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Following Mewtwo
        Mewtwo had been roaming the halls for hours looking for Jen. Unfortunately, he wouldn’t find her until she crossed back over, which could be at any time. He wanted her back, but if what she had told him earlier was true, then she would be safe.
        But he wanted her to be with him. He could keep her safe.
        Giovanni had only a limited amount of time left to live. All Mewtwo had to do was wait, right? No…Giovanni always had some way of coming back.
        A deep, pissed off growl escaped from Mewtwo as he rose into the air and took off down the hall at top speed. He wanted to find Jen, but he needed to find Giovanni and end him. Maybe then, when Giovanni was gone for good, Jen would return.
        Something small and dark suddenly zipped through the hallway and nailed him in the chest. Mewtwo grabbed his attacker by the tail and threw her aside, but Mew bit his hand when he reached for her.
        Mewtwo grimaced and grabbed her tail, pulling her off of him.
        Mew screamed at him and chucked a close-range shadow ball at him. The attack hit him in the chest, forcing him to release her, who had also taken some damage.
        Mewtwo growled at Mew and swiped at her irritably. He managed to hit her once before Mew leapt into the air.
        They continued their brawl for a good while before both Mews were forced to the ground, exhausted from fighting. All they could do now was glare at each other, biding their time until they were recuperated enough to restart their battle.
        Unfortunately, while they beat and quarreled with one another, both Mews failed to notice two glass panes moving out from inside the walls, trapping them within a glass prison. Once their glass prison was completely sealed, a yellowish gas was released into the confined space through small nozzles embedded within the walls. Now the Mews were unknowingly breathing in lung-fulls amount of the gas.
        They both slowly staggered back into the air and readied themselves for the second round, but they were both still very drained. In fact, they were growing sleepier by the minute.
        The intercom above them suddenly buzzed above them, but neither Mew seemed to notice. They tried rushing at each other again; fighting with sluggish and fatigued attacks.
        A snicker, followed by a harsh cough, rang from the intercom. “You two are astounding. Even after breathing in this amount of gas, you two are still trying to fight one another. Consider me impressed.”
        Both Mews stopped and glared at the intercom.
        “As much as I would love to keep watching you beat each other while fighting against the gas, I need you two back in your cells…and the gem around Mew’s neck.” Giovanni sneered.
        Mewtwo roared at the intercom. He turned on Mew and tried to grab the gem from her, but Mew fell to the ground in a tired heap.         Mewtwo tried to grab the gem again, but he too wound up collapsing onto the ground.
        “Go to sleep, old friend.” Giovanni cackled. “I want to know what those gems do, and find where Mewthree went off to.”

Following Jen—On the other side
        Jen woke up suddenly with tears in her eyes. She hated what she had witnessed in her dream, but she knew all too well that what she saw was real thanks to her future sight. Her future sight dream had consisted of Mew and Mewtwo fighting one another before falling prey to a yellowish gas.
        “My friends…Mewtwo…I’m sorry.” Jen mentally sobbed. She covered her face and cried into her hands. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’ll come back for you. I’ll save you.
        She remained in a fetal position, crying, for a few minutes before stretching her legs and hands out for the floor or anything around her.
        She was floating in nothingness. No…darkness. She was inside a windowless—or covered—Pokeball.
        “I guess this is either my ‘punishment’ for relating Mewtwo to my version of Giovanni or this is my cell. Where am I?” She wondered, while blocking her thoughts just in case Mewtwo was listening to her.
        She looked at the walls of the Pokeball for a window, but she couldn’t see anything.
        “Pokemon are able to leave their Pokeballs without being summoned. How do they do that?” She wondered as she felt along the cool, metallic walls of the Pokeball. “Should I break the Pokeball again? Can I--
        Jen shut her eyes and focused on the outside of the Pokeball. She wanted to know where she was first before she tried escaping.
        Jen mentally searched for someone on the other side and found Mewtwo.
        He was sitting before the screens again, watching the regions again. Had he been like this all night? Or had Jen slept through the next day?
        Mewtwo glanced down at the Pokeball beside him. “Morning.” The greeting was emotionless.
