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"What the fuck.. No- Please stop... You're disturbing me...." Error push that weird "Fresh" Person away by the face, Cause he tried grabbing at thouse weird pixle things that glitched around his head.  And trying to touch his error signs on him... Just touching him in general..o

"But I'm curious!" "YOU'RE ALWAYS CURIOUS!!!" Error screamed. Fresh just blinked at him... You couldn't see his eyes thou.. He has glasses (Shades..? Idk) "But how do you work?! You have misses peices of your skull just flying around you?!" Error sighed. "Okay.. 'Fresh'.. Look around you! Everything here and everything here is equivalent to the fucks i give.." Fresh stared into whiteness... "..... There nothing there..  " Fresh looked at error and error pushed fresh to the floor. "Exactly." He walked away from fresh without a care. Fresh sat with his glasses in his hand. "Rude." Fresh huffed. Error looked at fresh. "What'd y- .... What the fuck is that..?" Error pointed at fresh's eye. Fresh just rolled his eyes and put his glasses back on. "You need respect." Fresh said. Error rolled his eyes. "Like you'd know what respect is." Fresh glared daggers at error. "HA. Is that a challenge..?", Error looked at fresh a little shocked before smirking. "Alright. A Challenge it is." But..... Fresh just smacked error across the face with his hat and just started away from with in a slightly sassy walk. Error glared. "And you said we were supposed to be showing respect!"

Fresh turned his head slightly. "And your not really doing so yelling at me, Are you.?" Fresh said sweetly. Error glared before he saw the game fresh was playing. Error rolled his eyes. "I ain't playing games.. You aren't exactly showing respect with you back turned to me!" Error hissed. Fresh just huffed before opening a portal and just hopping through it. "Damnit-" Error grumbled. He opened a portal looking for where Fresh could've dissapered to.


Fresh was just sitting waiting to see if error would win this silent bet..  So far... Error was failing miserably.... Fresh just looked up the cealing of waterfall... ( Waterfall corrected to quaterfall.) Fresh fell asleep...



Eventually... Error found Fresh in waterfall of that abandoned AU he found.. Error picked up fresh and.... Threw him in a river... Error fell over laughing when fresh screeched. Fresh resurfaced and look around wildly. He found his shades and put them on the rock. Fresh coughed up water while error continued to laugh. Fresh glared at him. Fresh splashed water at error then made his way onto dry land... Error glared at fresh and Flicked water at fresh. "So. Do i earn that respect reward now..?" Fresh glared at Error. "You most certainly don't!" Fresh hissed. Fresh busted into a coughing fit with water spraying onto the ground. Error huffed. "I give a free bath and this is the thanks i get..?" Fresh glared. "Bitch you tried to drown me!" Error just laughed. "Nah. I thought it'd wake you up... But i could drown you too.." Error stepped closer to fresh... But error earned a slap across the face. Error hissed in pain. Fresh picked up his glasses and put them on. Error glared at him. Fresh just looked at him and said nothing. Fresh was quite clearly pissed off.  Error opened a portal and stepped through it.. And closed it. Fresh frowned... But didn't bother following him.. He just turned and started walking to snowdin...

ErrorFresh (Error X Fresh)Where stories live. Discover now