I spoil This entire book for Everyone.

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Okay! Good to know you guys like it I guess.

- Chapter 6 -

Error and his X Ink are fighing and ink wants to know more about Fresh.

Which completely defines the plot of the story because Ink already knows Fresh.

Fresh comes out of nowhere and tries to stop Error from kicking ink into a gorge.

Fresh scares Ink and ink Falcon Punshes Fresh...

Ink continues being a wonderful person-

Chapter 7

Author never relized they could've combined both of these chapters. Anyway.

Ink basically Deads Fresh. But Error UnDeads him. Also. Error is still an edgy teen. With a cat and a TOP shirt..

Fresh wakes up and Errors cat wakes Error up...
Note that when Error woke up he imidiatly shot up to hug Fresh.. Errors cat was on his chest. So Error launched his fucking cat across the room..

Fresh now lives in Errors House for the rest of the entire book....

And this house only started existing in that exact chapter..

Chapter 8

Error has another Dream and The point that these Dreams mean something is INCREDIBLY OBVIOUS.

Error goes downstairs and Fresh is on his couch. Even thou he has guest Rooms.

Error almost passes out at a table. Because Error. Fresh is always wanting attention. So he falls off the couch.

Fresh then proceeds to act drunk and Error throws Fresh back onto the couch.

Later. Fresh starts poking Error and Error falls off the couch. Fresh pokes again. And Error makes it obvious by screaming he should never be bottom.

Chapter 9

Fresh is being weirdly cuddly.

Making it obvious he wants Da Computer Bois Booty.

But Error is completely Oblivious.

Ink. The hated character. Comes up and takes a picture of them and says they're cute.

Even thou ink is silently Dying inside and wants his Senpai to live him again.

Error disagrees and Fresh Proves him And Every fucker wrong by just putting a hand on his face..

Ink takes pic and leaves.

Still a wonder person!

Chapter 10
(My favorite)

Error was murdering innocent people when ink comes up out of nowhere.

Ink insults him for 5 minutes then Ink and his Gay Gang procced to Kick Errors Ass.

Everyone plans a sneak attack. Blue fails at his job and Error throws him across Snowdin.

Dream tries Attacking But Error Proceeds to punch a pregnant Woman.

Ink becomes triggered and then has his weakest Gay Club members Hold Error down.

Ink then yaps nonsense and then proceeds to threaten to fight error to the death.

Error says heck no but ink Says yes and proceeds to Beat up Error with a Oversized Paint Brush.

And. Done... The last one is my favorite. Enjoy. Still working on chapters-

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2017 ⏰

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