The game of cat and mouse..?

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Like the title says.. Just more terrifying. For Fresh Anyway.

Fresh and error were just watching tv.. A normal day..? Error and Fresh were mainly talking. But were looking at the T.V.

Fresh poked error.

"Not again.."

"Yes again!"

Fresh poked him again.

"Honey. Please."

Fresh poked him again.

"Plz stop..."

Fresh poked him 2 times.

Error groaned. "I swear I'm going to throw you into a bottomless pit.."

"That'd kill me and lel children thou.. ;-;"

Error took a second to procces fresh's words....

"Wait. EXUSE ME. WHAT?!"

Fresh disappeared to hide somewhere in the house.. Error got up and went to find him.. Error search for awhile.. In the unnecessary amount of guest rooms he had... Then his room.. Or. His and fresh's room. Then fresh's old room. He heard a this in a room. He snuck over and pushed open the cracked door..... It was just tipsy falling off the dresser.. "Weird cat..." Error turned and walked away. Error Continued looking. He looked everywhere.. He couldn't find him. Error groaned in annoyance.

"Soo.... Are you still angry.. Or at all doing anything..?"

Error jumped and saw fresh peeking from under a table a vase was sitting on. "How did you get under ther? It's the smallest table I have.." Fresh got out from under it without even touching the table. "It's easy.. For me at least.. Anyway.. Are you or are you not gonna possibly yell at me....?" Fresh asked. Error looked confused. "Why would I?" Error asked. Fresh looked at his feet. Fresh didn't look up until he was picked up and hugged tightly. Fresh wheezed. "Error. Your chrushing meeeee.."

Later. Everyone happy.... Mainly error... After a few hours of error being over protective at the slightest sound, that might hurt fresh. They fell asleep cuddling.

Ink also came by.. He just got a bunch of pictures.. And told EVERYONE. EVERY AU KNOWN TO INK KIND. He told them....

Isn't ink an amazing person...?

ErrorFresh (Error X Fresh)Where stories live. Discover now