*Smooch* /O3O/

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Error glared at fresh as he rambled on about something error doesn't know about he was just looking him up and down silently pretending to pay attention... Fresh quite clearly found this out and fresh sprayed him with a water bottle getting it from only god knows where..

"Waat was that for?!" Error hissed, Fresh glared at him. "You were quiet clearly not paying attention..." Fresh hissed back. Error rolled his eyes. "Who cares if I'm paying attention! At least it gets it out of you so you have less to yap about!" Error glared. Fresh was slightly taken back by the insult, Fresh glared at him, "You know i think we've talked about this error! How long will it be until you get it into your thick skull to know what respect is!" Fresh growled.   Error glared back before a portal opened and ink stepped in. Error growled in annoyance. "What is it Ink Bottle?! Can't you tell I'm busy!?" Error hissed. Ink just blinked in slight surprise. "Um... Right. I just came to apologize for yesterday for ruining your fun... But i see it ruined it's self..." Ink said, Error just rolled his eyes. "Whatever.. I'm done handling with your shit today fresh! You've been here for 3 days.." Error growled. "..... U-Um.. A-About that." Fresh said. "My portal thingy or whateves has been terrible! I can't leave!" Fresh said. Error could hear the plead in his voice he wanted to leave just as bad as error wanted him to.. Ink stepped over. "But fresh..? There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with you...?" Ink seemed just as confused as anyone. Fresh just shook his head. "Believe me! I want to leave! But i just don't know how to get my shit straight and get my portals working!" Fresh said. "Well hopefully you get it straight and leave" error hissed darkly at him. Fresh flinched, Ink frowned and turned to face error but he was already stalking to another direction away from them. Ink just shook his head and looked at a sad fresh staring at him as he walked away. Ink shighed. "Here. You can come with me and we'll try to fix this.." Fresh nodded and followed ink into a portal....

Error glared back at fresh and ink as ink opened a portal and fresh looked at him and turned away from him and stepped into the portal shamefully. Error felt a twinge of hurt when fresh did that. Why? He had no clue. He hated it. Error tried to ignore it. But he couldn't. It was scratching him constantly and wouldn't stop.

Fresh listed to ink ask constant questions about things that might have caused this, He kept having to say 'No' over and over again was annoying.. And Ink's son was being adorably distracting.. And the small creature wouldn't stop throwing little blocks at him. Ink would ask him to stop. And he would, But he'd start throwing things again 5 minutes later... Ink eventually had to go find dream to take care of him.. Fresh sighed as Ink's son continued to make a bunch of inaudible noises and throwing things. Fresh just took it.   Fresh eventually decided to get pattle to sleep.. Not to mention fresh was in slight pain from things being thrown at him endlessly.... After a good 8 minutes fresh managed to get him to sleep.. But now the small creature clung to him like life depended on it... Fresh had to lay here until they got back... But fresh had no idea what was taking them so long.. Fresh eventually fell asleep while waiting for them...

Ink FINALLY found dream and got him back home to help with pattle.. Ink opened a portal but he was surprised to see fresh had fallen asleep with pattle clinging to his arm.. Dream just looked up at ink. "I think fresh managed to handle him..." Dream laughed. Ink was surprised, Dream looked at ink, "I think you should have tried putting pattle to sleep instead of coming to get me.... I think fresh probably would be a better parent." Dream teased. "Hey! That's no fair! I wasn't thinking! I'm trying to help fresh to learn how to work his portals!" Ink said. Dream looked at ink. "So.. His powers aren't working.. But instead of him worrying about that. He took care of pattle during an urgent situation..?" Dream replied. "....." Ink had nothing more to say and kept quite. "Exactly... Now help me get pattle off fresh.." Dream said. Ink looked up and went over to help dream.

Error groaned in annoyance. He felt bad for what he did, and should probably apologize... But that'd damage his pride.... Error probably sat there for an hour thinking about it... "I should just go help him and hope he never comes back..." Error sighed to himself.. He just opened a portal and reached in and pulled fresh through it... "What th-" "I assume ink's 'help' has been useless so far..?" Fresh just took a few seconds to get his head together. "Yeah... Pretty much." Error just shrugged his shoulders. "Knew it. And because I'm to lazy to actually teleport you home..  I'm just gonna help you." Error said bluntly. Fresh blinked at him. Before shooting up. "Really?! Than-" "Don't thank me. I'm just doing this because i don't want you living here.." fresh was about to say something but error gave him a look. Fresh shut his mouth. "Actually. There's really nothing i can do. You just gotta contintrat.." fresh just stared at him.. "Exuse me?" Fresh looked at him. "Yeah. Just don't let anything distract you.. Good Luck!" Error said, Before jumping straight into a portal and leaving fresh in an endless white void. Fresh just blinked... "Fuck."

Error waited forever for fresh to learn to open up a portal... He waited........... And waited.....  And waited. Error was thinking of going back before a portal opened and fresh fell onto error..... "Oh Hey, You did it." Fresh shook his head and blinked before looking down and saw erroor looking back at him.. "Holy Shit- You were actually right for once!" Error just gave a 'Really?' look and fresh completely ignored him. Fresh stood up along with fresh beside him. Error looked at him. "NOW you can thank me." Error said. Fresh rolled his eyes. "Thanks.." Fresh kissed error on the cheek before running through a portal.... Error froze and started rethinking his life...

Then he started screaming......

ErrorFresh (Error X Fresh)Where stories live. Discover now