Worried error- umm.. makes ink uncomfortable..

716 28 15

How long has it been? Almost 2 days..? Error had no idea.. But sci wouldn't let error see fresh. And sci has not given him updates about fresh. Error was having the concern fresh was dead... He cried himself to sleep that night...

Eventually.. Ink noticed errors strange behaviour and confronted him about it. Only to be faced by a sad depressed error..... It made ink really uncomfortable... Ink tried his best to play It cool... But long story short. Error basically cried his words.. And ink was on a rescue mission so that error doesn't go clinically insane without fresh..

Ink jumped through a portal to sci's place. Ink saw sci looking troubled. "Sci!" Ink called for sci. Sci jumped. "Ink. What is it?" Sci walked over to ink. "It's about error.. I think fresh being gone for so long practically threw him into a weird depression.." Ink said. "It's only been a week!" Sci said. Ink shrugged. "All I can say.. I think you should hurry up and get fresh better. I'm worried.. Not as bad.. But worried! And. MAYBE let error see fresh.." Ink said. Sci sighed, "... Fine.. I've been keeping fresh to see what's wrong.. I found it! But.. It hates him.." Sci said. Ink looked confused. Sci pulled ink down and whispered something to him. Ink shot up, "SCI, YOUR KIDDING..?!" Sci shook his head. "No.. I'm not... But.. It isn't working out.. But. Fresh is just really sick.. He'll sadly be like that the entire time.. But it's fine.. I have a medicine for fresh. And he'll just have to deal with it.. But.. You can take fresh.. But tell error that if anything seems incorrect about fresh. He has to bring him here imidiatly.. It could be life threatening if anything." Sci hissed slightly. Ink nodded. Sci turned and went to get fresh...

Ink got fresh. He was manageable and said he was okay.. But not great..
Ink brought fresh to error and error was happy. Error said sci made it seem like fresh died. Fresh was slightly mad with sci.. But he got over it In like, 4 seconds...

Also... That medicine fresh has to take is liquid.....

How fun...

I think we all know.

Just freak out about all you want now...

At least ink got his wish of weird glitchy parasie children....?

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