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The Next Morning
        Mewtwo was the first to wake the next morning. He looked down at Jen, who was still cradled in his arms. She looked peaceful and content. “I wonder how long this would last if she were awake.
        He kissed her forehead before easing out of the bed. There was something that he had to check on before Jen woke up. He flew into the lookout room and switched on all three of the screens.
        He had to check in on his friends who decided to stay behind after the Hypno incident. However, there was one person he was now looking for. The only problem was finding out which facility he was hiding within, though, getting inside would be simple.

A few minutes later
        Jen stretched and sat up lazily from the mattress. She slowly rubbed her eyes and looked around the room. “…”
        She glanced down at the mattress and frowned. “This is Mewtwo’s bed. Why am I in it? He wouldn’t have let me sleep in it…this has to be a dream or a nightm—HYPNO! Shit!
        She leapt from the bed and ran for the double doors. She twisted the knobs and threw both doors open. Bright sunlight blasted her in the face and illuminated the dim room.
        Jen shielded her stinging eyes and took a step back from the doorway. She waited a moment for her eyes to adjust before looking back outside.
        She edged closer to the doorway and looked out at the sea and clear sky. The salty smell of the sea filled her nostrils as a breeze blew into the room, causing her hair to dance around her face.
        Jen jumped and spun her head around to see Mewtwo. “Uh…morning.”
        “What’s the matter?” Mewtwo asked as he approached her. “Were you planning on going somewhere, Mi?”
        Jen glanced outside again and shook her head. “Last night, Hypno--”
        “He was dealt with, Mi.”
        “What about Allie, Barry, and Max? Are they alright?”
        Mewtwo nodded. “They are with their families.”
        Jen sighed with relief.
        Mewtwo stopped at her side and looked out the doorway. “Did you want to go somewhere again?”
        Jen shook her head. “I just want to see Sabrina, White, and her Pokemon.”
        “Going down the staircase would be faster. Your alternate and the psychic are in the hall. Were you planning on going out through the doorway?”
        “No, I just needed something to wake me up. I thought Hypno may have trapped me in my own…dreams.”
        “What made you think that?” Mewtwo asked as he led her towards the staircase.
        Jen bit her lip as she thought of how to answer him. “Well…I found it…kind of strange that I woke up in your bed…that sounds really weird. Where did you sleep?” She asked cautiously.
        “In the bed, same as you.” Mewtwo replied nonchalantly. “It must have been some horrific memory you keep reliving within your dreams. Each time you fall asleep, you wake up screaming.”
        Jen’s face turned red with anger and embarrassment. “Well I’m not the one who unburied my suppressed memory, remember?!”
        “It did save your life, and the children’s lives.”
        Jen frowned and narrowed her eyes at Mewtwo. “Huh?”
        “The children said that they were freed from Hypno’s control when you started fighting him in your sleep.” Mewtwo explained. “They came and told the rest of us, and then we came and got you.”
        Jen was silent as she took in the news.
        Mewtwo stopped at the edge of the hole to the staircase and turned to Jen. He sighed before speaking. “Please, don’t run off and scare me like that again.”
        Jen flinched. “Scare you? You car--” She was instantly cut off as Mewtwo pulled her into a tight hug. Her eyes widened in shock. “Uh…uh-oh…
        He held her like that for a moment longer before finally releasing her. “Some of the others may be downstairs waiting to see if you are alright. Afterwards, we’ll need to go to the mainland.”
        “I just have some things that I need to do.”
        Jen shook her head. “That’s not what I meant. Are you talking about the children being worried about me?”
        “They are all worried about you, Mi.” Mewtwo said simply. “Why would you think otherwise? They trust you and they have accepted you.”
        “That quickly?”
        Mewtwo nodded. He turned back to the staircase and levitated down through the hole. Jen followed him down to the base of the staircase.
        “Halfling! Halfling!” A chorus of children cried. They gathered around her and hugged her legs before grabbing hold of her arms as she knelt down to their level and squeezing them too.
        “Mewtwo had scared us for a good while before Honey came to us and said that Mewtwo had told that stupid Hypno off.” Davy grinned.
        “He told Hypno off, huh?” Jen asked, while shooting Mewtwo an amused look. He simply shrugged at her. “Yeah, that sounds like something he would do.” She muttered sarcastically.
        “Our parents still want us to be careful when we play at night, but that doesn’t mean we can’t play all day long.” Allie chirped.
        “We’re glad you’re okay, Halfling.” Max said as he hugged her arm tightly.
        Jen smiled at him and hugged him back. “It was thanks to you, Allie, and Barry for getting the adults that I’m still here.”
        The three young Pokemon beamed up at her, grateful for the complement of their bravery.
        “So what are you going to do today, Halfling? Can you play with us?”
        “Umm…” Jen glanced back over at Mewtwo, who was speaking to the adults. “I think Mewtwo wanted me to go with him to do something in the mainland. How long are you going to stay here?”
        The children shrugged. “I think our parents just wanted to stay here for the night, but we can play when you guys are all done. Where are you going?”
        “He hasn’t told me yet. Er…just to the mainland.”
        The children looked at each other and giggled. “May be he is taking you somewhere special?”
        Jen shook her head. “Sorry you guys, but I doubt that. He just said he had a few things to do in the mainland. That’s all.”
        Some of the little ones pouted, while the others pursed their lips in thought.
        Jen looked up at Mewtwo, who was heading towards the stadium. She ran up behind him, but was a little hesitant to leave. “Hey, Mewtwo? Before we leave, can I see Sabrina, White, and her Pokemon?”
