Another chapter.

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WARNING: Blood! :D

Error wheezed and chocked. And coughed violently. Ink stood over him and glared at him. How long have they been fighting... 11 hours. It has been. Error felt like diying. The fight got so violent Error tried fleeing. But ink refused to let him leave. Blueberry was hiding and looking away, And crying because of how much blood thier was. And blue was so terrified his body refused him to stand and flee. Reboot was with blue. Trying to comfort him. And gag occasionally from the sight of the battle. Dream was sent home. Error looked up at ink and shuffled backwards. He ducked and and put his arms around his head trying to avoid another painful blow. Ink was about to when he heard 2 portals open. He saw Dream.. And Fresh. Both worried. Dream gasped and Fresh looked terrified. Dream quickly ran infront of ink and shoved him forward. "Dream! What are you doing here?" Ink hissed. Dream looked at him. "I was worried sick! It's been 11 hours! What'd you do ink!?" Dream looked at ink. Almost terrified. Ink looked up and saw fresh leaning over errors body in the snow. Trying to wake him up. Error looked like he wasn't even breathing. The snow within a 25 feet radius was stained pink and red from blood. Ink was slightly shocked at himself. He heard blue sobbing and reboot looking up and holding blue close to him. Ink looked down and his own hands were completely red. And occasionally dripping the same liquid. Ink looked at dream. Dream gave him a worried look. "D-Don't worry ink.. I'm sure we can fix this-" Ink was sick with himself. Not only did ink yell at dream earlier from his blind rage. But probably killed Error! Ink looked up and fresh was sobbing into Errors bloody and torn jacket. "Dream... I want you to go get sci.. get reboot and blue to help get you to sci's place... Alright." Dream nodded. "Aren't you going to help..?" Dream asked. "I don't think I'd be the best one to help... Fresh might not want me anywhere near him at the moment..." Dream looked back at fresh. Dream quickly nodded and went to go get fresh to help. Ink  backed away to avoid any possible conflict. Reboot got up to help. But blue didn't even look up.

Dream got sci and he did everything he could. But he said it'd be about 12 months before he's fully healed.. Ink avoided being seen or even looking at fresh.. He knew it'd end badly. And at times he could feel freshs hateful gaze burning into his skull... Reboot maneged to get blue up and move away from the scene. Fresh was sitting by error on a bed. Peting his head with a concerned look. Sci said if error took one more blow at all he would've died... Sci asked what happened. No one spoke until reboot took sci into the opposite room and explained what happened.

Ink was sitting in a chair next to dream and his knees to his chest. He still felt awful and sick. He never thought thier battles would ever get to bad. He wanted to make it up to fresh and error. But he knew thier was nothing he could do... Dream nuged ink. Ink looked at dream. Ink felt himself on the verge of crying... The door opened. Fresh walked in. Ink desperately tried hiding but dream stopped him. "Hello fresh." Dream said. Fresh looked at ink. Fresh sighed. "I'm still really mad at you ink. But I just came here to ask why you did it." Fresh shighed. Ink gulped. "He hit dream and i got angry.. I think i got to angry and might have lost control.." Ink looked at fresh. Fresh sighed. "I understand..  Just don't let it happen again." Fresh said. He turned around and walked out of the room. Dream looked at ink. "See.. Was that so hard?" Ink looked at dream. "Yes. Yes it was" Ink replied. Dream sighed.

Error woke up. Only one of his eyes working. Error groaned. Fresh gently pet errors head. "Hush. Your fine error." Error blinked and looked at fresh. He tried saying something but coughed. Fresh sushed him again. Error whined but he stayed quite. Fresh continued petting error on the head. Error blushed. But he closed his eyes and let fresh continue. Fresh laid down next to error and cuddeld him. Both Fresh and Error ignored it when ink and dream stepped in. Fresh gently wrapped his arms around errors neck and nuzzled him gently. Error wished desperately he could speak.. But quite clearly fresh would refuse to let him talk anyway. Error ignored it and tried not to blush.... He was successful... Until fresh kissed him. He wanted to scream. But he just returned the gesture instead.. Until he heard a squeal behind them. Of Sci and Ink. Error maneged to turn his head and glare at them. Fresh did the same. Ink had his camera out... Meaning he probably took 100 pictures... Error hissed in embarrassment and hid himself. Ink took another picture. Sci whispered something to ink he couldn't hear and ink laughed and nodded. Dream giggled and rolled his eyes playfully. "That isn't very nice you know!" Fresh hissed. Fresh was very noticeably blushing. Error laughed and fresh glared. "As if your any better than i am. It looks like someone spray painted your face yellow." Fresh remarked. Error huffed. Fresh looked up and squintedat sci.. "Sci.... W-...Who are you texting-" Sci squeaked. "NOTHING!" Svi hid his phone behind his back. Fresh looked up him harder... Sci lookedat ink. Then back at fresh.. "Iiiiii- Just texted Fell-- Andd-I told him about you two.....-And a picture ink snuckk of you guys-" Sci's phone vibrated for almost 2 minutes straight... "A-And a lot of other people." Fresh just stared at sci.. Error knew his life was ruined. Error stopped. "Please don't let one of thouse people be nightmare..-" Error said. Sci checked. Sci stayed silent and he slowly backed out of the room.. Error hissed. Okay.. NOW his life was ruined.... Mainly because he'd probably get in trouble. Since love and relationships are 'Distracting' in Nightmare's book.. And if you work with him.. A relationship is forbidden.. But. Nightmare broke his own rule.. He's with cross- "Sci. I think you actually just ruined my entire life.." Error said blankly. "What does that mean?" Sci asked. "I work for nightmare.. One of the 70 reasons why i distroy.. Love is forbidden if you work for him.. I could get horribly punished or fired if he finds out." ...... The whole room went dead silent.. "What kind of punishment..?" Ink asked.. "... Thier all different. Dust got fired. Horror got beaten- Who knows what'll happen to me.." Error whimpered. Sci turned into a worried mess. Apologizing over a million times. Error told him it was fine. And he wouldn't care what happened. Cause his rule was unfair. And he was in a relationship himself. Sci thought that was stupid and ink said he'd have a talk with him. Ink stopped. "Hey wait. You said you'll get in trouble if your in a relationship..... Are you and fresh in a relationship?" Error looked at fresh. Fresh looked back at him. He shrugged. Error shrugged as an awnser. "Well. I think you guys would make a great pair!" Dream said. Sci gasped. He pulled ink down and called dream over. Sci huddled with them as they whispered to eachother. Ink gasped. He shot up. "Oh my god sci your a genius!" Fresh narrowed his eyes. "Umm.." Ink looked at them. Sci check the time. "OH! Fresh. Error. You guys can go home if you want. But. Sorry error.. You gotta take medicine..." Error groaned. Sci laughed.. "Another sorry.. It taste really bad. And it can only be a liquid.." Sci tossed the bottle the medicine came in to fresh. Fresh laughed. "Okay. Might enjoy you being hurt. But only because i get to be with you and watch your face when you drink this stuff.." Error groaned again and hid his face in the bed below him.

