticed that they had taken her stolen Rocket uniform from her. All she could see covering herself were cargo pants and a strapless sports bra.
"DAMYOO!" She mentally screamed.
They pulled the pad away and tossed it into the trash.
"Don't worry, girl. We're almost done here. The worst part is over." The scientist said. Jen could hear him smiling through his medical mask.
The second scientist produced a large gauze patch from a drawer under the examination table and placed it gently over her wound. The first scientist then took out a long roll of gauze and wrapped it around her arm and shoulder, trapping the patch in place.
"Alright, kiddo, you should be fine for now. You didn't have any broken bones or anything too serious. The bite on your neck isn't bad at all, but you'll need to take it easy on your shoulder for a while." The second scientist said as she picked up a black shirt and slipped it over Jen's head.
Jen gasped quietly as the scientist helped move her wrapped arm through the sleeve. She then shot them both a death glare, but neither one of them seemed to notice as they unstrapped her from the table. "Why are they acting so...carelessly?" She attempted to dive into their minds, but the bands that were just barely peeking out from under their surgical caps blocked her telepathic abilities.
"Up we go." The first scientist said as they both helped her into a wheelchair.
Jen's body felt like it was made out of lead, and, even though she hadn't moved herself, changing positions from laying down to sitting up caused her head to spin. She groaned and shut her eyes again as the scientists wheeled her into what appeared to be a waiting room.
Jen looked up sluggishly to see two girls, who were wearing the same kind of black shirt and cargo pants that she had on. They immediately stood up as the scientist wheeled her into the room.
"How is she, Doc?" One of the girls asked.
"Doc? Doctor? They must be...trying to mess with...my head...or something." She thought sluggishly. Jen blinked and focused her whirling gaze on the girls' faces.
"She will be fine. She'll be a bit drowsy and unfocused for a bit due to the anesthetics we gave her, but give her a little while and she will be back to normal."
Jen narrowed her eyes at the two grunt girls. She'd know them anywhere, no matter how drugged she was or how well disguised they were. She tried to telepathically slam them into the wall, but her head ached too much when she attempted to use her ability. "..."
"Good. She's got a lot to look forward to with us." Lacy said as she wheeled Jen out of the room.
"Once...I have regained...control over my abilities...and my head stops killing me...I swear I will slaughter you, Lacy. You will be next...Clara."
"You got lucky, girl. Who knows what would have happened to you if you had been left alone." Clara said grimly.
"Who...are they trying to fool? Did Lovrina hit me with the Snag Machine? Are they...only acting friendly because they are worried that the machine worked on me or what?" She wondered as her thoughts became more clear and collected. She looked at the grunts with a tired, but firm stare. They looked calm, but they still had the silver bands on their heads. "I don't want to, but maybe I should play along. They might take me by the others or even Mewtwo."
"Are you well enough to speak yet? What's your name?" Lacy asked politely.
Jen shrugged lazily. Her head still hurt.
"Well, we'll introduce ourselves first then. My name is Clara and this is Lacy." Clara said as she motioned to both her and Lacy.
"Where are you from? Do you at least remember that?" Lacy asked.
Jen shook her head from side to side. That caused her vision to spin again. "Grrr!"
"I guess she has amnesia, Lacy." Clara muttered. "Bummer."
"Kalos is your new home now, got it? And we are both your friends and new family." Lacy beamed. "You're safe with us."
"Safe?! I'm trapped! My friends are being held prisoners by these freaks." Jen growled, but she kept her expression blank.
"Can you at least talk?" Lacy asked.
"Lacy, come on. Give her a break." Clara snapped. "Sorry about her. She tends to forget when to shut up most of the time."
"Hey!" Lacy cried with a giggle. She nudged Clara playfully in the side. "Let's give her a tour of the place. May be we can introduce her to some of our friends if we run into them."
"I don't want to." Jen mentally muttered as the two grunts walked her into a common room area. It looked relatively empty with the exception of a few other black shirt and, cargo pants wearing grunts. "They're all trying really hard to fool me. Why do none of their shirts have a red R on them? I'm I being mentally fed illusions? Shit! Not again!"
"This is one of our common room areas. We have a couple all over the facility. Some of us from our squad tend to hang out in this one after training." Lacy said as they looked around the common room area.
"Speaking of our squad, there's one of our guys. Hey, Ty, we have a newbie we want you to meet." Clara called when she saw the grunt sitting on one of the couches.
The tall, brown haired boy looked up from the book he was reading and smiled at them. "Hello, my name is Ty. What is yours?" He asked as he held a hand out to Jen.
