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Art is mine... It's not the best.. Oh well. Fuck it.

"Creeeddd! Who's your girlllllfrieeend?" Error asked. Creed looked nervous. "They're not particularly my girlfriend.. More of- uh.. B-Boyfriend.." Creed said. Error didn't seem to care. "Well! Even better!" Error said. Creed looked at him like he was insane. "Error. Please.. You are like.. The worst step father or father ever.." Creed said. Pushing Error away by the face. Error shook creed of and huffed. "Well. I think other wise! Is it wrong to be supportive?" Error said. Looking fakely offended. "No! But i had a feeling you'd say that. You are gayer then I am." Creed said. "What?! Am not!" Error hissed. "Yeah you are." Fresh said. Walking by holding glitch who stuck his tounge out at error. Error turned to look at fresh. "Says you!" Error shot back. "Error. Please. Your the gayest person I know." Fresh said.

"Error! :3" Glitch Echoed. Everyone just stared at glitch.... "I never expected his first word to be Errors name.." Fresh said. "ERRORRR!" Glitch yelled proudly. Error fell over laughing. Creed snickered. Glitch continued yelling out errors name happily. Fresh gave glitch to error. When ever error looked away from him. Glitch would yell his name. Error would just say say glitches name every time he said his. Every time glitch said Error name. He'd boop error on the nose or wave his arms around.

Eventually. Apparently. Refresh was jealous. And tried getting errors attention. He just sat on the floor with the two. Or... Four. Ace and Pixle appeared outta no where.. And ace had a butter knife...? Error took that... Eventually. Error was telling them stories and they fell asleep. Including error. On the floor. They were all cuddling error. And they were all fast asleep. Fresh just left them be. And creed took a picture.. Because ink paid him 35 dollars to capture adorable moments...

Ink is still a wonderful person...

ErrorFresh (Error X Fresh)Where stories live. Discover now