Yay. A fucking chapter

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Author dissapered for almost 3 fucking weeks because anxiety got the best of me a felt nervous continuing the story. And school had been up my ass like no other. Anyway. Sorry for that god damn long ass delay.... Anyway.. Yeah. And. In all seriousness... Are you guys once again liking this so far...?


Fresh and Error woke up and fresh WAS going to take his medicine but.. Error explained the story. And said maybe fresh would be fine. Fresh refused to say so And Error should take him to sci's but error convinced him, but fresh was still on edge.

"Don't worry about it fresh.. It'll be fine." Error said. Fresh huffed in response, "But error i-" Error cut fresh off. "No buts fresh. We can go the rest 2 months without that stupid medicine... It changed colors anyway. It was sketchy." Error said. "It was given to us by Sci. It was safe." Fresh said. "But what about the people that send him said medicine to give to people." Error said. "Sci makes the medicine dumbass." Fresh replied. Error went silent. "Still.. You can't trust anyone or anything." Error said. Fresh looked at him. "Not even that lamp?" Fresh said, pointing at a lamp.. "Precisely. It could stop working at any moment." Error said. Fresh raised a non existent eyebrow at him in confusion. "What about our children?" Fresh said. "I- uh-" error stammered for a explanation but he gave up. "Exactly." Fresh said, looking at his phone. Error rolled his eyes. "Still. You can't trust anyone." Error said. "Can you trust ink?" Fresh asked. Error laughed, "That rainbow asshole?! HA! Not a chance." Error said. "Dream?" Fresh asked. "I don't have anything against him. But I don't trust him." Error replied. "Like, seriously. You can't always be that happy." Error said. ".... As much as that is kinda stupid. I kinda must agree." Fresh said. Error pulled fresh to him and hugged him. Fresh rolled his eyes. "You're the most childish person I know..." Fresh said. Error rolled his eyes. "It doesn't matter. Everything's great. And that's all that matters.."

Everything was not great. Fresh was having some trouble breathing and he was in pain. Error reacted immediately and took him to sci's. He explained the story.. Only to get harshly yelled at by sci. It made his already bad panic attack worse. Error was forced away from fresh and he was kept by himself in a room, sci told him to wait in. Error heard a portal open. He didn't even look up. His vision was completely blurred, a mixture of colors that shouldn't mix and around it all was completely black. And error signs covered his entire body and he was shaking. And curled in a corner. He heard someone calling his name. He felt a hand touch his shoulder and he almost screamed by it was swatted away. He felt someone shake him and quickly let go. Error uncurled himself slightly. He still couldn't see. He blinked his eyes open after a little. With blurry eyes. He looked up and saw a brown and rainbow figure. Swatting at his error signs making them dissapere into small white pixels. Error laid there blankly with his head in his hands. Still curled against the wall. "Error! Error!" Ink yelled. He shook error again. Error opened his eyes and stared at ink. "Error.. W-what happened." Ink asked. It was silent. Error almost jumped. He heard screaming. Ignoring a smaller high pitched cry behind it- he recognized fresh. Ink shoved error. Error looked up at ink. "Error. What happened?!" Ink asked again. Error struggled for words. "Fresh. He didn't have his medicine. We thought he was fine. But after a few hours. He was having difficulties breathing." Error wheezed out. Ink looked concerned. Along with dream. Pallet was with them. Standing beside ink. Error tenced when looking at him. Error didn't know why. Error and everyone jumped when sci came outta no where. Only to tence when he spotted bits of blood on sci's clothes....

"So... I have good news. And somewhat bad news..."


Fucking finally!

ErrorFresh (Error X Fresh)Where stories live. Discover now