Chapter 27- Missing Presence

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Driving back home from the pharmacy with Jin, Bako was noticing, Jin,constantly bouncing his right leg, seemingly in a very inpatient manner. The brunet's hands were clutching tightly onto the white paper bag that contained his renewed prescription. Nothing had to be said in order for Bako to know what was troubling Jin. He too, was experiencing the mixture of rage, anxiety, as well a little bit of fear of not knowing where (Y/n) could have escaped to and with whom. The ride back to the mansion consisted only of the sound of rain coming down on the car and the windshield wipers going back and forth against the glass.

No talking.


Sitting around a laptop, Kaito, Ryo, and Ren had there eyes glued to the screen in front of them, heavily scrutinizing the footage from the hospital. Ryo would fast forward a couple of times to reach the time gap in which (Y/n) had been discharged from the hospital. Some minutes in, the girl shows up on the screen walking towards a tall male. They were unable to get a clear look at his face due to his hat shielding half of his face. The trio began debating on people known to them who have a connection with (Y/n).

"Maybe it's Hiroko? Or that other one...what was his name? Kenzan?"

"Can't be Hiroko. The last time I heard of him he enrolled into military school." Kaito commented as he stood with arms crossed as he concentrated on other people of interest. "And I doubt it's those twins' brother. (Y/n) told me not long ago about how they stopped being friends." Ryo also chimed in, ruling out another person of interest. Ren slid the laptop towards him, resuming the footage from a different angle. But that provided nothing new. Even from a different angle the unknown male still maintained his profile on the down low. Ren had to clench his jaw, glaring heatedly when he saw (Y/n) hug the unknown male as if her life depended on it. The pair were seen exchanging little conversation right before they hurriedly jumped into the back of a vehicle. "It seems whoever helped (Y/n), wasn't alone in it." Ren paused the frame, turning the laptop back around to Ryo and Kaito. Before either could throughly analyze the frame, the blond's phone rang in his back pocket. He pulled it out, taking a quick glance at the caller ID before answering.

"Hey, Cesar. Did yo—...." Ryo remained quiet for a long minute before blurting out in a aggressive and astonished voice. "Are you fucking kidding me right now?!"

Kaito and Ren instantly wanted to know what set him off. They simultaneously asked him what was wrong. Ryo didn't give an immediate reply but remained quiet, listening to everything that the other person was telling him over the phone. Shortly after, he ended the call with a dumbfounded expression. Ryo shot a worried gaze towards his two housemates. "The police caught him and arrested him."

Ryo proceeded to inform them of the arrest that had been made on the man that they had hired to help them make the fire that had burned down (Y/n)'s previous dorm seem as a accident. The other male who called Ryo a minute ago was a police officer that knew the group of boys well, especially Jin. Cesar was another individual who gave them a bit of a hand when they were tracking down (Y/n) in the prior months. The officer's only reason in agreeing to assist them was solely for money.

This police officer also is aware of them being the masterminds of the fire that took place at the university. Though he doesn't even think about throwing them under the bus because the boys continue to pay him to keep quiet. Every time there is new information on the case they are the first ones to know. But now, stacking onto their current problem is the arrest of one of their accomplices.

"Kaito what if he says anything? What are we going to do then?"

"Shut up. I doubt that idiot is going to say anything. As a matter of fact... even if he does I don't think they'll believe him. What? A group of boys that come from wealthy and respectable families versus a dirty low life junkie? Our influences have gotten us out predicaments before and it will again. So, I would just say, relax." Kaito patted Ryo on the shoulder showing him a confident smirk as he turned and walked out of the living room. Ren heaved out a long sigh before running a hand through his dark locks. "Kaito 's right. Don't worry too much about that. What we should be more concerned about is finding (Y/n)." The ravenette picked up the laptop from the table and closed it, holding it in his arm as a textbook. "I'm going to take the laptop upstairs to my room to see if I can try and enhance the picture of the license plate number on that car (Y/n) got into. And if I do, I'm going to find out who it belongs to."

"Do you want help?"

"Thanks, but I'd rather do this on my own." Without another word Ren left the blond who was still visibly anxious over the man in custody. He decided he wasn't going to wait around to find out what would happen. He took out his phone and redialed Cesar's number. "Hey, man. Do you think you could do me a favor?"


Later after midnight, everyone of the males were each locked up into their own room. Some of them unable to sleep as others stayed up trying to figure out (Y/n)'s whereabouts. With their precious girl disappeared, their minds couldn't be at ease. They all felt the absence of (Y/n) in the house. Just her mere presence was enough to keep most of them sane. Walking through the halls of what felt as a lonely house, Alex reached the bedroom where (Y/n), just a couple of days once resided. He entered the dark room, searching for the switch on the wall to turn on the light. In an instant, the space lit up, Alex quietly closed the door behind him.

He walked around the room looking at every detail to it. He ran a hand on top of the vanity where she would prop most of her personal belongings. There laid a blouse she had worn the weekend before. Alex picked it up, feeling the soft fabric on his fingers, staring almost in a admiring manner with his amethyst orbs. His lips slightly parted, bringing the fabric closer to his lips. The lightest brush of the blouse against his lips was near ecstasy. Alex wanted more. He needed more of (Y/n). He needed her by his side always. To protect her and to care for her. To love her. He remembered back to the promise he had made to her all those years ago. Even if (Y/n) didn't accept that promise nor did she want that promise, Alex remained rooted with it. He wasn't planning on letting her go so easily again. No matter the action he will do anything to keep safe.

Alex has already proven that before.


A/n: Well sorry for taking so long to update. But at least I did. 👍🏻

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