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"Fresshh!" Error shook fresh awake. Fresh groaned. "What-" before fresh could finish. Error screamed. "I FOUND THIS COOL MECHANIC FISH THAT SINGS!" Error screamed. Fresh stared at error like he lost his fucking mind, "What's so special about that..?" Fresh asked. "IT SINGS!" Error said. Fresh was silent.. "Y-You never seen one of those before..?" Fresh asked. "...No.. I haven't.." Error said. Fresh sighed. "That's sad... Just click the button." Fresh said. Error looked at fresh, but he clicked the button....

The mechanic fish started moving and singing inaudible words. "Where'd you find this..?" Fresh asked. "Stole it." Error said.. Fresh wasn't surprised.. Who wouldn't be....

Sadly. Lil errors dreams of a singing fish ended when the mechanic fish started moving unnaturally faster. And the words it sang became low and somewhat demonic like and it stopped moving and it let out an ear pricing shriek and a loud snap and it stopped working, the high pitched shriek coming like a old man screaming....

Fresh was silent. And scared.. Error was behind the couch on the floor. Peering over the couch with him looking like he just saw the entire world was destroyed infront of him. Fresh looked at error. "Error... Are you okay....?" Error shook his head. "F-Fish aren't supposed to do that! There supposed to be happy and swim in rivers and bowls with adorable fish children..!" ... Fresh just stared at error. "Error. That's n-" Error cut fresh off. "DON'T RUIN MY IMAGINATION!....... I just watched a robot fish get possessed.." Error whined. Fresh sighed. "I swear error. You'll be more childish then our own kids.." Fresh said. Error whined again. "Shut up.."

I don't own the video. But.. I just found this fucking hilarious.. It's a really old video.. But.. It was to good not to add...

ErrorFresh (Error X Fresh)Where stories live. Discover now