Promise Kept

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Jen began walking towards the gateway when Mewtwo suddenly stopped her. She looked up at him with curiosity and hope in her eyes. “…”
        “Leave your gem.” Mewtwo ordered.
        Jen had almost forgotten about it. She felt the lump it formed in her pocket and grimaced as the hope in her eyes faded. She didn’t want to leave it behind, but…if she kept it, she would only be reminded, and even tempted to return to her home.
        Reluctantly, she slipped her hand into her pocket and fished the gem out. It dangled by the thin string and sparkled in the air. “…”
        “My dear, are you alright? You…you don’t look very happy. Are you not glad that this is finally over with? That Giovanni…er, our Giovanni is gone?” Colress asked as he moved away from his controls.
        “My dear?” Mewtwo repeated with a hint of irritation in his voice.
        Colress looked at Mewtwo with a hint of uneasiness in his eyes. “It’s just a nickname I have for her. Nothing more, nothing less.”
        Mewtwo glowered at Colress, while Jen approached Mewtwo, who was still lying unconsciously on the lab table. He wouldn’t know that she had left until well after the gateway was closed. She placed the gem in Mewtwo’s hand and closed his fingers around it.
        She stroked the fur on top of Mewtwo’s head and planted a light kiss on his forehead. “Goodbye, Mewtwo…I love you.” Jen whispered before standing up and turning towards Mewtwo, who was standing over the gateway’s controls, and the gateway.
        Giovanni and the remaining scouts, with the exception of Black, White, and John, had crossed back over to their world, and were now waiting for them to cross over as well. Though, Giovanni eyed Mewtwo cautiously as he examined Colress’s control panel. “What are you doing?”
        Mewtwo ignored the man’s question as he proceeded to do something to the controls.
        “Jen! Stop!”
        Jen looked towards the open door and saw her friends and alternate running towards the lab. Her shoulders sagged, while her heart raced with hope. Could they stop her from crossing over with Mewtwo and his clones? She was starting to hope that they would—could.
        Mewtwo looked over his shoulder at the approaching Pokemon and humans and grimaced. He sighed and projected a force field within the doorway, halting the group before they could enter. However, the humans and their Pokemon were now missing.
        “White?!” Jen gasped when she noticed that her alternate was missing. “Mewtwo, where’s White and Black?”
        Mewtwo motioned towards the gateway.
        Jen glanced inside to see White, Black, John, and their Pokemon standing amongst the group of scouts. White and Black looked back at the gateway and sprinted for the opening. Their attempts to cross back over were in vain as the gateway switched to a different location.
        New Island.
        Jen grimaced. The idea of leaving forever was officially settling in, causing Jen to feel almost sick. “I don’t want to go.
        Her Pokemon, Mew, and Latias were now calling out to her loudly, begging her to stay. Mew even began morphing into different Pokemon and Legendries as she tried to penetrate the force field.
        Jen looked over her shoulder at them with a look of remorse in her eyes. She tried to take a step towards them, but Mewtwo placed an arm around her and ushered the girl through the gateway. 
        “My dear? Why are you—Jen, wait a second!” Colress cried, but both Mewtwo and Jen had already crossed over to the other side. He tried to step through, but Emi glided past him and gave him a warning glare as the Kanto clones followed after her.
        “Jen?!” Ash and Red cried/signed.
        Jen forced herself to look away as she heard her friends continue to call out to her. The only thing keeping her from sprinting back through the gateway was the unfinished deal—the promise that she had made to Mewtwo.
        Jen’s head snapped up to see Mewtwo jumping down from the lab table and bolting towards the gateway. Unfortunately, he was stopped by another force field that completely covered the gateway, but that didn’t mean he would give up on her.
        Her heart beat rapidly in her chest as Mewtwo telepathically fought with his alternate to break his connection on the force field. She even found herself walking back towards the gateway, gaining speed with each step. “Mewtwo.”
