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Mikey returned late at night tired and annoyed. She had found absolutely nothing on the mysterious Pokemon. She threw her messenger bag on the ground and jumped on the couch, hoping to relax and fall asleep. Unfortunately, the couch was already occupied.

        “Gawh!” Both she and the boy groaned.

        “What the Hell?!” He cried as he shoved her off of him and onto the floor.

        “Who the Hell are you?!” She screamed, quickly climbing to her feet. “Why are you sleeping on my couch?”

        “Your couch? You’re Mikey?” He asked. The growl was still in his voice.

        “Last time I checked, yeah. I’m Mikey. Now who are you and what are you doing sleeping on my couch?”

        “Why did you jump on me?”

        “Why are you sleeping on my couch?!”

        “Who jumps on a sleeping person?”

        “Why are you sleeping on my couch?!”

        “Did you not even bother to check to make sure that no one was sleeping here?”

        “Oh, for the love of God! Why the Hell are you sleeping on my couch?!” She repeated while hitting him on the arm.

        “Stop it!”

        “No! You’re not answering me!”

        He grabbed her hands and held them still, and covered her mouth. He then leaned forward and spoke through gritted teeth. “I got tired waiting for you, so I fell asleep. Now, will you please stop screaming?”

        Mikey glared at him. “Lem o oov mee.”

        “Will you promise not to scream or hit me again?”

        Mikey hesitated for a moment before nodding.

        Mewtwo slowly released her, but the moment he did, Mikey punched him in the arm. He grabbed her hands again and squeezed them tightly together. “I thought you said you weren’t going to do that.”

        “You’re trespassing.” She hissed.

        “I was invited.”

        “By who?”

        “Mikey!” Sayo cried. She ran to Mikey’s side and pulled her away from Mewtwo. “This is Kenji. He is one of Red’s friends.”

        Mikey looked at Mewtwo with a calmer expression. “Sorry.”

        Mewtwo nodded.

        “Kenji said that he wanted to ask you about something. Can I trust both of you to be alone with each other for a little while without killing each other?”

        Mikey and Mewtwo glanced at each other and then back at Sayo. “No promises, Sayo.” Mikey replied dryly.

        Sayo sighed and began walking back to her room. “I’ll be in my room. If I hear you guys fighting again, I promise both of you, it will not be pretty. Now goodnight.” She shut her door as soon as she finished.

        Mewtwo sat back down on the couch and stared up at Mikey.

        “What is it that you wanted to ask me?” Mikey asked, crossing her arms across her chest.

Catch Me. Save Me. (Seq. to What Am I?)Where stories live. Discover now