        Mewtwo stood from his chair and summoned Jen from the Pokeball. Jen stumbled backwards as she appeared from the Pokeball. She slowly looked up at Mewtwo, who was heading back towards the stairwell.
        “Come on.” Mewtwo ordered as he began to descend below.
        Jen reluctantly followed him to the base of the staircase. She glanced around the hall to find it nearly empty, with the exception of a handful of clones and two human girls.
        “White!” Jen cried as she darted towards the girl, who was still bound in a trance. She hugged White tightly before flooding her with questions. “Did you sleep well last night? Did you eat yet? How are your Pokemon? Did they--”
        “You do not need to worry about me.” White replied with a blunt dryness.
        “You’re my alternate. Yes, I do need to worry about you.” Jen hissed.
        The Pokemon clones snickered at the two girls, but Jen ignored them. She didn’t care what they thought of her or her concern for White.
        White pulled away from Jen and walked over to the stone table, which was set with food. White stood beside Sabrina and stared at Jen with a blank expression.
        Mewtwo drifted past Jen and looked at the variety of food on the table.
        Jen didn’t move as all the clones moved past her and headed towards the opening doors at the entrance of the hall. “Where are they going?
        “See you later, Halfling.” One of the clones called over their shoulder as they left.
        “Where are they going?” Jen asked aloud.
        “They are returning to the mainland. This place is only a temporary home for them.” Mewtwo replied as he picked up a Nanab berry and a Sitrus berry.
        “Why aren’t you going with them?” Jen asked slowly.
        Mewtwo glanced over his shoulder at her.
        “We’re both under house arrest because of me? Why?”
        “The only clones who know about you were the ones you saw last night, and the ones that you saw when we first met.” Mewtwo replied as he took a bite of the Nanab berry.
        “And you want to keep me a secret from the rest of them?” Jen asked as she grabbed a Bluk berry and bit into it. “Why? Are you worried that your friends will think differently of you afterwards or as a hypocrite?”
        Mewtwo stared at Jen as she spoke. “Her mouth is completely black…
        Little did Jen know, when she bit into the blue Bluk berry the juice inside stained her mouth completely black. “What?” Jen asked as she took another bite of the Bluk berry.
        A smile cracked across Mewtwo’s face as Jen continued to stain her mouth. In fact, he started chuckling at the comedic sight.
        Jen, however, tensed up. “What now? It couldn’t have been something I said…” She slowly tried backing away, but wound up bumping into the table. Jen stopped and looked at Mewtwo.
        He had an amused grin on his face.
        “What’s so funny?”
        Mewtwo leaned forward and smirked. “Your mouth is stained black.”
        Jen frowned. She wiped her mouth with her hand and looked at it. Her hand remained its natural color without a hint of Bluk berry juice on it. She looked up at Mewtwo confused.
        He took her hand with the berry still in it and squeezed it. Black juice ran down her hand in small streams, staining her skin.
        “Oh…oops.” Jen grimaced as she covered her mouth.
        Mewtwo chuckled as Jen looked away for something to rinse the black color out of her mouth. “What a child.
        “Uh…Mewtwo?” Jen asked softly.
        “Water should be able to rinse the color out.” He replied nonchalantly as an empty cup and a pitcher of water floated over to Jen.
        “T-Thanks…” Jen said slowly as she took hold of the jug with one hand and poured some water into the cup.
        Mewtwo frowned as he watched her use only one hand. “It may have been easier if you used both of your hands, or even your abilities to hold the jug.”
        Jen was looking down at something as she took a couple sips of water. She quickly, but calmly placed the cup down on the table and pointed to her hand. “You…never let go.”
        Mewtwo looked down at her hand and realized that he was still holding onto it. He immediately released her hand and looked away as if nothing had happened.
        Jen looked at him from the corner of her eye for a moment before placing the rest of the Bluk berry in her mouth. “He’s…acting more like my Mewtwo, but…he’s still not him. Damn it. I wish I never came to this world.” She chewed on the berry a couple times before suddenly realizing what she was doing.
        A slight snicker drew her attention towards Mewtwo. He was staring at her in disbelief, chuckling at her foolishness.

Catch Me. Save Me. (Seq. to What Am I?)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें