another chapter! :D

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Ink... Yeah. That asshole. He continued poking Glitch.. Glitch screeched at him a few times before giving up and looking pissed off..

"Ink.. Jesus. Leave him alone.." Error said... "But its fuuuuunnnn" ink whined. "If he bites you. I'm going to laugh." Error said. "Says you." Ink said. Looking at ace who biting errors hand. Error shrugged. "I'm not the one bothering him." Error said. Ink huffed in reply. "I feel bad for your son if you did that to him.." Error said.  Ink rolled his eyes in reply. "I never thought about it before." Ink said. He looked at palette, who was sitting on the bed staring at pixle. Ink booped palette and palette. Palette threw a crayon at inks head.. "... Rude." Ink said. Ink poked Glitch one more time,

Before he bit him. Ink almost screamed. And it hurt alot. Ink managed to get Glitch to stop biting him. Ink froze. "What's wrong ink? I t-" ink cut error off. "Uh. No. I'm freaking bleeding is what!" Ink hissed. "..... All I have to say.... Is told you so..." Error replied. Ink glared. But he got up to go get sci. Since the bleeding was surprisingly bad.. Error just snickered. Ink came back with a frown. "What with the face..?" Ink asked. Looking at error. "Just being a proud parent... I'm going to have fun when they get older. I'm going to make them attack you when you come over." Error said. Ink sighed. "Why.." Ink whined. "Because. It'll be fun.." Error replied. "Well. I never taught palette to attack you!" Ink hissed. "Exactly.... So I'll be the one teach them to attack you." Error said, smiling. "Error.. Please tell me your not actually going to teach our children to practically murder ink when he comes over.." Fresh said. "Oh.. I thought you were asleep.." Error said. "Just resting... But.. That idea of attack ink doesn't sound half bad.." Fresh said. "Fresh! Not you to!" Ink whined. Fresh laughed. "Anyway.. I am tired.. It's 11:34 AM.. Creed fell asleep. And so did the others.." Fresh said. Yawning afterwards. The 4 children fell asleep in a heap. Thou. Glitch was clinging to Refresh protectivly. Ink, being... Well.. Ink. Got a picture then up and left. With dream and palette. Error stayed and got next to fresh. And fell asleep cuddling fresh.

1: refresh is the weak one. Who has a 5% chance of surviving.. D:

2: yeah. Glitch is the overprotective brother..

3: SO MUCH FLUFF. and cuteness.. ;u;


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