Fresh got error home and he was on the couch. Complaining about the bandages on his eye. And how they were itching his eye. Fresh took off his bandage and kinda regretted it. It didn't exactly look the best.. "Okay.. So. Error. Said said to give you some of this medicine as soon as we get home. And it has to be taken before 5PM." Fresh checked the time. It was 12:58PM.. Fresh got the medicine ready. "Okay error. Just take it and get it over with." Error refused. "Come on error." ... Error refused again... "Error your acting like a child!" Fresh hissed. "I AM A CHILD!" Error hissed. "YOUR 22 ERROR!" Fresh hissed back. Error hissed. "I'M STILL A CHILD!" Error screamed. Fresh frowned. "Error Please! I don't have time for this!" Error lookedat fresh. "What do you have to do that's soooo-" Fresh shoved the cup in his mouth and forced him to drink the damned medicine. Error coughed. "Fuck you!" Error hissed. Fresh rolled his eyes. Error gaged. "Oh god that's probably the worst thing i ever had to drink in my life." Error almost threw up as he was talking. Fresh soved a soda at error. "Before you throw up on me. Drink this." Error took it from fresh and drank it. "It'd be your fault if i threw up anyway." Error said. Fresh rolled his eyes. "Honestly... It's your fault your in this state error..... But honestly. Mainly inks.." Fresh said. Error was confused.. "Honestly.. I think it's one of thouse events where it's so tramatizing i don't remember what happened.." Fresh looked at him. "You don't remember..?" Fresh asked. Error shook his head. "Nope.. Don't remember a thing... All i remember is hitting dream cause he snuck attack me.. Then ink telling me he swore he'd fight me to the death.. You shaking me and dream yelling at ink.. And waking up at sci's.." Error said. Fresh shighed. "I think it's for the best." Fresh said. Error shrugged. Fresh was about to sit down. But there was a knock at the door. "Oh hey. Someone that actually bothers to knock for once." Error said. Fresh sighed. "I'll get it!" Fresh open the door. "Oh hey octopus.. How's it going?" Error tilted his head. "Who is it?" Error asked. "It's the octopus." Fresh said. Error sighed. "Okay. Who is the octopus?!" Error hissed. "Nightmare... I just call him an octopus.  Cause i can.." Nightmare groaned on the other side of the door. "Insted of talking to me like I'm not here! Can i come in?!" Nightmare growled. "Shouldn't you be in the ocean?" Fresh snickered. Nightmare grabbed fresh with a tentacle and just threw him across the living room at the wall. Fresh hit the wall and fell on the floor holding his head in pain. Nightmare walked in. Error noticed cross was with him.. He was honestly thankful. Cross scolded nightmare about hurting fresh and went to go quickly help fresh. Fresh was mumbling about his head hurting. Error glared at nightmare. "Well. What'd you come here for. Just to hurt m- Fresh!" Error quickly corrected himself. Cross knew what he was gonna say. But nightmare didn't really care. "SO. Sci texted me..." Nightmare said. Fresh hissed. Error looked away. He sighed. "Just go ahead and do what your gonna do and get it over with-" Error prepared for any pain. Nightmare didn't do anything. Error looked at him confused. "No... Cross actually dragged me here to make it seem like i was..... But cross just came here so he could tease you guys about it." Nightmare said. Cross laughed. "Yeah. I can't not tease my friend about being in a relationship." Cross looked at fresh. "Cross please no-" "Cross yes." Cross dragged fresh away to hang out with him and tease him. Leaving nightmare alone with error.... Error looked at nightmare.. "Now what..?"

Nightmare and error just talked ans watched T.V. He heard Fresh groan from time to time from crosses teasing. After awhile. Cross stopped teasing fresh. And snuck up to error. "Hey error. Y'know. I think you and fresh should really get married~" Error chocked. "Your the onlyone with that opinion. So.. It won't have much effect." Error said. "Hmm. I asked my friends for opinions actually... Dust agrees. Horror also agrees. So does ink. And dream. Sci too. Fell agreed. Geno to. And reaper.. And Life. Or toriel from ReaperTale. Said she can't wait to see what the children look like-" Error chocked on his own breath- "Okay i get it!" Error hissed. His face was yellow. "Nightmare agreed also." Cross said. "Wait-Wha- Nightmare!" Error hissed at nightmare. "....He convinced me to do so... I was basically bluntly forced." Nightmare said. Without a care. Error sighed.

Nightmare eventually had to leave and drag cross with him because he was trying to make error and fresh kiss. Error got annoyed and just did so. And cross got a picture and error and cross god in an argument. And nightmare had to drag cross away for his sake. Fresh wouldn't leave error alone after that.. He kept hugging him,Nuzzeling, And even kissing error. Error was annoyed by it. But he got use to it... Eventually. Fresh and Error started cuddling eachother on the couch and fell asleep.

(( 2263 words... Shit- My imagination got the better of me. Anyway... I wonder. Every time i update. I wonder if someone screams in joy and has a seizure trying to get wattpad open as fast as possible- I do it all the time. (Especially when my sinpie updates her stories..UwU) But. Yeahh.. Enjoy this super shirty chapter.))

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