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Red and Amy were sitting on a bench outside when Billy and Mikey walked out of the hospital. Amy noticed them walking out together and sat up. “Mikey? Where are you going? Billy, where are you guys going?”

        Billy stopped and faced the two teens on the bench. “I’m taking Mikey back home for a couple days. Our folks want her to spend some time with them.”

        “Why?” Red signed.

        “My parents were told about the attack, and now they want to come home. It will only be for a few days. A week or so at the most, I promise.”

        Amy stood up from the bench and walked over to Mikey and Billy. “You had better keep an eye on her, Billy. Get her home safe and sound, alright.”

        “You can trust me, Amy.” Billy said as he wrapped an arm around Mikey’s shoulder. “I won’t let her get into any trouble.”

        Mikey giggled and pushed Billy’s hand off of her. “He’s going to put me under house arrest.”

        Amy stared at her for a moment before hugging her. “You’d better stay out of trouble. We’ll find Kenji and Jen. See you in a week.”

        “I will. Bye, Amy. Bye, Red.”

        Amy waved while Billy led Mikey away, but Red just watched them go. Amy noticed his pondering expression, and nudged him in the shoulder. “What’s up, Red?”

        “Billy looks familiar.” He signed.

        “How so?”

        Red shrugged. “He just does. It’s like I’ve seen him before, but I know that I haven’t.” He began to fall back into his thoughts. “I wonder…I need to talk to Mew and Mewtwo.” He grabbed Amy’s hand and dragged her back into the hospital.

        “Red? What’s gotten into you?”

        Red didn’t respond. He basically kicked open the door to Mikey’s old hospital room, and hurried over to Mew, who was still at the window. “Mew, I need to talk to Mewtwo. Have you been able to reach him yet?

        “No. He’s still hiding.

        Red grimaced. “Have you talked to N, Sabrina, Colress, or Latias?

        Mew shook her head. “Give me a moment. I’ll ask them if they’ve seen either Jen or Mewtwo.

        Amy looked from Red to Mew confused. “Red, what’s wrong?”

        He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze before continuing. “Thanks, Mew. Can you also ask Latias something for me too?

        “Yeah. What do you want me to ask?

        Red hesitated. “Where is Latios?

Sootopolis City

        Billy landed his Tropius near their old home and climbed off its back. “Here we are, Mikey. Are you ready to see everyone again?”

        Mikey slid off of Tropius and hugged the ground.

        Billy smirked at her and ruffled her hair. “Sorry, Mikey. I know you don’t like flying, but if we surfed all the way here, we wouldn’t have arrived until sometime later tonight. And that’s if we were lucky.”

Catch Me. Save Me. (Seq. to What Am I?)Where stories live. Discover now