Jen just stared at him. "I want Haunter back you dipshit."
"We just picked her up from the medical ward, and she's not talking much yet." Lacy explained. "She doesn't seem to recall her name or where she came from either."
"Oh. Condolences. I hope your memories return to you soon." Ty said. He sounded sincere and almost believable.
Jen nodded slowly. She refused to let her guard down around them.
"Where is everyone else?" Clara asked Ty.
"Uh...I saw them not too long ago." Ty looked back over at Jen. "When was the last time you ate?"
Jen's expression softened at his sudden question. She shrugged slightly in response.
Ty laughed. "You guys didn't think to feed her first?"
"It didn't occur to us. We wanted to take her on a tour first." Clara replied, irked by Ty's tone.
"Way to start your new relationship off. Starve the new girl to death." Ty cackled as he stood and took hold of Jen's wheelchair. "Come along, Princess. Let's get you fed."
"This is getting really weird." Jen thought as the trio wheeled her out of the common room area and down the hallway to the mess hall. More grunts were seated at each table, eating and talking with one another.
The three grunts scanned the faces in the mess hall for a place to sit.
"Ooh! Professor!" Lacy cried. She quickly ran over to the scraggly, brown haired and bearded man. He was dressed in casual clothing with a green shirt and jeans.
The Professor looked up at Lacy through his square glasses and smiled. "Good evening, girls. Ty. Who is this?" He asked as Ty wheeled Jen up to the table.
"We don't know her name yet, but we'll get her to remember eventually." Clara smiled. "Ty, go get her something to eat."
Ty was about to sit down, but stopped in mid-sit. "Fine."
"Oh, and grab us and our Pokemon something to eat as well." Lacy giggled.
Ty nodded and left to go get the group some food.
"I need to get away from these guys as soon as possible and find the others, but when? They're all wearing those stupid bands, and I doubt they are going to let me out of their sight anytime soon." Jen mentally grumbled. She began listening to the grunts' and Professor's conversation, but they were mostly talking about the weather.
Eventually Ty returned with a large tray loaded up with plates of noodles and PokeChow. "Bon' appetite!"
"Thanks, Ty." Lacy said as she and Clara summoned their Pokemon.
Luxray and Zangoose didn't even glance over at Jen as Clara and Lacy placed the bowls of PokeChow down before them. Their Pokemon began eating, while Clara and Lacy looked at Jen and frowned. "No Pokemon, huh?"
Jen narrowed her eyes at them bitterly. "I will rip your throats open."
Realizing their mistake, they immediately looked away. "Sorry."
Ty rolled his eyes and placed a plate in front of Jen before sitting down next to her with a plate of his own. Jen just stared at the food in front of her.
"Are you not hungry?" Lacy asked as she swallowed a fork full of noodles.
Jen continued to stare at her plate. She picked up the garlic bread that rested on the side of her plate and bit into it. Her taste buds went nuts as the garlic flavor filled her mouth. She quickly finished it off, not realizing how starving she had truly been. Before she knew it, her plate was clean.
"Do you want more?" Clara asked as she began to scrap some of her food onto Jen's plate.
Jen stared in awed silence as Clara gave her some of her food.
"Strange expression, dude." Lacy giggled.
"Do you not want anymore?" Ty asked as he reached out for her plate.
Jen quickly pulled the plate back towards her and shoved more of the noodles into her mouth. She was still hungry.
"Alright, we'll wait until you are done." Clara said. She then turned to the Professor and asked. "Where are the others? We're trying to give our new friend a tour of the facility and introduce her to everybody."
The Professor thought for a moment. "Last time I saw them, they were in the gym. I suggest you try there once you are all finished." He glanced at his watch and sighed while gathering his things. "Sorry to leave you all so soon, but I need to return to the lab. I hope to see you again."
Jen nodded and shook his outstretched hand.
He nodded a farewell to the others and left the mess hall. Ty got up as well and began following the Professor out.
"Oi! Where do you think you're going?" Lacy called after him.
"Relax, Lacy. I'm just going to run ahead and see if the others are still at the gym. If they are, I'll make sure they stay until you two bring our friend." He replied curtly as he exited through the mess hall doors.
Clara rolled her eyes and looked at Jen, who had a forkful of noodles hanging out of her mouth. "Sorry about that. We're usually a little more organized than this, but once you meet everyone everything will get better."
"Bite me." Jen mentally muttered.

Catch Me. Save Me. (Seq. to What Am I?)Where stories live. Discover now