Yeee- :3

320 15 7

To save you the tedious journey.

A time skip--- To when Thier 4! :33

Small rambunctious children. ;-;

Also.. I want to add facts you guys didn't know, per say. To add to the story!

I dunno. Anyway,


"Refreshhhh- you're so SLOWWWW!" Glitch yelling. Turning to look at refresh chasing after them. Refresh looked up and glared. "It's not my fault! You all are walking to fast." Refresh hissed. Glitch rolled his eyes. "Were not walking fast. You're just smol." Ace said. "Oh hush 4 eyes." Refresh said. Ace huffed and took his glasses off.

Error,Fresh and creed stared at the 4 bickering over god knows what. Fresh looked at error who was smiling at Glitch yelling at Refresh. "Should we stop them?" Fresh said. "Nah... I'm enjoying this.." Error said.

"It's speed up or ill carry you!" Glitch yelled. Refresh crossed Thier arms. "At last I don't have to walk!" Refresh said. "Carrying you it is then!" Glitch said. "Wait!-" Buuuttt- Glitch was already carrying Refresh. Who was screeching at him to put them down. Glitch walked past fresh and error. Ignoring Refresh bitting him. "Lets get going!" Glitch called, And kept walking. Pixle looked at Ace. Who was just as confused but they followed after him.

Error was laughing his ass off along with Creed. Fresh was smiling. "Honesty.. The older Glitch gets. The more he acts like you.." Fresh said. Looking at error. Error rolled his eyes. Fresh started following the others. Error heaved himself up and ran after fresh. Kicking dust onto creed. "Error! You jerk!" Creed hissed. Error looked at creed. "Y'know. I'm just realizing how much you act like fresh." Error said. Walking away.

Creed muttered something under his breath. "What was that?~" Error said from behind creed. Creed jumped. "ERROR- HOLY SHIT. DON'T DO THAT!" creed yelled. "I can scare you all I want!" Error replied. Creed turned and started walk. Error appeared in front of him. Creed jumped again. "Error! You mother Fucker! Quit scaring me!" Creed said. "You're not wrong about the second part." Error said. Creed looked at him. "ERROR! GROSS! I DIDN'T NEED TO KNOW THAT!" Creed said. Hitting error on the arm. "Hit me again, I dare you~" Error said. Creed hit error again. And error tackeled him.

Fresh sighed. "Were going on without you." Fresh said. Glitch and Pixle were watching Error and Creed fight. "Were gonna stay here and watch!" Glitch said. Fresh sighed. "Alright.."

Ace and Refresh looked at fresh. "Were coming with you!" They said. Fresh smiled. "Alright. Come on then." Fresh said. "And you two! Keep with you're father. I'm not losing you in the woods full of spiders." Fresh said. He turned and walked away. Ace and Refresh following.

Sorry it's short... It's for build up.. ;)

ErrorFresh (Error X Fresh)Where stories live. Discover now