A/n Please read

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A/n: Okay I just wanted to come and make this edit to talk about something. Lately, I have been seeing a lot of comments of people defending the boys as if they had done nothing wrong (at least to me that's what it seems like) I'm sorry but I personally don't condone this kind of behavior. For sure being able to see or read about their pasts does help us as readers understand them and where they're coming from but that in NO way justifies what they have done to (Y/n), her friends and anybody else involved. Same thing with (Y/n) in this story she has done things that I don't agree with but I also understand why. What they did and continue to do is beyond wrong. It's obviously more than clear that these boys need professional help. I have a strong stance on taking care of your mental health. It does kind of baffle me seeing their behavior being defended. Idk, those are just my two cents.

Though do feel free to comment. Let's have a discussion but also keep it respectful and without insulting one another.

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