        Two grey arms wrapped around her, making sure she couldn’t get any closer. Mewtwo glowered at his alternate and pounded on the force field with as much kinetic energy as he could muster. But…something seemed…off.
        Mewtwo slowly ceased his attacks on the blue, transparent shielding and frowned, almost like he couldn’t recall what he was doing in the first place. He narrowed his eyes at the force field and then at the clones and his alternate before finally letting his gaze land on Jen.
        There was no recognition in his eyes.
        He took a step back from the gateway and looked around the lab quizzedly.
        “M-Mewtwo?” Jen choked.
        The grey Legendary didn’t respond, let alone give her a second glance. His memories of her were completely wiped away. Her friends on the other side stared at him with total and utter shock. They too couldn’t believe what had just happened.
        Before anyone could say anything or before Jen tried to take another step towards the gateway, Mewtwo swatted a hand upward. The gateway began to fade out of existence, but not before his alternate looked back at Jen one last time with a blank and unrecognizing expression.
        Jen was frozen in Mewtwo’s arms as she stared at the spot where the gateway had once been. Her legs felt like they were about to give way from underneath her, while her heart felt like it had been shattered.
        The clones looked back at Mewtwo and Jen with smiles on their faces, but when they noticed the hurt and bewilderment in Jen’s eyes the grins faltered. Emi carefully drifted over towards Jen and spoke in a soft and comforting tone. “Jen?”
        Jen wasn’t paying her friend or the clones any attention.
        Hope; lost.
        Her friends and Mewtwo; gone.
        Her heart; crushed into tiny, sharp fragments that threatened to slice into her being if she moved.
        A single raindrop fell onto her cheek as thunder rumbled in the distance. The clones and Mewtwo looked up just as more rain began to fall on the island.
        Mewtwo lifted Jen up into his arms as he projected a large force field around the group. One stray raindrop seemed to have slipped through the force field and land on his chest. Mewtwo ignored it, but flinched and looked down at Jen when he felt another one hit his fur.
It wasn’t the rain that he was feeling. Jen was crying. “I’m sorry, my Jen. It had to be done.
        “Can we go inside now? Please?” Charizard begged as he used one of his wings to shield his tail. They may have been underneath Mewtwo’s shielding, but that didn’t make the fire type any less cautious about getting his flame wet.
        The others silently agreed as they all crossed the outer terrain of New Island and back into the fortress.
An hour later
        Jen sat against the back of Mewtwo’s chair as he watched all of the clones return to their proper regions. He had offered her the chair, but she had silently refused without making eye contact. Now she was just staring at her feet that were sprawled out before her.
        “Would you like to go to the Tree? We can leave right now if you want.” Mewtwo offered as he looked down at Jen from his chair. All he could see of her was her feet.
        Jen didn’t respond. She was still too mad at him to answer, but even if she did reply, she would have told him that she never wanted to return to the Tree. It would only serve as a painful reminder for her of the weeks she spent training with the Mews and her cousin.
        Mewtwo sighed heavily before moving from his chair to sit beside Jen. “I know you’re furious with me, Jen, but if I let my other keep his memories, then he would have--”
        Jen looked at him with puffy, red and exhausted eyes. Her cheeks were stained with tears. “…”
        “Jen…” Mewtwo began as extended an arm to pull her close and comfort her, but Jen stood before he could touch her. She didn’t want him touching her. He could see her shoulders shaking ever so slightly as she tried to bite back the tears that were once again building up in her eyes. “Would you like to go to bed?”
        She didn’t respond to him. Instead, she walked quietly out of the lookout room and into the bedroom.
        Mewtwo quickly followed to find her walking numbly towards the chaise chair. He drifted over to her side and gently grabbed her uninjured arm. “Jen, you don’t need to sleep on the chair. The bed is yours now too.”
