Stay With Me Forever

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        Jen hadn’t slept very much after being awoken from her sleep by the horrid memory. She sat staring at the waterfall with a blank, but tired expression. “Mewtwo must have done something while I was watching his memory. Why would he unbury it? I should have been more careful.” She berated herself.
        She could hear Mewtwo shifting beside her, but she resisted the want to look at him.
        “I take it you couldn’t fall back to sleep.”
        Jen flinched at the sound of his voice.
        Mewtwo sighed and sat up. “What?”
        “You caught me off guard. I thought you were still asleep.”
        “Hmm.” He wasn’t buying it.
        After a long moment of silence, Jen crawled to the edge of the pond. She cupped both of her hands together and scooped up a handful of water to drink. As she brought her hands up to drink, a large orb of water rose out of the pond and drifted over to Mewtwo. Jen looked over her shoulder and watched as the orb decreased in size as Mewtwo drank from it.
        Once he had finished, he looked over at Jen and held a hand out to her.
        Jen was about to turn him away again, but stopped when she sensed the water moving behind her. Sure enough, another sphere was forming in front of her.
        “It is easier to drink this way.”
        Jen looked at the watery sphere before glancing down at her wet hands. All of the water had slipped through her fingers while she was focused on Mewtwo. She looked back up at the water and took it in her hands. “Why are you being nice to me?”
        “Would you prefer that I was not?” He asked in all seriousness.
        Jen didn’t know how to respond. “If I say ‘yes’, does that mean White and her Pokemon will no longer be spared?
        Mewtwo knelt beside her. “I’ll decide for you if you don’t--”
        “Just be kind to White, her Pokemon, and Sabrina.” Jen replied abruptly. “I don’t care what you do to me…please continue to spare them.”
        “And why would I do that?”
        Jen shrugged. She tried to make it seem nonchalant, but there was worry in her expression.
        Mewtwo watched her for a moment as she drank from the watery orb before standing. Jen looked up at him and climbed to her feet. “Is there another place you wish to go to before we return?”
        Jen thought for a moment. “Could we go to the Sky Pillar? Would this world’s Rayquaza come if we tried to visit?...That may turn out to be a bad idea. What would Mewtwo do to him? Wait…he’s still being nice.
        Mewtwo edged closer to her when she didn’t respond.
        “There’s…I can’t think of anywhere else to go.”
        “Very well.” He said simply, while walking away from the pond.
        Jen trailed after him, but made sure to keep a good distance away from him. “…Déjà vu much?
        Mewtwo cast a glance back at Jen. She looked distracted with her thoughts. He suddenly stopping and turning on her.
        Jen was slow to react to this, and wound up bumping into Mewtwo. She stiffened and took a quick step back. “S-Sorry.”
        Mewtwo didn’t move, nor did he say anything. He just narrowed his eyes at her; studying her expression.
        “What?” Jen asked sheepishly.
        Mewtwo didn’t reply right away, but when he did, his response came off sounding bitter. “Nothing.”
        “Were you trying to get back inside my head again?” Jen growled. “Not cool, Mewtwo.”
        “Your mind is too protected for me to see anything.”
        “But you were still trying to see into my mind, weren’t you? You saw into my suppressed memory. Why did you unbury it? I was trying to forget about it for a reason.” Jen’s voice was starting to crack.
        “Because I am sick and tired of not knowing what is bothering you. When I laugh, you cringe. If I try to be kind to you, you turn away. Any moment of content and peace that we have usually turns bitter. Why? Is it because I killed those humans you called friends all those years ago? You must learn that no human can be trusted. Not even the human that you are fond of can be trusted. Your alternate and her Pokemon are exceptions, for now, but only because you had asked for some human interaction while in my world. The psychic was originally going to be the only one to fill that role, but your alternate was with you when you arrived. And now, you’re only staying because of them.” Mewtwo wanted to voice this, but decided against it.  
        Even though his silence wouldn’t help the situation, he didn’t want to risk making it worse than it was.
        Jen sighed and lowered her gaze. “Let’s just go.” She drifted past him and led the way out of the Tree.
        “Jen…wait.” Mewtwo called as he stopped at the exit of the cavern.
        “Don’t call me that.” Jen begged.
        “Is there a reason why you don’t want me to call you Jen? Did your world’s Mewtwo call you something else?”
        Jen shook her head.
        “So why can’t I use your name?”
        Jen slowly looked at him. She opened her mouth to reply, but she couldn’t think of how to answer. Not without telling Mewtwo the truth. “…Please, just call me hybrid. I’ve gotten used to you calling me that.”
        Mewtwo quietly drifted over to her side and spun her around so she was facing him. “Can I call you something else?”
        Jen frowned. “Depends. What do you have in mind?”
        Mewtwo didn’t respond. Instead he leaned in towards her.
        “Mi?” Jen asked, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. “O-Okay. Mi works.”
        “Is there anywhere else you wish to go to in the mainland before we return to New Island, Mi?” Mewtwo asked.
        “Umm…can we just roam?”
        Mewtwo nodded before taking a step back. “Lead the way, Mi.”
        Jen didn’t hesitate to leave the tunnels. “Why’d he choose Mi? Am I even saying that right?” She looked over her shoulder at Mewtwo. “Why Mi?”
        His only response was a smirk.

Catch Me. Save Me. (Seq. to What Am I?)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz