Chapter 5- Coincidence

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It was Friday morning, (Y/n) and Corin were sitting in a breakfast diner talking about their plans for spring break. While Corin had in mind spending her spring break in her hometown so she could introduce Chris to her family, (Y/n) hadn't a clue what she wanted to do.

"So what are your plans for spring break (Y/n)?" Corin asked her, taking a sip of her freshly brewed coffee. (Y/n) picked at her food contemplating over what she wanted to do. She couldn't spend it with her parents knowing how busy they are and she really doubts her grandmother would be able to do anything with her since she has to take care of her grandfather. She let out a hefty sigh and gazed outside the window. "...I don't know...I mean I've thought about asking the guys what they're gonna do but I feel awkward asking." Corin could see the faint blush creeping on her (s/c) cheeks. (Y/n) glanced at her friend then back out the window after seeing the mischievous glint in her eyes. Corin let out a chortle. "Oh. Why is that exactly?" The (e/c) eyed female tried to cover up her cheeks with her hand. "I just don't want to come off as a nuisance towards them."

"Then come with me and Chris! Because I doubt you're staying at campus for 2 whole weeks by yourself." Corin looked at her hopefully thinking she'll change her mind. However (Y/n) objected to the idea. "No, Corin this spring break is for you to introduce Chris to your family. This is supposed to be special for the two of you and I don't want to get in the way of your guys "plans"."

"Why the air quotes around plans?" Corin retorted. "Oh you know what I mean." The female said with a sly grin. Corin's face instantly turned bright red form embarrassment, slamming her fists down on the table and glared at (Y/n) with indignation. This resulted in a few of the customers to stare at the fuming girl though (Y/n) seemed unfazed by this. "That is not what we plan to do. Get your mind out of the gutter (Y/n)." Corin said through gritted teeth. "Like you have any room to talk." While both girls were having a stare down, a waitress came by their table to ask if everything was fine. "Is everything here alright ladies?" Corin looked up at her with a uneasy smile. "Perfectly fine." The waitress nodded her head and made her way to the kitchen. Corin gazed back at (Y/n) who held a small grin on her lips. "Wipe that grin off your face." The female merely shrugged her shoulders. " you just plan on spending two weeks by yourself?" She questioned with a raised eyebrow. "Mm...I guess."

The girls continued on with their conversation until the sound of a fire engine came speeding through the street. Corin intently watched the direction it was headed. "Hey (Y/n), that fire truck looks like it was going towards campus." Suddenly (Y/n) got a gut feeling something wasn't right. She slowly rose from her spot and stared in the distance where she could see thick gray smoke billowing into the blue skies. "Corin I think we should head back now." Her roommate immediately understood what (Y/n) was getting at and stood from her seat.

The girls briskly walked the five minutes back to the campus, but what they witnessed next was something they were unprepared for.

What once was their dorm was now a burning inferno. The smell of wood smoke drifted through the air like incense, blazing hot golden flames engulfed everything in it's path. The girls could only watch the firemen do their job and put out the fire as quickly as possible.

After the fire was put out, (Y/n) spotted the Dean talking with some police officers. He also seemed as if he was on the verge of a panic attack. (Y/n) walked over to the Dean and tapped his shoulder to get his attention, slightly startling him. "Oh my goodness! You girls are okay!" The Dean cried out in relief. "You two girls were the only ones missing from the roster. We were worried that you two were still in the building." The RA spoke up from behind the Dean. "Excuse me officer, just how did the fire start?" Corin asked. "Well from what I was informed the cause of the fire because an outlet overheated and when that happens they can deteriorate quickly causing a potential shock or fire hazard." (Y/n) had a sullen expression as she gazed back at what was left of her habitation.

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