Eat Your Limes Children! :D

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(( *Pours lime juice everywhere and shoves them in everyone's face* EAT YOUR LIMES CHILDREN! No... No lemon. Lime. Just hardcore making out between our lovers... Until ink ruins it cause he doesn't knock.... Ikr. Rude. ))

Fresh sighed. After fighting with error again over medicine.. Error glared at fresh. "If you knew what this taste like you'd fight taking it to." Fresh laughed. "Well I'm not the one who got my ass kicked by a artist 4 inches smaller than you." Error glared. "Oh yeah?" Fresh looked at him. "Yeah." Error smiled slyly. Fresh looked at error. "What are you planning..?" Fresh asked. "Hmm. Nothing." Error said. Fresh narrowed his eyes at him. But looked away and watched T.V. Error looked at fresh. "Hey fresh." Error looked at fresh. Fresh looked at him.. Error grabbed Fresh by his shirt collar. Fresh gasped and demanded what he was doing but he was silenced when error kissed him. Fresh went along with it until error slid his tounge into fresh mouth. Fresh's senses were taken by a unpleasant Sour,Salty and horrible taste. Fresh shoved error off and gaged and coughed. "Yeah. Doesn't taste very good. Does it?" Error smirked at fresh. Fresh glared. "Fuck you!" Fresh hissed, Error smiled. "Well. If you Reeally wanna-" Error was cut off, "Stop being gay for one second and just get me some water!" Fresh said. Error laughed. "Alright. Alright." Error handed him the same glass of water Error drank after he took his medicine. Fresh snatched it and chugged it.. Error laughed. Fresh glared at him. "Aww. You angry?" Error teased, Fresh stuck his tongue out at error and turned away and pouted. "Aww. Freeesh. Don't do that~" Error purred. He crawled over to fresh and nuzzled him. Fresh huffed and continued to pout. "Oh. I know what you want~" Error said. Fresh rolled his eyes. Fresh felt himself be yanked gently forward and come Face to Face with Error's smirking face. Fresh narrowed his eyes. "Wha-" Fresh was cut off before he could he could get out a word, Error kissed him and pinned him down. Fresh let out a few Muffeled protest before just going with it and wrapped his arms around errors neck. Error maneged to slide his tounge into Fresh's mouth. Fresh almost pushed error off. But the gross taste of the medicine was gone. Error pulled fresh closer to him and fresh let out a quiet moan. Error trailed his hand down fresh's side and tugged at his shirt... The door suddenly busted open and both error and fresh jumped in surprise. Fresh was panting slightly and his face was covered in a very noticeable blush. Error was blushing slightly. Ink stared at both of them. He took a picture without them noticing. "Umm....  Am i interrupting something.....?" Ink asked. "Ye-" Fresh covered errors mouth. "N-No! Is thier something you need...?" Fresh asked. Ink glaced away for a second. "Well anyway! I have great news!" Fresh Uncovered errors mouth and looked at ink. "What is it..?" Fresh asked. Error looked at ink. Ink twitched in enthusiasm. "I'm having a sonnn!" Ink chirped. Fresh looked at ink. "Ink that's great!" Fresh said. Error smiled. "Well. Good luck." Error said. Ink looked at error.. "What does that mean. Cause your smirking face is giving it away." Error smiled wider. "Children are hard. So i just wish you good luck..." Ink looked at Error in confusion. "You have a kid...?!" Ink asked. He looked shocked. "No.. I had to look after Dust and Blueberry's kid for a month cause both thier AU'S were falling apart from an system overlode..... Not easy... That month i only got 4 hours of sleep every day and week cause of him." Ink laughed. "So that's why that month you didn't distroy a thing." Error nodded. Ink turned and went to leave. Rudely leaving the door open. Error closed the door. Error sighed. "Someone really needs to teach ink to knock... Who knows what ink could've walked in on." Error winked and nudged fresh. Fresh elbowed error in the ribs and he wheezed. "Okay.. That's fair-"

ErrorFresh (Error X Fresh)Where stories live. Discover now