Chapter 28- Don't Get Caught

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Three weeks had gone by with still no solid clue about where (Y/n) could be. Kaito and the boys have been barely attending their classes due to being preoccupied with investigating. They all had become very irritable and emotionally unstable. No one could say a thing to each other without snapping. Just like today was no different. Bako had to be held down by Alex and Ren in order to prevent him from stabbing Kaito in the eye with the pencil he used to draw countless pictures of (Y/n). Jin had to pull Kaito out of that room for his own safety.

"This is the second fucking time that she's escaped from us! Almost a month has gone by and still nothing!! Are we going have to wait another fucking two years to find her again?!!" Bako shouted this at the top of his lungs as the other two males struggled to hold him in place. Ryo tried to tame his erupted anger with assuring him it would not be like the first time. His response only infuriated him even more. "You're the idiot that was supposed to be guarding her!!! This is all your fault! Your fault she's not here with me!!!" Those words managed to sting him in the chest because he knew they were right. His carelessness caused his angel to fly away. Ryo abandoned the room in a hurry.

He scurried away towards his room and locked himself in. He didn't have time to loathe in self pity when his phone, sitting on the nightstand, began to ring. He accepted the call without checking the caller ID. Turns out it was the corrupted officer who was calling him to inform Ryo about some alarming news. "Hey, about that girl that you're looking for, yeah, I just saw her go into a convenience store with some other guy."

"Where?! Which store?!!"

"Downtown, 23rd St. Her and that guy are both wearing hoodies. Trying to keep their faces hidden but I see'em. You want me to just get the girl?"

"No. Follow them. That way we know where she's been hiding then you send me the address."

"Alright then." Ending the call, Ryo exited his room heading towards Kaito's to inform him.

This could only end badly for one side. Maybe even both.

Meanwhile, (Y/n) and Chris were finishing up with their purchase at the store. They thanked the clerk and headed towards outside. Both pulled their hoodies back up, (Y/n) had noticed a cop car parked across the street but didn't give it a second thought and carried on maintaining a low profile. The sun had started to set with the street lights automatically turning on, illuminating the streets. As (Y/n) continued to walk down the street, she began to feel uneasy. She felt as if someone was watching her and Chris. She took quick glances around then turned her head back only to catch a glimpse of the same cop car now following them. 'Is that cop following us?' (Y/n) looked back at Chris while adjusting her hoodie. "Chris." She whispered his name continuing to look straight ahead. "Yeah?" The male responded back with a whisper also.

"I think that cop is following us."

"A cop?" Chris sneaked a glance behind him confirming the girl's suspicions. "Shit. What does he think? That we stole this stuff or what?"

"No, I doubt it. We clearly paid for this. My gut is telling me this is something else." (Y/n) signaled for Chris to pick up the pace. As they began to gain momentum so did the car behind them. Their speed walking gradually turned into sprinting down the sidewalk. With the cop car gaining up on them, Chris told (Y/n) to drop the bags of food. He suddenly grabbed hold of her hand and both darted down an alleyway that was too narrow for any car to fit through. The cop mentally cursed at them and sped down the street thinking he would be able to cut them off on the other side. Chris and (Y/n) made it to the other side but instantly began another running marathon as they heard a screech of tires just a few blocks down. They reached the other side of the road, running towards the south part of downtown. If they wanted to make it back to Noel's apartment which was in the north part of downtown they would have to lose the cop in the south area.

The pair ran until they came across a small bridge. They jumped over onto the grassy slope, sliding down as fast as possible to hide under the bridge. They both slipped into the shadows beneath the bridge and waited. A few minutes later, the sound of a car engine shutting off was heard above their heads. Opening their door, they stepped out carefully scrutinizing the vast area with a bright flashlight. Taking out his phone, the male above dialed a number. "Hey. I'm here at the Old Creek bridge. Yeah, this is where I saw them head to but I don't see'em. No I think they're hiding somewhere around here. Is it only you that's coming? Oh, all of you..? Okay, I'll wait here." The pair hiding below began to panic at the thought of it being 7 against 2 but they had to come up with a plan quickly before the others arrived.

In the midst of their brainstorming, Chris' phone suddenly went off. Hurriedly, he scrambled to silence his phone but it didn't matter since the officer had already heard it. The students heard a chuckle emit from the older male. "You might as well come out. I promise to go easy on you." As if they would actually come out of their hiding place. (Y/n) couldn't think clearly with so much pressure and such a short time limit. She was about to suggest to Chris to make a break for it but she decided too late. Soon, another vehicle had parked at the bridge. The voices (Y/n) heard from above were the same ones she hoped she would never have to hear again.

"You think they're hiding around here, Cesar?"

"I'm sure. I heard a phone ring close to here."

"Then we spread out and start looking until we find them. YOU HEAR ME (Y/N)?! WE FINALLY HAVE YOU!!" (Y/n) knew what these unstable men were capable of if they caught her. Now it was not just her she had to worry about, but she will have fight to keep Chris safe as well. She's going to have to act now.

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