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        Jen shot up from where she lay and looked around the room. Her mind was still trying to process the fact that she was awake, but she just couldn’t shake the feeling that she was missing something. That something was wrong.
        “Good morning, honey!” Lucy said as she entered the room. “Happy birthday.”
        Jen blinked as her mom placed a tray of pancakes and a glass of apple juice down on her comforter covered lap. “Mom?”
        “I know you didn’t want me to make breakfast in bed for you, but today is your day. You deserve it.” Her mom said with a smile.
        Jen smiled back at her. “Thanks, mom.”
        Her mom stood, but she didn’t leave. She stared at Jen as she poked at her food and frowned. “Honey, is something the matter? Do you want me to make you something else instead?”
        Jen shrugged. “It’s not the food, mom. I just had the weirdest dream ever…not to mention the longest, but I…I can’t quite remember what it was about. I feel like…I’m forgetting something.”
        Her mom sat down next to her and kissed her forehead. “It was only a dream, Jen. Now eat up and get dressed.  We can do whatever you want today.”
        Jen nodded. She was still trying to remember what she was forgetting. She rubbed her right arm in though. “What is it?” She mumbled softly.
        Lucy was almost to the door when she heard Jen gasp loudly. She spun around to see Jen jumping out of bed and throwing her hoodie and white hat on her head. “Jen, what are you--”
        “No time, Lucy! I have to go see him!” Jen cried as she slipped past her mom.
        “See him? Who is him?” Lucy asked in bewilderment.
        Jen didn’t stop to answer as she threw her shoes on and sprinted outside. “I hope he is still there. He’s got to be at his home, right?
Jen didn’t stop running until she had reached her destination. She was breathing heavily as she called out in a huff. “H-Hey!”
        “Ah, Jen, you made it.” Professor Oak beamed when he saw her enter the lab. “And you’re in your pajamas. Hehe, just like Ash. I guess that means today is the day you are going to get your starter, huh?”
        Jen tried to laugh at his joke, but she was still trying to catch her breath. “D-Do you…still h-have starters left?”
        “I do.” He smiled as he motioned to three Pokeballs on the table next to him. “Choose your starter.”
        Jen examined each Pokeball eagerly. “I think I’ll choose…this one!” She said as she picked up the Pokeball with a leaf on it. “I choose you, Bulbasaur!”
        A red light flew from the Pokeball and took the form of Bulbasaur.
        Jen’s lips formed a wide grin that stretched form ear-to-ear. “I love it!” Jen cooed as she hugged her starter.
        “Bulba bulb!” Bulbasaur said with an equally wide smile.
        “Well it looks like you and Bulbasaur will be the best of friends.” Professor Oak said proudly. “All you need now are these.”
        Jen looked over at him as he held out six empty Pokeballs and a Pokedex. Her grin grew as she took the items from him (while still managing to hold onto Bulbasaur). “Thanks, Professor.”
        “Are you going to give your Bulbasaur a nickname?” Oak asked.
        “Umm…” Jen glanced down at her Bulbasaur and pursed her lips. “I’m not very good at giving or coming up with nicknames. Hmm…” “How about Gemma?”
        Gemma smiled. “Bulba bulba!”
        Jen hugged Gemma again and ran out of the lab. “Thanks, Professor Oak. See you later!”
        “Good luck and have fun.” Oak called as he waved goodbye.

About an hour later
        Jen had finished packing with the help of Libby, who had showed up about a half hour earlier, riding her birthday present, which turned out to be a blue bike with two baskets attached to it. Their mom had been a little hesitant to accept the fact that Jen was leaving, but after a long argument with Libby, Lucy had walked upstairs to her room and shut the door.
        Jen swung her messenger bag over her shoulder and smiled down at Gemma. “Ya ready?”
        “Bulba!” Gemma chirped excitedly.
        “Alrighty then, let’s go!” Jen cried as she led Gemma downstairs.
        Libby was waiting for her outside, strapping her bag into the back basket of her bike.
        “Thank you for helping me, Lib.” Jen said as she picked Gemma up and placed it into the front basket.
        “No problem, sis. Mom was dragging her feet for far too long, and I highly doubt, even though she promised you could leave this year, she was going to let you leave. You should have started your journey when you were ten like the rest of us.” Libby said.
        “Nothing is going to stop me now, especially since I have Gemma now.” Jen beamed as she mounted her bike.
        “Bulbasaur!” Gemma cried.
        Libby snickered. “Okay. Don’t let me slow you down. Just call mom later, if you dare, and say your goodbye.” She pulled out one of her Pokeballs and summoned her Fearow. “I’ll see you in Unova, Jen. Don’t keep me waiting.”
        “See you later, Libby.” Jen smirked with a wave. She pushed down on the pedal and biked off down route 1.

Catch Me. Save Me. (Seq. to What Am I?)Where stories live. Discover now