a chapter.

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Palette. I think? I really don't fucking now how to pronounce his name. So it's written differently at random points. Ignore it if it happens. My friends says; "pattle" and. I pronounce it "Palette". Anyway. I don't know to much about palette himself as a technicality teenage character. I quote my friend. Anyway. In this story's current time. Palette is like 3. And is a little asshole- my friend gave me the idea.. I loved the idea. Looped it through the plot line. And everything is fine... But palette ruined everything and makes fresh hospitalized for days on end...


"Fresh you should go get some sleep-"

"Hmnm- Sleep is for.. The.... Weak..!"

Error sighed. "Fresh. Not getting sleep is getting you weak. Your already in bad conditions! Go upstairs and get some sleep." Error hissed. Fresh growled in response. Error grew slightly frustrated, "Fresh, if your not going up there. I'll carry you up there." Error growled back. Fresh scoffed but he clumsily got up and walked up the stairs to Thier room. Error sighed, Fresh was getting more difficult and it was pretty aggravating. Error didn't know what to do. But. He just left it to fresh expecting and fresh weird ass medicine.... Seriously... It changed colours... And. It was just weird in general...

Error was questioning how the hell anything worked. He didn't notice someone sneaking up behind him. "ERROR!" Creed jumped over the couch and shouted. Error jumped and almost screamed. "Jesus creed.. You can't do that.." Error said. Creed shrugged. "Anyway. We got company." Creed said. Error tilted his head. "Who?" Error asked. Creed got up and walked into his 'room' and came back out holding....


Error stared at him. How the hell did he get here? No one really knows... "Umm. Just set him down... I'll call ink.  And let him know his son.. Somehow got into my house..?" Error said. He got up and reached for his phone. He called ink. And watched at creed stared at palette.

Ink eventually showed up. He said he lost palette becuase he was gonna come over but got distracted and left it open.. And long story short. Searched for hours for him. Palette wasn't in a good mood. Ink was still apologizing for the incident. Palette was wondering around broadly, waiting for ink to stop talking and go home.. But he had a feeling it was gonna be an hour.. He wanted to get this over as quick as possible.. He was looking around and eventually eyed errors hand hanging off the side of the couch. He smiled in success and snuck over.... He bit errors hand-

Error almost screamed. But he fell over in surprise at the sudden pain. Ink jumped at the sudden freak out. "Ffffffff- uuckk" error held his hand in slight pain. The shock is what made it hurt worse. Ink looked around. Error looked at ink and saw him slightly angry. "Palette! That wasn't very nice!" Ink hissed. Error looked over and saw palette and he didn't care. Ink sighed. "I'm taking him home... He do-" error cut ink off. "Hey ink. When did you teach your son to telaport?" Error asked. "What..? I never did." Ink said. Error and ink continued asking where palette could've gone. But ink was about to ask. Before he saw palette behind error with a bottle.. Ink was about to warn error before palette managed to open it and dump whatever was in the bottle on error. Error screamed and flinched. Ink ran over and snatched the bottle from palette and picked him up. "Error! I'm so sorry! I don't know what's wrong with palettes attitude!" Ink said. Error mumbled but looked up. "It's fine.. But. What exactly did he pour on me..?" Error asked. Ink looked at the bottle.... It was fresh's medicine.. Ink chocked a little. Error looked at ink with a serious expression. "Well?" Error asked. Ink looked at error. "Uhmm. Uh. Well.. I think its best to get fresh to sci.. For one... And.. Uh... It's fresh's medicine.. Or.. Basically. The medicine fresh can't live without. Or your soon children won't exactly.." Ink stopped talked. Error didn't know what to say.. He held back from screaming at him. "Okay... You have no idea how pissed off I am. Litterly..." Error hissed. Ink avoided errors gaze and looked at the floor. Error got up. "Okay.. When the hell am i supposed to take fresh to sci..?" Error hissed to himself. Ink blinked and thought. "Maybe first thing tomorrow.. As soon as possible.. But I think he'll be fine if he took it today." Ink said. Error nodded. He paced around and sighed. "Look. I think its best you guys go.. Before your son distroys the rest of my things.." Error said. Ink nodded.. He opened a portal. "Again error. I- uh. Sorry.." Ink said. Error just nodded. Ink sighed and stepped through. Inks portal dissapered and error sighed in relief. He walked up his stairs to wash off the medicine palette dumped on him. Still being pretty posses off..

Hmmnnhvfh- umm. Yay? Not yay? Probably the second option for manyyyy reasons.. Anyway.. Uh. Yeah... Enjoy I guess? Idk.

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So just take this chapter and enjoy.

ErrorFresh (Error X Fresh)Where stories live. Discover now