        Jen pulled her arm away from him and looked at the bed from the corner of her eye. She hesitated for a moment before kicking off her shoes and crawling across the mattress. She winced and grimaced each time she put pressure on her injured arm, but she made sure to keep silent as she laid down with her back to Mewtwo.
        Unfortunately, her silence didn’t keep Mewtwo from sensing her pain. The mattress dipped as he edged closer to her. He placed an arm on either side of her, hoping to get a better view of her arm that she was now trying to hide from him.
        “Jen, let me see your arm.”
        Jen shut her eyes and shook her head.
        The girl slowly looked up at him. There was reluctance and a hint of anger in her eyes that accompanied her exhaustion. She let lose a quiet sigh before rolling over and holding her arm up to him.
        Mewtwo took her arm gently in one of his hands and examined the bite. “We should have had this looked at earlier. How much does it still hurt?”
        Jen just stared at him with glassy eyes.
        Mewtwo glanced at the bite mark. It would need to be cleaned or healed before an infection set in. “Let me take of it.” He said softly as he kissed the wound.
        The sting of the bite gradually faded as the bite wound sealed and formed a soft pink scar. Jen pulled her arm towards her chest and looked at the scar. Her expression didn’t change as she rolled back over onto her side.
        Mewtwo sighed as he laid down beside her. She was still upset, both with leaving her world and with Mewtwo for erasing her Mewtwo’s memories, and she would undoubtedly be like that for a while. He would just need to be patient with her.
        “Good night, my Jen. Sleep well.”
        Jen shut her eyes and curled her legs close to her chest as a silent sob escaped her.
Three months later
        Jen was gradually starting to revert back to her old self again. The pain of leaving her friends and family was finally beginning to dull and fade, but she still couldn’t get over Mewtwo. The memory of seeing him look at her and not recognizing her remained ever clear in her mind.
Thankfully, many of the clones had tried to help ease the pain and make her feel more at home. The young Pokemon even came to visit her as much as they could to try and comfort her as well. Honey had even made it her personal mission to try to make Jen smile at least twice every time she saw the older girl, which just so happened to be every day.
        Now she was sitting in the stadium with the little ones running around the large field. Honey was behind her braiding her hair again. This time, it was a little neater than the little Pokemon’s first attempt.
        “Almost don’t.” Honey chirped. She twisted and tied the last bit of Jen’s hair into the braid and grinned. “Done! What’d ya think?”
        Jen took the braid in her hand and nodded. “You’re getting better, Honey. I like it.”
        “Do you?” Honey asked with a raised brow. “You might be saying it, but I’m not seeing it. Are you sure you like it?”
        Jen gave Honey a soft smile. “I love it, Honey. Thank you.”
        Honey beamed. “You’re welcome!” She looked over Jen’s shoulder at the other children and grabbed Jen’s hand. “Let’s go play!”
        “Not now, Honey.”
        Honey pouted and folded her paws across her chest. “Ppllleeeaaassseee?”
        Some of the other children, who were in earshot, stopped and looked over at Jen. They all had pleading looks in their eyes.
        Jen sighed as she felt her power to resist fade away. She gave the children an amused smile and stood. “Alright. What game shall we play?”
        “Simon says!” Davy cried.
        “I call being ‘Simon’ then!” Paz declared.
        “But I decided the game. I should be ‘Simon’.”
        “Should’ve called it faster.” Paz snickered as he stood before all of his friends. “Simon says, stand on one foot.”
        “That’s no fair!” A little Paris, Quinn, cried.
        “Cheater!” A Krabby, Yui, whined.
        Paz snickered. “Okay. Okay. Jump up and down.”
        Some of the children began jumping.
        “Ha! I never said Simon says!”
        All of the little ones who had fallen for the trick stopped and groaned. Some even mumbled a few complaints before stepping back to watch.
        “Simon says, spin in circles.”
        The remaining children and Jen began spinning in circles. Paz was grinning mischievously as he watched his friends gradually become dizzier and dizzier.
        “PPaaazz!” Some of the remaining children moaned.
