Trust Issues

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Following John on the other side—Back in his lab
        He sighed heavily as he checked the files. The one that White had been looking for was gone. “I should have destroyed that file years ago. I know the serum is gone now, but the information, the knowledge of what we did is not.
        “John, are you alright? You’re not looking so good.”
        John looked over his shoulder to see one of his lab assistance. “Don’t worry. I…nothing is wrong. I just need some time to myself. Thank you.”
        “Do you need my help with anything, sir?”
        “No. No, I can take care of everything.” John said, while waving his assistant off.
        “Everything, sir? I thought you needed help for today’s tests. Are you sure?”
        John mentally slapped himself for forgetting that he had called his assistant in for the day to help with some of his lab tests that required a helping hand. “I will need your help, but not right now. If you don’t mind coming back later or tomorrow. Actually, come back tomorrow morning around nine please. We can start then. I need to speak with Giovanni.”
        “Alright, sir. See you tomorrow then and have a good night.” The assistant said as he walked out of the lab, seeming both relieved and disappointed.
        John rubbed his eyes. “Why was White so interested in my research? What did her alternate tell her?
        He replaced the files back into their assigned cabinets and touched his silver band. He tried to call White, but she ignored his attempts to communicate with her. “Oh, come now, White. Don’t be difficult. I won’t be mad at you, honey. Please just return to the lab with the file and I will answer all of your questions. I promise.”
        Still no reply. She must have shut her com-link off or at least blocked him.
        He touched the band again to call Black.
        For Black, it didn’t take her very long to answer.
        “Black, do you mind finding your sister for me? She was here in the lab a few minutes ago, but ran off to I think one of her hiding spots.”
        He could hear Black give off a sigh before her response followed. “I’ll find her. I know just about all of her hiding spots in the facility. Just give me a half an hour.”
        There was a short pause before Black spoke again. “Why do you need her?”
        “Don’t worry about that, honey. I just need her. She won’t pick up on her com-link whenever I try to call her.”
        “She’s probably sulking because I told her to go to the lower floors instead of allowing her to wait on her alternate to return from her world.”
        A sense of fatherly worry shot through John’s being for Jen as Black spoke these words. “Why did she return to her world?”
        There was another long pause from Black. “Why does it sound like you’re talking about White? It was her alternate who crossed back over to her own world. She is just going over there to retrieve a gem for us. Easy.”
        “Hmm…alright. Just find White for me alright and bring her back to the lab please?”
        “Fine.” Black groaned. “See you in a few with White.”
        “Thank you.” John hung up right afterwards and glanced at his computer. He still had some electronic lab reports from Kanto. “How did White and Jen know to look for my report on the Mew serum? Did it work on Jen’s side—she looks different from White. Could I have--? No, I would never do such a selfish thing to my children.
        He sat down at his computer and began looking through the old reports. John grimaced as familiar data, graphs, and formulas filled the screen. “We should have deleted all of these years ago, but we only chose to forget, or at least tried to forget.
        John shut and rubbed his eyes sorrowfully. “But we can’t forget. None of us can.
        His mind went back to the horrid memory of the storm. Everything had happened so quickly. “I’m sorry, Lucy…” He cried quietly.
        He reached up and touched his com-link to contact one more person.
        “Please enter or recite code.” The computerize voice commanded.
        “Persian. Kanto to Kalos. BB. Ood. S.T.A.R.S.”
        “Access Granted. Please hold while you are connected.”
        John waited only a couple moments before Giovanni finally answered. “Hello, John. How may I help you?”
        “Sir, I need to ask you about a…sensitive matter if that is alright. Do you remember the project you had many of my colleagues and me working on with DNA splicing?”
        “Unfortunately.” Giovanni replied remorsefully. “Which one and why? I’m sorry, John, but if you are thinking of trying to recreate any of those tests--”
        “No, I’m not calling you because of that, sir. I…my daughter has become interested in one of my lab reports on a certain serum that we created from the DNA of the Mews.” John responded. “White told me that her alternate said something to her about it earlier, but I don’t know how much her alternate knows or how much she told White.”
        “Them knowing is not a bad thing, John. They may even be better off knowing. When your daughter’s alternate returns we can ask her about what she knows. I’m sure she’ll be willing, or slightly willing, to tell us. Just don’t scare her. Talk to her like you would with your daughter.”
        “Understood. Thank you, sir.”

Catch Me. Save Me. (Seq. to What Am I?)Where stories live. Discover now