I Said Stay Out of Trouble

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Back at the Garden

        Amy had gotten bored after hours of waiting on the others to return. She had explored just about every nook and cranny of Latias’s Garden, and Jen and the others still didn’t return. “How long are the Gatherings usually, Bianca?” Amy asked the brunette.

        Bianca shrugged. "The longest one I think lasted about...a week."

        Amy's head spun around to stare at her in disbelief. "Please tell me you're joking."

        “Sorry, but I wish I could. The best thing to do is wait and try to pass the time."

        Amy sighed heavily and nodded.

        "Do you want to go to the shops with Sabrina and me? I’m running low on some things back at the house.” Bianca said as she and Sabrina began to walk towards the entrance to the Garden.

        Amy glanced back at Red, who was talking to N and his Pokemon. “Sure. Why not?” She said as she hurried after the two girls.

        They all came out of the alleyway and walked down the raised sidewalk.

        “What are we looking for, Bianca?” Sabrina asked.

        “I need to stop by the Smeargle Art Supply store that’s down this street. I need more charcoal for my drawings.”

        “I didn’t know you liked to draw.” Amy said.

        “From time to time I’ll draw whatever I feel like, but I need more charcoal because Latias has been stealing mine. I’ve seen her little drawings on the walls of the Garden, and she has been getting pretty good.” Bianca said as she stopped in front of a small store. “You can both come in with your Pokemon or stay out here. I’ll only be a moment.”

        Sabrina and her Pokemon followed Bianca inside, while Amy remained outside with Haze and Mystic. She sat down next to her Pokemon and rubbed Haze’s ears. “I wonder what it would be like if I could understand and communicate with you guys like Jen can with her Pokemon. Well, with any Pokemon actually.”

        Haze and Mystic looked at her and shook their heads. Haze nuzzled Amy in the side and sat in her lap. They didn’t need to speak the same language. Thanks to their tight bond, Amy and her Pokemon could understand each other just as easily as Red and Jen could understand their Pokemon.

        Amy smiled and pulled her Pokemon into a group hug. They smiled and hugged her back.

        Suddenly, Amy’s phone started to ring in her pocket. She quickly took it out and checked the caller ID. A smile crept across her face as she recognized the name. “Hello, Kayla. Where are you?”

        Kayla was Jen and Amy’s fourth housemate back in Ecruteak City, but she spent most of her time traveling throughout Johto. “Hey, I’m in Olivine City with just about everyone from Ecruteak City. Why is everyone here and why is Officer Jenny not allowing anyone back into Ecruteak? Where are you guys?” Kayla asked.

        “Uh…Ecruteak City isn’t there anymore. It has been burned down.”

        There was silence on Kayla’s end.

        “We’re in Altomare right now, but we will be able to return once the city has been rebuilt.” Amy continued.

        “What happened?”

        “I challenged Ho-Oh, and tried to catch it. It didn’t like that, flew off, and returned later with a vengeance.” Amy explained.

Catch Me. Save Me. (Seq. to What Am I?)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz