So Close

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        Mewtwo had carried Jen swiftly to the projector room without being spotted, but at the cost of her losing the flower that he had placed in her hair hours ago. It didn’t faze him though. He could always get her another one later.
        Mewtwo set Jen down in front of the projectors and kinetically activated one. The screen lit up as it called Orre.
        Jen looked around the room and grimaced before holding the gem up to her eye.
        “What are you doing?” Mewtwo asked when he noticed her looking through the gem.
        “The gem lets me see people in my world.” She lowered the gem and looked at him. “That’s how I saw my friends in the hallway. There are too many grunts in this room and…it looks weird with them walking through us.”
        Mewtwo’s gaze shifted to the gem on Jen’s wrist. “How often have you been using it?”
        “Just now.”
        Mewtwo raised a brow at her.
        “Honest.” She replied defensively.
        Mewtwo nodded and turned back to the screen just as the figures of Lovrina and a brown-haired, glasses wearing man appeared. They looked at Jen with what looked to be proud expressions, but the pleased air that had encircled them was immediately replaced with looks of uneasiness when they noticed Mewtwo. Neither one of the scientists were used to seeing Mewtwo yet.
        “We got your message, Dr. Krane!” Jen said excitedly, hoping to break the awkward silence. “What was it that you wanted to tell us?”
        The room remained silent for a moment before either one of the scientists could pry their eyes off of Mewtwo long enough to address Jen. “We needed to speak with Giovanni and the Jen from the other world. Are you she?” Lovrina asked.
        “I am.”
        “Where is Giovanni? Is he getting his scouts ready?” Krane asked as he continued to cast a glance or two at Mewtwo.
        Jen shook her head. “We didn’t tell him. We don’t know where he is at the moment. Mewtwo and I saw the message you sent to him on his computer.”
        “What were you doing in his office together?” Lovrina asked as her gaze shifted back over to Mewtwo. “And why are you with her? Krane and I thought you would have returned to the surface.”
        “We were left together.” Jen replied before Mewtwo could. “But that doesn’t matter right now. What did you want to tell us?”
        “We wanted to talk to Giovanni about readying his scouts, but we wanted you here as well for another reason.” Krane looked off screen and motioned for someone to come into the camera’s view. “Someone here wanted to talk to you.”
        A blue-haired woman in a Rocket grunt’s attire rolled on screen via a rolling chair and grinned at Jen.
        Jen narrowed her eyes at the female grunt. She looked very familiar. That giddy smile…“Libby?”
        “Sup, little sis! Like my new look?” Libby smirked as she struck a pose; placing a hand on her waist and the other hand on the back of her head. “My old friend, Lacy, helped me with it.”
        “Libby.” Jen was beaming with joy at seeing her spastic sister again. A giggle escaped her lips as she thought back to how loopy and silly Black was when she was drunk. “Are you drunk?”
        Libby broke the pose and furrowed her brows at Jen. “Noo. Are you? You better not be or else I’ll find a way over to you and kick you drunken ass. You’re too young! Yo, Mewtwo, you’d better not be letting her drink.”
        Mewtwo slowly looked over at Jen with an irked, but stunned look in his eye. He wasn’t expecting a human, especially a human like Libby, to talk to him in such a manner.
        Jen tried to suppress her laughter as she looked back at Libby. “Don’t worry, Lib. I’m not. I’m being good.”
        Libby crossed her arms across her chest. “Alright, but still, someone’s got to look after you and make sure you don’t do something stupid.” Libby teased.
        “I almost did. Why didn’t you tell me about Lacy being your partner? I could have seriously hurt her. I almost killed her and Clara. Also almost killed this world’s Lacy and Clara because of that.” Jen muttered.
        “What happened?” Mewtwo asked Jen. However, it was Libby who replied before Jen could.
        “In a nutshell?” Libby smirked. “Lacy used our Snap device to ‘kill’ me, which peeved Jen off. Jen apparently almost killed both Lacy and her Rocket partner, but Idon’tknow what happened. I was kind of out of it for a good while.”
        “But why didn’t you tell me earlier that you and Lacy were working together?”
        “I couldn’t risk her identity being revealed to anyone. She’s been a mole for years. It would be a horrible thing for her to be caught.” Libby stated bluntly before letting loose a humored snicker. “At least she can relax now that you know who she is. You do not know how worked up she has been about you returning…How did you find out by the way?”
        “This world’s Lacy and Libby told me.”
        “Huh. Cool.” Libby looked off screen and grinned at someone or something unseen by Jen and Mewtwo.
        “Who else is there with you, Lib? Where you guys able to find everyone else yet?” Jen asked hopefully.
        Libby gave her sister a grimace. “Not everyone, sis. N, Ash, Lacy, Colress, and I are still hiding, but we did manage to take back our Pokemon from Team Rocket. Speaking of which…” She moved over as Haunter, Vulpix, Rattata, and Poochyena appeared on screen.
        Jen screamed excitedly at the sight of her cured friends. “You’re all back to normal!” She cried as tears of joy began rolling down her cheeks. “How are you all feeling?”
        “Much better. We miss you, master.” Haunter grinned. “How are you doing?”
        “Good.” She replied with a wide smile.
        “Where are you?” Rattata asked. “When can we see you again?”
        “I’m still in Kalos. Just not the Kalos in our world.” Jen said as she wiped away her tears.
        Krane coughed awkwardly, drawing everyone’s attention back to him. “I hate to break up this semi-reunion, but we do need to speak with Giovanni and Ghetsis as soon as possible. Do you mind finishing this up later when we have all crossed through Colress’s gateway? That may actually be a better time.”
        “Of course, sure!” Jen exclaimed before looking back at her sister and Pokemon. “I’ll see you guys soon, okay.”
        “We’ll be waiting, Jen. And Mewtwo.” Libby said sternly as she addressed the Legendary. “Keep my little sister safe or else I’m coming after you. Got that?”
        Mewtwo raised a brow at Libby’s command.
        “We’ll be fine, Libby. See you in a bit.”
        Libby nodded. “See you in a few.”
        The screen went dark, leaving Jen and Mewtwo alone in the projector room again. Mewtwo looked down at Jen, who was grinning wildly at the screen.
        “It’s good to see you smiling again.”
        Jen beamed at him. “My friends are back to normal! Lovrina and Krane did it! We can cross over now and save the others. We have to tell Giovanni.”
        Mewtwo chuckled at her childish glee as she took him by the hand and began guiding him to the door. “You’re rather eager.”
        “Duh! I get to see my friends and family again…for the last time.” Her smile faded as the bounce in her step diminished to a slow trudge. “…”
        “Jen?” Mewtwo asked gently as he watched her head and shoulders slump. He moved to her side to see that her face was concealed by her hair. He lightly brushed the locks of hair away to see that she was crying again, however, they weren’t tears of joy that she was shedding. “Please don’t cry, Jen. What can I do to make you happy again?”
        Jen slowly looked up at him with puffy, red eyes.
        Mewtwo wiped away her tears. “Tell me what I must do to make you happy once more.”
        She didn’t respond. Instead, she leaned into his chest and held onto him.
        Without hesitation, Mewtwo wrapped his arms around her, holding her securely as she cried softly into his shoulder. He caressed the back of her hair, running his fingers through her locks as he did his best to comfort her.

Catch Me. Save Me. (Seq. to What Am I?)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora