o yay

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You have no idea how pissed off error was when he found out what ink did.. It was unbelievable how many notifications he had from every AU in existence... Which it surprising.. Cause he's the one that kills them all.... Anyway, He had to shut off his phone cause it was ringing every 45 seconds... Now he was just wishing for quite....

But no....

Cross imidiatly came over dragging nightmare with him... Nightmare didn't really care.. Or it seemed so.. Cross was pestering fresh and error. Error just ignored him, Fresh was laughing about it..

After about a few minutes.. Ink showed up from nowhere.. He came up from behind the couch...

"Soo you too... How's it going?~" Ink said. With the huge fucking grin on his face. Fresh and Error turned to look at ink. Fresh just waved. Error glared. "You son of a bitch..." Error hissed. ....

Ink ran so he wouldn't get his ass kicked. And error hopped over the couch and sprinted after him.. Fresh was shaking his head. But he was smiling and trying not to laugh. Cross was laughing. And nightmare found it kinda funny.. Fresh could hear ink and error yell at each other from different rooms and the hallway. Fresh just watched as they ran after each other until error tackled ink. "HA! Now delete that damn picture I know you have!" Error hissed. Ink hissed. "NEVER. IT'S MY BACKGROUND PICTURE AND I'M NOT DELETING IT!" Ink screamed. "DELETE ITT!" Error screamed.




Ink let a demonic screech and they both continued screaming at each other.. Fresh couldn't help it and started laughing his ass off, along with cross.  Somehow, even nightmare was laughing.

Eventually. Fresh separated ink and error. Error glared at ink. Ink teased error about his victory... Even thou it was fresh who saved his ass....

And.. Blueberry came outta nowhere.. No one actually knew why... Well.. Fresh did.. He never gave him back his flask after all.. But blueberry joined cross in teasing fresh. Fresh was not amused.. Then... One of errors more closest friends.. They hated each other.. But still friends... I think we all know. G.. He came from nowhere and Litterly embarrassed the hell outta error... He lifted him lion king style and yelled. "It's about fucking time you actually finally found someone to love.. I was thinking you were gonna be a lonely hermit forever!" G Litterly yelled infront of everyone. Error was hiding his jacket. And ink was laughing his ass off. And cross was just giggling. And nightmare found it amusing..

"... Hey nightmare... Please tell me I'm actually not fired... Right..?" Error asked. "..Ha... No your very much fired..." Nightmare said. Error looked down disappointed. Out of the corner of his eye he saw nightmare looking uncomfortable... Nightmare sighed. "Fine.. Keep your damn job. I really don't care anymore." Nightmare said. "Yay!" Error said. " G. Please.. But me down..." Error asked. "Why?" G asked. "Cause I don't wanna hit my head on our fan..." Error said.. He was uncomfortably close to the spinning fan.. "Hmm... Nah." G said, He moved error closer to the fan. "G please... I'm silently having a panic attack..." Error asked. G rolled his eyes. "Fine." G dropped error. He landed with a thud but stood up and glared at him. "Welcome." G said.  Error walked over to fresh and sat by him. "Now... Why the fuck are you guys in my house?" Error asked. Ink shrugged, "My son and dream were asleep so I left a note and snuck out to tease you.." Ink said. "I just got the message from ink and I came to embarrass you.." G said, silently laughing. "Well.. You done so successfully.... Cross.. I already know why your here.." Error said. Cross snickered.. "Blue. Why are you here.?" Error asked.. Blue shrugged, "Just joined cross in teasing you and I came to get something.." Blue said.. Error narrowed his eyes at blueberry. Blue glanced sideways. "Anyway. I just want a normal day! Get the hell outta my house!"

Everyone left.. Aside from cross.. He stayed to tease them... Nightmare had to drag cross out the door or he wouldn't leave... Nightmare teased them for once. And. It was pretty good.. Fresh and Error were blushing and error had to push nightmare out the door... Error sighed after he got nightmare and cross out. Fresh was still kinda laughing at today's events.. Error sat on the couch.. "Fuck it.. I'm taking a nap.." Error said. He laid down on the couch. And fresh joined him.. Fresh didn't sleep thou.. He was watching t.v... Fresh got up carefully.. He grabbed a marker.... He drew on errors face for a few minutes until he got bored and laid down. And soon fell asleep himself..

This is a loooonngg ass chapter.. 0-0

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