More Fighting over medicine!

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(( Error is me with any liquid medicine in existence X3 ))

Error was constantly complaining about his arm hurting. Fresh told him to not lean on it or move it. So he listened. But he still kept complaining. "The only way to make it stop hurting is if you take your damn medicine." Fresh said. Error glared. He thought about it. "Nope."

Error silently complained under his breath and fresh was ar a breaking point to shove the whole fucking bottle down his throat. After about another minute fresh snapped. "I'm getting the damn medicine and your taking it." Fresh said. He got up and went to go get it. Error jumped. "FRESHYY- NUUU!" Fresh rolled his eyes. "Well. That's a new name.. Anyway. Your still taking it. It's honestly killing me to see you like this." Fresh said. Error huffed. "I'm not taking it." Error said bluntly. Fresh death glared error. "Take it or I'm shoving this fucking bottle down your throat." Fresh said. ((Lets take a moment to appreciate. That fresh is bluntly 19 in dis book..))  Error shut his mouth and just stared at him. Fresh handed error the cup and sat back down. "I got you some water so you don't throw up almost like last time." Fresh said. Error refused for s minute before just getting it over with. Even thou he almost threw up.. But he survived... "I wish i could get this in a pill and not a liquid..." Fresh shighed. "I'll go see if i can." Error looked at fresh. "You don't have too- And your gone.." Fresh left through a portal as error was talking.

Fresh jumped through a portal and heard sci mumbling to himself about Math and Equaters. ((I had to look that up just so i didn't spell it in Russian...)) Fresh coughed. "Sci." Sci gasped in surprise and turned to look at fresh. "Fresh! You about scared me to death!" Sci got up from his chair. "Is there anything you need? And is Error healing fine?" Fresh nodded. "Yeah.. But much slower than need be." Fresh said. "What does that mean?" Sci asked. "He bluntly refuses to take it. I've already been wanting to shove that whole bottle down his throat. And he complains how he's always hurting. But he still won't take it unless i threaten him. So he asked me to see if you could give him a pill insted." Sci rolled his eyes. "That hard headed computer is gonna have to deal with it. Because it won't work if it's a pill." Fresh stared at sci before he started laughing his ass off. "O-Okay sci. Thx anyway.." Fresh said. Fresh jumped through a portal. And error looked at him. "Well?" Error asked. "Your just gonna have to suck it up cupcake. Cause you can't take it through a pill.." Error groaned. "Kill mee"

ErrorFresh (Error X Fresh)Where stories live. Discover now