Rip fresh. 2

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Error screamed when fresh fell backwards with a sicking thud. Ink was having a panic attack. But not as nearly bad as Error's. Error looked around for something to try and stop fresh's aggressive bleeding. But wasn't having any luck. Error got annoyed and ripped off his jacket. Ink covered his face in embarrassment, Seeing as error clearly had nothing under his jacket. Error tightly tied the jacket on fresh's head to add pressure and try to stop the bleeding. Error just hoped it would work..

Error brought fresh into a home ink nicely created for error. Error threw on a Edgy band shirt he had lying around.... On the stairs... That his cat was sleeping on.... Ink was confused on where the hell error got a cat. But would ask later... Error took his jacket off fresh's head and ink was sickened as he watched the jacket look like it was left sitting in a bucket of water for days on end. And some blood leaked from the jacket. Error just dropped it on the floor and  ran to get proper things to patch up fresh's head. Error came back and disinfected the wound and bandaged fresh head up. He sighed and sunk onto the floor. Next to fresh.. And waited.

Ink decided to stay and comfort Error. But Errors cat did it for him. Ink learned his cat's name was tipsy... And found out he's named that cause he'll sometimes randomly tip over like a drunk man...

After awhile of waiting.... Or- 6 hours. Fresh woke up. And Error asleep next to him. And ink sitting on the couch watching Errors T.V. Fresh groaned as his head pounded like a truck hit him.. Error shifted and hugged fresh closer in his sleep. And nuzzled his shoulder. Ink admired the cute scean for a minute before walking up to fresh.

"F-Fresh! Are you okay?!" Ink stuttered. Fresh ignored The sleeping error clinging to him protectively. And groaned again. "I feel like i wanna fucking die... Does that sound okay..?" Fresh laughed but groaned in pain a second after. Ink sighed. "I am. So. Sorry!" Ink whined. Fresh weakly smiled. "It's fine i-" Fresh was cut off when Errors cat was walking around loudly yowling. And pounced on error and started waking him up. Loudly meowing in his face. Fresh giggled and watched as error groaned. Error blinked and stared at fresh. He shot up, "FRESH! YOUR AWAKE!" Error practically screamed with joy. Fresh just smiled. "Yeah. But it feels like i got hit with a truck over the head 10 times.." Fresh said. Error just rolled his eyes jokingly. "No. But surely ink did. Only that truck is made of rocks.." Ink glared at error and he laughed. Fresh tried but wheezed insted. Error looked at fresh concerned. Fresh anticipated he was fine but error refused to believe it. He made fresh stay until he was better.... And that... Was going to take a LOOOONNNGGG time.... Ink wished fresh good luck. And apologized one more time. Before leaving The parisite alone with The glitch..

ErrorFresh (Error X Fresh)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