Idk. a chapter..

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Error... He just wouldn't stop.. After later when he woke up. Fresh told him he was sick. So Error was caring for fresh... Then he just wouldn't leave fresh's side after he threw up... All to say.. Error worries to much..

Fresh sighed. "Error please.. I'm fine.." Error scoffed at fresh. "Like hell your fine!" Error said. Fresh groaned in pain.. "I feel like hell..... And.. Can't you just take me to sci's?" Fresh groaned. Error rolled his eyes, "We can't just go to sci for all our problems." Error said. "....You act like a over protective mom.."

Later.. Ink came outta no where and came to hang out.. But error was scolding ink for coming over.. And fresh just ignored error and allowed ink to stay.

"So.. Why is error being weirdly protective?" Ink asked. "I'm sick.. So he won't leave me alone.." Fresh said... "Well... You do look really sick.. I think you should go to sci's.. It might be serious.." Ink said. Fresh laughed, "Error said we shouldn't go to sci's for all our problems..." Fresh replied. Ink huffed. "Well.. He really should.. Your running a really bad fever of 107.. And you look pale.." Ink said. Fresh nodded.. Growing to tired to respond.. Ink was growing worried but he left so fresh could rest.. Fresh passed out.. Litterly mind you.. And error was growing worried.. Having a battle with himself in his head.

Eventually. Error took fresh to sci's. And sci had to keep fresh for some time.. Error was sent back home alone. Slightly angry at himself, and depressed fresh wasn't their and that fresh was as sick as he is... Error was worried sick. He didn't know what caused this.. But he was beating himself up thinking he hurt his fresh... Error couldn't take it.. He continued beating himself up until he passed out and fell asleep..

ErrorFresh (Error X Fresh)Where stories live. Discover now