        The Piplup giggled at the sounds of their cries. “Spin faster. Simon says, spin faster.”
        “We’re gonna be sick!”
        “Paz, not cool.”
        Paz and the little ones who were out snickered. They were enjoying this. “Simon says jump up and down.”
        “Phew…” Jac breathed as he stopped spinning. A few other children followed his lead and began jumping.
        “Simon never said stop spinning.” Honey pointed out as she continued spinning and jumping.
        “Paz, you’re mean.”
        A weak smile crept across Jen’s lips as her gaze occasionally fell upon the grinning children. Even though they were at the mercy of Paz’s ‘Simon says’ commands, they were all still having fun.
        “Alright. Simon says, stop.”
        Everyone immediately stopped and started wobbling from their dizziness. Some even giggled as they attempted to stay up.
        Even Jen’s vision seemed to be spinning a little bit, but not enough for her to miss the approaching parent clones. It was growing close to the end of the day, and it was usually around this time that they returned to the mainland.
        “Simon says, keep playing!” Paz cried when he saw his dad coming for him. “Actually, better idea. Simeon says, Jen has to make sure our parents don’t make us leave.”
        Jen chuckled and looked over at the parents. They also found the command to be funny as well.
        “Can’t we stay a little longer?” Davy asked.
        “It’s getting late, dear.” Davy’s mother replied as she picked up her son. “And we stayed last night.”
        “But can’t we stay one more night? Please?”
        “Can we stay?” Honey asked her dad.
        “Not tonight. We all need to return home.” The Lucario replied.
        The children groaned in protest, but eventually followed their parents out of the stadium and towards the edge of the island.
        Jen watched as they all filed out before slowly turning towards the main hall. She could see a few clones still within the hall, but she didn’t know how much longer they would be staying. Her gaze also landed on Mewtwo, who was speaking with Venusaur.
        It had taken her quite a while to…mostly forgive him for erasing her Mewtwo’s memories. She was still bitter about it, but she couldn’t retain a grudge against him. One, because he looked like her Mewtwo and treated her as he—her Mewtwo—did…And two, even though he had committed the unthinkable, Jen still loved him. Plus, he had spent the past three months trying to help her adjust to her new life in this world.
        She quietly walked into the hall, but instead of nearing Mewtwo and Venusaur, Jen made her way to the spiral staircase. Jen glanced over at Mewtwo one more time before venturing upwards into the lookout room.
        The room was illuminated by all three screens, which showed her three different views of Kalos. One in particular that Jen was more concerned about was a bird’s eye view of White’s facility. Mewtwo had allowed her to see the facility via the lookout’s monitors, but refused to let her go visit White. The truce was still in effect, but he did not trust the humans.
        Jen could just make out the facility doorway from the camera angle. “I wonder how White’s doing…
        The sound of someone landing softly behind her suddenly caught her attention, but she didn’t have to look to know who it was. Two grey arms embraced her from behind and held her around her shoulders. “How was your day?” He asked.
        “It was good. Yours?”
        Mewtwo nuzzled the crook of her neck. “It was good as well. Although, it’s better now that I can spend the rest of it with you.”
        Jen turned her head to face Mewtwo. His expression was filled with content and adoration. Her heart sunk at the familiar sight.
        “Still not completely forgiven, hmm?”
        Jen leaned into him and returned the embrace. She didn’t like hearing the guilty tone in his voice. “I understand why you erased his memories and…I guess it was for…the better.”
        Mewtwo retained a blank expression as he hid his surprise. He was taken aback by her words, but made no comment as she continued.
        “As unforgivable as it was, you did…it would have been harder if we both remembered each other.” Jen added as she ran his fingers over his fur. “Can I please ask you for something, Mewtwo?”
        “Anything, my Jen.” He responded as he stroked the back of her hair.
        Jen pursed her lips as she quickly thought over how she was going to voice her request. “I’ve been thinking about this for some time now, and I want you to make me forget. I want to forget about the pain.”
