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A/N Holy Heck! This is the LONGEST chapter I have ever written. Enjoy you guys!

Following Lacy and Libby
        “How are we going to wake them up? They look horrible.” Libby asked Lacy as she watched her cousin and Amy struggle in their sleep. They had snuck into the surveillance room and searched each camera for their friends.
        Lacy shrugged. “We’ll do whatever we can, but it may be easier if we had your sister’s help.”
        Her bobbed, dark blue hair fell in front of her eyes as she nodded. Libby grimaced and tucked it back behind her ear. It would be a while before she got used to having short hair. “First, we’ve got to find her, and then we have to convince her not to slaughter you. Hopefully she’ll be willing to listen for at least two seconds.”
        Libby patted Lacy on the shoulder. “Relax, Lacy. Just let me do the talking when we run into her, alright? I’ll also keep my mind open to her so I can explain everything to her right away.”
        Lacy nodded slowly. “I think I found your other cousin Ash. He’s with the boy N.”
        Libby searched for the screen that Lacy was looking at and honed in on the two boys sitting in a stone cell. “They’re awake. Good. Which floor is that?”
        “We’d have to go back onto the elevator and then down at least three floors.” Lacy responded. “Your cousin Red and his friend are about four floors below them aannd it looks like Sabrina is on that floor as well.”
        “Great. We can grab Ash and N and make our way down…but first, can we try to find Latias’s and the Mews’ cells? And can you look around for my cousins’ Pokemon too?”
        Lacy nodded and began flipping through all of the Legendries cells.
        “Wait! Stop on that camera!” Libby cried when she noticed a formally colorful Legendary being forced into a large cell.
        Lacy flipped back to the screen and watched along with Libby as the shadow-turned Ho-Oh was locked within the cell. It looked like a negative was taken of Ho-Oh and brought to life. “Did it come with you and your sister or did it just catch your eye?”
        Libby stared at the screen with a firm expression. “Ho-Oh is a he according to Jen, and yes, he was with the others. We all came here in hopes of freeing our cousin and friends. Ho-Oh was waiting for us on the surface because he wouldn’t have been able to…Lacy how did they get Ho-Oh underground?”
        “There are multiple ways of getting into this base. One way is through the Laverre City gym, which I highly suggest no one takes unless they are ready and willing to fight for their lives. Another entrance is somewhere along the way from Laverre to the factory…it’s a hidden helicopter lift that leads directly to the hanger. That’s probably how they got Ho-Oh under to the base.” Lacy explained as she began surfing through the cameras.
        “And the third way is through the front door of the factory.” Libby added.
        Lacy nodded. She ceased her screen surfing and pulled up three separate videos of Legendries. All three cells were gray and held one of the Legendries that Libby had arrived with…except for one.
        “What happened to them? And where is Mewtwo’s cell?” Libby asked.
        Lacy slowly looked over at her friend with a hint of fear in her eyes. “Lovrina’s Snag Machine happened to them. And that screen is supposed to show its cell.”
        Libby looked back at the screen with the empty cell and frowned. “But its empty and the door is…oh. He could be with Jen…”
        “This is bad.”
        “What do you mean? One of our friends is free.”
        Lacy glanced at Libby from the corner of her eye. “Libby, you remember how Poochyena stopped listening to you and attacked you?”
        Libby nodded.
        “It’s worse with the Legendries. With the machines we are able to control regular Pokemon, but it is hard with Legendries. They are more vicious and primal, and they do not always obey. Actually, they barely listen to us at all.” Lacy explained. The memory of bringing the Beasts to Altomare flashed through her mind.
        All three Beasts were, to an extent, obedient for a good while, but once they were called in to fight Red, Amy, Sabrina and their Pokemon, something in them snapped. The Beasts became uncontrollably aggressive against everyone, both grunts and the citizens of Altomare.
        They had to sedate the Beasts in order to keep them from leveling the city.
        “So what’s the plan? I need to get my cousins and my friends out of here.” Libby said as she proceeded to walk towards the door.         “And when I say my friends, I mean both my human and Pokemon friends. I’ll also need to track Jen down too.”
        “Do you think we can do that without running into Mewtwo?”
        “Huh?” Libby asked from the doorway. “We can try, but Jen might be with him. He may be one of the first ones we need to find.”
        Lacy’s eyes widened, dumbfounded. “Beg pardon?!”
        “You heard me. Mewtwo is a psychic type. Maybe we can convince him to use his abilities to free the others from being consumed by shadows, unless you know how to reverse the effects of Lovrina’s machine.”
        Lacy shook her head. “Lovrina said that she made the effect irreversible.”
        “I doubt that.” Libby growled as she walked out into the hallway.
        Lacy sat up and ran after Libby. “Lib, wait! I know you’re mad about Poochyena, but--”
        Libby turned on Lacy with anger and hurt in her eyes. “Everything that Team Rocket has done has been reversible, fixable. Why is this time any different? We can restore our friends. We just need the right kind of help.”
        Lacy smirked at her friend’s determination and nodded. “We’ll find a way.”

Catch Me. Save Me. (Seq. to What Am I?)Where stories live. Discover now