        Mewtwo stopped and nodded. “They should be coming from their rooms. They’ll be here in a minute.”
        “Thank you, Mewtwo.”
        They waited at the entrance to the stadium for a moment and, just as Mewtwo had said, White and the others appeared from one of the side hallways. Jen hurried over to White and hugged her. “Hey, White! How have you been doing?”
        “Fine.” White responded simply.
        Jen frowned sullenly as she looked at White’s hollow eyes. She examined her alternate and Sabrina and, thankfully, other than their blank stares, they both looked well rested and fed. “That’s a relief.” She looked at Ninetails and Gengar and smiled warmly at them. “How have you guys been?”
        “We’ve been good. We have been keeping a close eye on our master and Sabrina. So far, they haven’t been bothered by any of the Pokemon clones. In fact, they’ve stayed mostly out of their sights.” Gengar replied.
        “Yeah, I think that is what Mewtwo wanted…uh, keeping them out of the others’ way…” Jen muttered.
        “How have you been? We haven’t seen you in quite a while.” Ninetails asked.
        “Same. I’ve been good. I made friends with some of the children.” Jen smiled weakly. “They’re all very sweet.”
        “Huh. That’s, uh--!” Both Ninetails and Gengar grew silent and slowly backed up into protective stances in front of White and Sabrina. The newcomer was making them very uneasy.
        Jen spun around and saw Mewtwo standing over her. “Sorry. I’ll be ready to go in a moment.”
        Ninetails and Gengar continued to glare at Mewtwo. Ninetails even growled and bared her teeth at the grey Legendary.
        “Stay away from her.” Gengar growled as he pulled Jen away from Mewtwo’s side.
        Mewtwo ignored them and directed him attention towards Jen. “We need to go. Now. You can see your alternate and the others more later.”
        “She said she’d be ready soon. Be patient!” Ninetails barked as she stood in front of Jen.
        Mewtwo narrowed him eyes at the two Pokemon standing before him.
        “Thanks, Ninetails, but you guys don’t need to do this. Um, sorry. I’ll see you all when we get back.” Jen said as she moved past them and led Mewtwo towards the stadium.
        “Worried that I may have wound up doing something to your alternate’s Pokemon?” Mewtwo asked once they were out of the Pokemon’s hearing range.
        “Don’t kid with me, Mewtwo. That’s not funny. They are worried for White and Sabrina’s sake.”
        “I gave you my word earlier. No harm will come to any of them.” Mewtwo stated. “Besides, you asked me when we first met to allow a few humans to be spared so that you could still have human interaction.”
        “You remembered that?”
        Mewtwo nodded. “That is why the psychic was spared.”
        Jen was silent as they walked to the center of the stadium. “…Thank you…why did you choose Sabrina? Out of everyone else in Kanto, why did you choose her?”
        “She is a psychic human. I thought you would relate to her. Why? Is the psychic from your world someone you do not get along with?” He asked as he rose into the air.
        “No. Sabrina and I are friends on my side, but…when I asked for human interaction, I meant that they would be in control of their own minds and bodies.” Jen muttered as she followed him.
        “It is easier to keep an eye on them.”
        “What are they going to do? They’re scared of you, Mewtwo. What are you worried about them doing? They’re on an island.” Jen flew in front of Mewtwo and stopped. “They are nothing like my world’s Giovanni.”
        “I am not going to take that chance.” Mewtwo growled without stopping. He flew past Jen, but instead of heading to the mainland, he started heading towards another region.
        “Where are you going?” Jen asked as she caught up to him.
        “I need to check on something in one of the other regions. Hopefully it won’t take too long.”
        “Mind if I ask what it is you are going to do in this region?” Jen asked after a moment of silence.
        “Are you hungry?”
        Jen narrowed her eyes at him. “Don’t change the subject!”
        “I do mind you asking.” Mewtwo replied bluntly. “Are you hungry?”
        Jen shook her head, but that was a lie. She was hungry, but she was more worried about what Mewtwo had planned. “No, I’m fine.”
        Jen looked over at Mewtwo, confused, just as he grabbed her around the waist. She yelped loudly and tried to pull away from him.
“Mi, don’t lie to me.”
        “Then don’t hide things from me.” Jen snapped. “I’m worried that you’re going to do something horrible and--”
        “Mi, I am only checking on something. I promise.” Mewtwo said a little more lightly. “Now, do you want something to eat?”
        Jen nodded, her mind a little more at ease.
        Mewtwo continued to lead her towards the new region, which turned out to be the reformed Orre region. The gigantic volcano, however, still continued to stand tall and proud at the center of the region.
        “Dr. Krane and the good Lovrina are here. I wonder how much progress they have made with creating the purifying devices.” Jen thought to herself as she spotted families of clones throughout the region below them. “But why are we here?
        Mewtwo directed them towards the more flourished side of the region and descended into the trees. Jen descended as well and found what looked to be the old ruins of a barely standing lab.
        “I thought your storm destroyed everything.”
        Mewtwo cast a side glance at the lab. “There are still some rare remnants of buildings that used to belong to the humans, but they are only ruins now.” Mewtwo explained as he pulled an apple down from one of the trees. He turned and held the fruit out to Jen.
        “Thanks.” She said as she took it from him. Before she could bite into it, something hard nailed her in the back of the head.
        She dropped the apple and began falling forward, but was immediately caught by Mewtwo.
        He glared at the object that was thrown at Jen, which turned out to be an apple, and looked around at the trees for the culprit. He couldn’t sense anyone nearby, but someone, a human no doubt, had to have been the one who threw the fruit.

Catch Me. Save Me. (Seq. to What Am I?)Where stories live. Discover now