        “You’ve been thinking about this for a while?”
        “Mewtwo…it’s been three months and I’ve made my decision.”
        Mewtwo didn’t know whether or not to be relieved or concerned. “And how was this decision made?”
        “I saw him…he doesn’t remember me.”
        There was a brief moment of silence between the two of them before Mewtwo broke the silence. “You saw my alternate? Did you cross back over to your world without me knowing?” There was a hint of disappointment in his voice.
        Jen shook her head. “I saw him in a few visions. He’s not with the others anymore. Mewtwo returned to his cave, while everyone else either returned home or to the Tree.” She had seen Red and Ash visiting their mom before leaving to join Libby and Lacy and become a part of their organization. Her Pokemon, on the other hand, remained with Mew at the Tree of Beginning. And as for Mewtwo…he was alone again.
        Jen grimaced as her mind replayed the vision of seeing him standing on the stone platform. “…”
        “How much do you want to forget?”
        “…I want to remember that he and Mew were my teachers. I want to remember him and my family.” The words felt forced on Jen’s tongue.
        “Very well.” Mewtwo lifted a hand to her forehead.
        “Having second thoughts, love?”
        Jen pursed her lips. There was a small trace of doubt and reluctance in her chest to go through with the memory wipe.
        “I want to remember that Giovanni died in my old world. I need to remember that my family is safe.”
        Mewtwo nodded. “I can do that. Anything else?”
        “…Make sure I don’t forget you?”
        The grey Legendary chuckled. “Alright.” His eyes glowed a bright blue as he began erasing Jen’s memories of his alternate.
        Jen shut her eyes as the last few memories of her Mewtwo faded and became nothing. Now, the only memories she had of him were of her time at the Tree and during the last few moments of Giovanni’s life.
        Of course, Mewtwo had to change and extend a few events in order for her memories to make sense. The last thing they needed was for her to become suspicious of any blanks in her memory. Mewtwo would just need to remember to tell the others about Jen’s memory loss.
        Her eyes slowly fluttered open as a stray tear fell down her cheek. She slowly lifted a hand to her cheek and touched the tear.
        “Jen?” Mewtwo repeated.
        She looked up at him and grinned. “Uh-Huh?”
        “Are you alright?” The tear, to Mewtwo, was something to be worried about.
        “I am. It’s just a stray tear. Guess I had something in my eye?” She replied while rubbing her eye. “Don’t worry about it, love. It’s probably nothing.”
        Mewtwo felt his nerves ease as she gave him another smile.
        She cocked her head to the side and leaned into him with a concerned look in her eyes. “Is something the matter, Mewtwo? You look…troubled.”
        “No. Nothing’s the matter.” Mewtwo responded as he wiped away the remains of the tear. She was officially his and his alone.
        “Good.” Jen beamed. She stood on her tip-toes and planted a soft kiss on his lips. “I love you, Mewtwo.”
        The grey Legendary couldn’t help, but smile. Hearing her make the amorous confession warmed his heart. Before she could move back, Mewtwo placed on the back of her head and another on her lower back as he crushed her lips with his.
        The smooth feel and taste of her lips as they fit to his was invigorating. He wanted more of her, and judging on how she was returning his affection, the desire was mutual.
        He lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He ran his mouth down her neck, feeling the soft beating of Jen’s pulse underneath her skin, while Jen caressed the crown of his head with her nose.
        She giggled as she felt his tongue drag across her collarbone, and kissed him on the head. “Shall we take this somewhere else, my love?” She purred.
        Mewtwo looked up at her and grinned. Desire was in his eyes. “We shall, my Jen.”
        And with that, he flew with her still holding onto him into the bedroom and kinetically shut the door behind them.

The End?

A/N: So...that happened.
What'd you lovely readers think of this ending? >:D
Now for a better question...
Do you all believe
That this last chapter is...
Canon? :3

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