Oh Boy...

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"Can you sense anything from them?" Rattata asked as the Mews continued to examine their gifts from Arceus.

"So far we can't. They just feel like regular old gems." Mew responded as she held the necklace up to her face.

"Maybe you need to say something in order to active them?" Vulpix suggested.

"Sounds legit. Abracadabra! Open Sesame! Hey Macarena!" Mew sang, but nothing happened. "Arceus wouldn't have given us these just to look good, would he? These have to do something!"

"Let me see it." Vulpix said.

Mew took the necklace off and handed it to Vulpix, who took it in her mouth.

"Aren't we supposed to be grouped with someone else or with another group?" Jen asked. "Where are Latias and Latios?"

Mewtwo looked over his shoulder as he and Jen looked for the other Legendries. "I'm sure we will find them later. We'll be returning to the Garden anyway."

Haunter looked around at their surroundings and frowned. They were within a small clearing surrounded by tall grass that reached above their heads. "Where are we? What region did Arceus send us?"

Mew shrugged and soared into the air to get a better view of the area. She spun in a 360 degree circle as she tried to locate a town or anything that could help determine where they were. She was about to give up and return to her friends when something suddenly caught her attention, and she zipped after it.

The others frowned in confusion and followed after her from the ground. Mew stopped a little ways above them and stared at the tall grass in front of them. "Oh boy..."

"What's wrong, Mew? What do you see?" Mewtwo asked from the ground.

There was about five feet of tall grass blocking their view of what Mew was seeing. Mew continued to stare at the figure in front of them. "I found Latias and our other partner. He's asleep."

Jen glanced at Mewtwo, who was trying to read the mind of the sleeping Legendary on the other side. Jen walked forward and began to pull the grass away, but Mewtwo grabbed her around the waist and pulled her backwards. "You don't want to do that."

The sound of rustling grass sounded in front of them as a large, feathery-red head rose above the grass. The Legendary looked down at Jen and her friends sleepily and blinked.

"Oh...Ho-Oh." Haunter said slowly. "Great."

"I could say the same thing. I can't believe Arceus put me with you guys, especially with the Halfling." Ho-Oh spit.

"You can be grateful that he grouped you with anyone." Rattata snapped at the Legendary, but Ho-Oh ignored him.

The Legendary Bird began to spread his wings to take off, but stopped when he heard a voice behind him.

"Oh, cool. Latios and I got teamed up with you, Ho-Oh."

Ho-Oh looked over his shoulder to see Latias hovering behind him. "You're a part of the group as well? I guess staying won't be as bad then."

"Who else is with us?" Latias asked. She immediately spotted Mew and squealed. "Mew!"

Mew dove into Latias's open arms and hugged her. "Arceus knew to keep us together."

"Hehe! Yep! Where are the others? Are they here as well?"

Mew pointed to the others, who were still on the ground. "He wouldn't try to split us up again." Her gaze then drifted down to Latias's neck and saw the same green gem beside the Soul Dew. "You got one too!"

Catch Me. Save Me. (Seq. to What Am I?)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora